Are most being buying these cards for compute? Sorry I was under the impression it was mainly for gaming... I'm also sure AMD intended it for gaming, but it becomes convenient for the fanboys to use any excuse they can to justify their purchase.
Where did I mention that people are buying these for compute ? I said AMD are concentrating Vega on compute (some features and marketing as a whole), because it is subpar at gaming so they didn't really have much choice, I never said people were buying it though !
Personally, no I don't think these are being bought for their pro workloads capabilities, well except if you consider mining, people are buying them for that, and then hardcore fanboys, this GPU will not be a best seller in the gaming community for AMD, be it the RX 56,64 or FE for that matter
All that aside, as I've said before, I do not believe that Vega for gaming was an afterthought (as some seem to think) and that Vega was "specifically" designed for computing, it's just that somewhere down the development line, they saw it was a dud and started shifiting their marketing and some features to the pro workloads sector.