US: The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

comics at over 100 episodes for people who don't know so they had no need for all these stupid filler eps

It hardly seemed like filler... It developed the dynamic between the Governor and other Woodbury characters (Andrea in particular) quite nicely. The show does this kind of thing so well...

I have to say, all the "no giant shootouts this week so it was dull" comments week after week are getting old. Face facts - this is a character-driven story about survival in a world without any real hope. It isn't 24. There is not going to be a massive battle each week.

The focus is on the characters, how they develop, how they react to their situation, and how they bring themselves to 'keep going' despite the misery all around them. The action sequences are made much more dramatic (and effective) by their infrequency - artificially creating "action-drama" each week would destroy this pretty quickly.

If you want light entertainment with lots of bangs and fights, watch 24 (or prison break, or Arrow etc). If you're expecting that from The Walking Dead, then you're in the wrong place.
Well, the show is what it is. It's developed a solid and consistent framework now, and (in my opinion at least) it's really very good. I understand that the depth of character development isn't for everybody, but for me it's what adds real quality, and sets it apart from 90% of the shows out there.

If the show isn't what you wanted / hoped / expected it to be then that's too bad. But it's developed enough that it's style should be clear to everyone by now. Constantly complaining week after week about the exact same thing is pretty pointless, no? Surely by now you must have realised that it's "not for you"?
Well put duff man.

The creators of the show have constantly said that it is about character development and I think that they have nailed that perfectly, unbelievable how different the characters are now compared to what they were like in season 1 and it isn't something that has just happened over night or better put in this case, isn't something that just happened over a few episodes :p

Although I do agree with some when they say about episodes being dragged out.

It is much like the walking dead game, it is very much about character development and not about killing zombies etc. it is a marmite game, I thought I would hate it but absolutely loved it.
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Nope, although know of what they are like and the basic story arc.

Regardless of what the comics are like, I still enjoy the show for what it is.

Pretty much every TV show goes of course in comparison to the comics and sometimes it is for the better imo i.e. true blood.
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Knowing the basic story arcs doesn't show you how they play out or how the suspense is maintained and character development works. TWD comic isn't full of impressive set pieces or massive moments, I can only think of 1 (which is played out in this arc in the comic), it's defined by character built moments that usually provide a standoff. There's no Michael Bay action in TWD comic.

Its true they can be for the better, but I haven't heard 1 single person say the tv show is better, they'd have to be clinically insane to even consider it. I see why they've changed pieces, to make it 'fresh' for the readers, however the material they've swapped in and taken out isn't even remotely close to the standard, funnily it's all utter ****, the best moments are those of the comics.

The creative team is so weak, the only thing that keeps this show on its feet is the backbone provided by the comic arc.
Run across open field, knowing she's being chased....
The governor knows exactly what field she's on, even though she gave the vehicles the slip through the woods
Woman runs into Warehouse, instead of running around it to give him the slip...
Governor knows exactly what building and doorway she went in.
Woman finds terrible places to hide, unless she was wanted him to find her?
Governor knows exactly what part of the Prison she's at and takes her surprise, even though she was being followed she never checked? Wasn't he being attacked by zombies, how did he know which direction she went through the woods?
i dont often agree with you niel78 but you are spot on total bs episode.

amount of area she could have gone yet bloodhound guvnor drove straight to her :confused: he has the senses of a observer from fringe lol
I agree with most about the last episode apart from the part where the Governor was in the warehouse with his shovel, I thought this was brilliant.

He was trying to terrify her and show how menacing he is. He was hoping that by scaring her he would be able to force her out or make a noise to show where she is.

I just hope she'll be killed off in the next episode or two :)

Hopefully the last episode won't be as action packed with stupid scenes like season 2 finale i.e. drive bys for like 10 minutes with perfect headshots, unlimited ammo etc.

Hershel with his shotgun and god mode cheat is ok though :D :p
I wonder if Hershel will get out his infinite ammo shotgun for the last battle, if so the Guv is toast. Oh and Andrea needs to die, i cant believe how annoying and down right stupid they have made her in this season.
This is still the best show on TV at the moment, bar possibly the americans. There is just nothing worth watching, even the folllowing turned in to a cheese fest. It was the first time that andrea pretty much had her own episode. I thought it was ok, i agree with the stupid parts as people pointed out, zombies appearing out of no where and hiding in the building when by now they should know that it is a bad idea to go in to buildings like that. But i liked the burning of the pit and the story is still very good. I hope to see more of the (now crazy) guy from the first season and hopefully they move past this governor story arc asap and get on to bigger stories, i want to see what is left of the cities and if any more survivors.
Over a 48 period between Monday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon I watched from the third episode of the second series through to the most recent episode of the third series :eek:

Maggie is dreamy :)

(I need a job)
someone said were about comic #50, governor is in the comics until I think issue #74 :D

Anyway spartacus > walking dead


stop talking complete rubbish, this arc was over in issue #48.

issue 48, governor orders Lilly to shoot Lori, she collapses, crushes the baby and both die. Realising what she's done, Lilly turns on the governor and kills him. Rick and Carl and the rest of the group flee the prison in different directions. End of the prison arc.
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