US: The Walking Dead Season 3 (contains spoilers)

Used to look forward to this show, Now it's just boring tbh. Nothing happens, Character development lol. It's all just filler and ****, can't wait till the 1st of April so I can get my fix of a decent show. Thinking this has 1 maybe 2 series left in it till it's canned. Shame had so much potential.
I enjoyed tonight's episode personally, nice change of tone ignoring those in the prison and just concentrating on the Governor and Andrea. Only two episodes left though :(


Bates Motel (granted only one episode, but I have a very good feeling about this show)

There are a lot of shows between seasons that absolutely maul The Walking Dead in terms of writing and creativity. It's a decent, average at best show, it's a pile of crap in comparison to the comic.

I'm starting to look at it like Smallvile, vast percentage of screen time is poor writing, for very little moments of creativity and nostalgia.

Mad Men and Breaking Bad show, you don't have to do a lot within an episode to make it brilliant, but if you're going to focus on character development, you need a hefty creative team. Still think they were bat **** for getting rid of Darabont.
Bates Motel (granted only one episode, but I have a very good feeling about this show)

There are a lot of shows between seasons that absolutely maul The Walking Dead in terms of writing and creativity. It's a decent, average at best show, it's a pile of crap in comparison to the comic.

I'm starting to look at it like Smallvile, vast percentage of screen time is poor writing, for very little moments of creativity and nostalgia.

Mad Men and Breaking Bad show, you don't have to do a lot within an episode to make it brilliant, but if you're going to focus on character development, you need a hefty creative team. Still think they were bat **** for getting rid of Darabont.

Couldn't agree more. Anyone who says TWD is the best/most creative show on TV right now, obviously hasn't seen the Breaking Bad dinner scene where Scarlett, Walt and Jesse are sat in awkward silence. That, is character development - where the actors needn't say a single word but still have the audience in stitches because the characters' pasts are so known.
I don't think anyone will say that this is the best show ever but for what it is, it is good, if everyone thought it was terrible then why is it rated so highly, been nominated so much and won quite a few awards?

If you don't like it, fair enough but just because you find it crap, doesn't mean other people will.....

I don't watch many TV shows, only shows I do watch which are still on, are:

arrow - wasn't fussed on it at first but now I am really liking it, enjoy it just as much as TWD

True blood - possibly my favourite TV show

Other shows that I liked were Smallville (although the last few seasons were poor and most episodes were always fillers, but enjoyable none the less (and isn't that the point of entertainment shows?), plus I am a huge superman fan so that helps), buffy and angel (last season of angel was utterly fantastic imo)

I do intend to watch GOT and breaking bad at some point though
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Why do people struggle to understand this is a different spin on the world created in the comics?

I enjoy it for what it is. The comics are class, this is enjoyable TV for me.

Of course the governor would have an idea which way she has gone, he knows where she is going.
This series could have easily been covered in half the episodes. Its dragging forward with no momentum, and the characters, seriously if half of them died it just wouldn't bother me in the slightest thank to lazy writing and poor developmental.

There is no way the woodbury/prison scenario should last an entire series.

A side note: yes the governor new where she was going but that doesn't make the woman deaf. He was in a vehicle, zombies are anything but quiet and why doesn't she make more of an effort to signal the prison instead of the vacant smile and waving ! A series about zombies should never be boring and that's exactly what they have achieved.

Still watching in the hope we return to season 1's level.
Man, this is one fickle thread.
TWD was the best thing going a few episodes back, throw in a couple of slower, character padding episodes and boom... Worst show ever.

People complain about no character development, but when they try, it's the old complaints of not enough action. It's a no won situation really.

Personally, if it was just a zombiefest every episode... I'd have lost interest long ago.
Man, this is one fickle thread.
TWD was the best thing going a few episodes back, throw in a couple of slower, character padding episodes and boom... Worst show ever.

People complain about no character development, but when they try, it's the old complaints of not enough action. It's a no won situation really.

Personally, if it was just a zombiefest every episode... I'd have lost interest long ago.

I haven't read the comics, just like I haven't read the GoT books, because I don't want to spoil what's still to come. I imagine some people that have read the comics have their own ideas and expectations of what the show should be, and maybe it isn't meeting those; I can understand their frustrations. However, there are some people in this thread who seem to whinge either way, about it either being too slow-paced or too action-packed. Personally I think it strikes the right balance between action and character development. You aren't going to see masses of action every episode, it's unrealistic to expect that with the budget that AMC have.
Well what else could she have done to signal Rick?

She ran/walked from woodbury all the way to the prison, got into a mess with the "surprise zombies" then had the whole showdown with the governor in the warehouse so of course she was nearly unable to stand let alone do much else. Also, it's not like "hey rick over here!" is a good idea when walkers are surrounding the place........

Indeed egon. Can't please everyone, people just want dawn of the dead/l4d zombie action all the time and if it was, I would have been done with this show long ago (I love zombie killing/action just as much as any zombie film/game lover but not for a TV show). Season was pretty action packed for the first 10-12 or so episodes and no doubt the last episode will just be action like the last episode of season 2 (which imo ruined it and was awful compared to the few episodes before that). The writers have constantly said that this show isn't primarily about zombies, it is about how the characters are coping/adapting in a zombie apocalypse world, you would think that people would have picked up on this since season 1 :rolleyes:

Who really cares if this show isn't following the comics, not me and I would imagine that the majority of people who watch this haven't read the comics let alone heard of them.

Simple, find the show crap/boring, move on, don't waste any more time watching it since it is that "bad" :rolleyes:
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But I don't think people are so much against it being about character development instead of zombie killing (I haven't read the comics).
It's just so slow sometimes, not because it's missing action but the way it's filmed/acted. Like mentioned many times before in this thread, Breaking Bad manages to do this without it dragging on.

Are we not allowed to discuss the show unless it's all positive?
This season started off well, but it has been so so slow since the mid season break. Season 2 was a disaster IMO and I can't see the show lasting much longer. Season 1 was absolutely brilliant, I just wish they could refresh the show like that. I know they are probably saving the best for the end of this season, but it is no good if most people have already switched off.

Bring on game of thrones I say.
Didn't think much of the latest episode myself either, it was boring. The warehouse scene was far, far too long, and it was frankly ridiculous that he was able to seemingly catch up with her so quickly just as she got to the prison.

I've got nothing against character development or slower pacing at all - Clear was a great episode; it was interesting to see what time had done to Morgan, and it gave them the chance to explore Michonne's character a bit more. Even the episode following that was at least laying some foundations for what's coming, but this week's just felt like it was more drawn out than it needed to be. It's starting to echo season 2 again, where every episode could be summarised with the words "Nothing happened, they're still on the farm" until the very end where everything just went mental.

Hopefully that group that left the prison and went to Woodbury will do something interesting, although it's been that many episodes since they were last properly featured that I can't even really remember what their backstory was.

It's still decent enough, but as an AMC production I don't really expect it to have these dips in quality now and again. I just finished watching two seasons of Hell On Wheels and it was consistently excellent, there's no reason The Walking Dead can't be the same.
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