Knowing the basic story arcs doesn't show you how they play out or how the suspense is maintained and character development works. TWD comic isn't full of impressive set pieces or massive moments, I can only think of 1 (which is played out in this arc in the comic), it's defined by character built moments that usually provide a standoff. There's no Michael Bay action in TWD comic.
Its true they can be for the better, but I haven't heard 1 single person say the tv show is better, they'd have to be clinically insane to even consider it. I see why they've changed pieces, to make it 'fresh' for the readers, however the material they've swapped in and taken out isn't even remotely close to the standard, funnily it's all utter ****, the best moments are those of the comics.
The creative team is so weak, the only thing that keeps this show on its feet is the backbone provided by the comic arc.