The Windows 8 Thread

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Not sure if it's related but after creating a small partition and installing the windows 8 developer preview (I hated it but that's for another post) I went back to windows 7 x64 and I got a popup saying my windows 7 wasn't genuine and my wallpaper disappeared, Online activation wouldn't work so I had to phone MS and get them to activate it that way
Ill switch to freebsd or wait till microsoft release an OS for adults. I am not up for playing kids games to get in to my applications.


major lol's.
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Ill switch to freebsd or wait till microsoft release an OS for adults. I am not up for playing kids games to get in to my applications.

Yet another person who has no idea what they are talking about.

can i suggest watching Keynotes #1, to see just how powerful and useful metro is and what it gives both developer's and users. Then come back in here and say its a pile of rubbish.
Yet another person who has no idea what they are talking about.

can i suggest watching Keynotes #1, to see just how powerful and useful metro is and what it gives both developer's and users. Then come back in here and say its a pile of rubbish.

Why are you trying to convince people? If you like it, Great, it doesn't mean everyone else will, I hated it, but I see where it could have it's uses, my desktop isn't one of them though
Why are you trying to convince people? If you like it, Great, it doesn't mean everyone else will, I hated it, but I see where it could have it's uses, my desktop isn't one of them though

Because most people seem unaware that
A) it's a Pre-developer release
B) that it is so much. More than just a simple UI and probably the biggest windows update ever.
C) the potential for developers to make extremely impressive apps and how metro works with them.

Although I'm not surprised with goen, he's like this in ever part of the forum.
In case anyone wants to try install windows 8 in vmware workstation 8, it does not work.

it works fine actually. i've tested it myself and so have plenty of others. too bad it's not working for you but you shouldn't automatically assume it doesn't work for anyone else.

edit: actually i'm not sure about working fine. it certainly installs fine though. i found metro a PITA to use and i wasn't sure if that was down to it being virtualised or not.
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@groen I'm not a Windows fanboi ... Far from it to be exact, my roots are in BSD, Linux and Solaris but all OSs are heading in this direction.

When I first saw Gnome shell and Joli OS I thought "wow" and am really loving innovation.
If anything we could go as far as saying that windows 8 is a rip off of Gnome shell like Vista was a rip off of Compiz/emerald Beryl

But on this occasion it's not a straight forward rip - Microsoft have developed the engine too.
i didn't have to do anything special. just installed as you would do a real machine. i picked windows 7 during the little wizard thingy and renamed it. i only used the 32bit version as my cpu isn't capable of hardware VT needed for 64bit guests. i'm pretty sure others have 64bit guests working though.
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If you've ever used apple devices. There are loads of sites that have removed flash and YouTube works fine without it. So must just be your machine.

Actually more likely YouTube website recognises the browser as standard IE and as such doesn't autamticaly load the non flash version.

Have they actually said it won't ship with flash in metro?
I can't see how they can stop a hack, or more likely a metro version of FireFox or any other browser which supports flash.

it loads the non flash one in YouTube and goes as far as loading the actual player, unfortunately the actual video never loads.

I'm all for html 5 in certain situations, such as video streaming, however removing flash entirely is a little silly, as said previously there are situations flash will work better.
If this doesn't work for you then I'm at a loss as it *should*

I'll try that one in a minute as well then.
i didn't have to do anything special. just installed as you would do a real machine. i picked windows 7 during the little wizard thingy and renamed it. i only used the 32bit version as my cpu isn't capable of hardware VT needed for 64bit guests. i'm pretty sure others have 64bit guests working though.

Are you using vmware 8? I did exactly what you did with 32bit version and it just loops. Strange.
Are you using vmware 8?

yup, it doesn't work with any other version of vmware - it was only released a couple of days ago.

how far are you getting in to setup? i've since deleted my installed image but i've started a clean setup just now and have got past the licensing page and disk partitioning bit and it's now copying files:

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springboard? metro is just a lame name for anything on a pc, especially a new ui in the worlds most used OS.

The iPhone home screen, maybe a bad example but just pointing out that the name makes **** all difference.

I am pretty sure that android can run multiple applications at the same time, and i know that the blackberry tablet os can as i have used it myself.

Yes but not side by side.

My windows 7 loads pretty much instantly, loading times is realy not an issue with windows 7 anyway, not something i would say is a big selling point. oh windows started in 7 seconds instead of 9, big deal.

Windows 8 will boot faster than Windows 7 on the same hardware.

Apparently "the masses" like big squares and lame ui. microsoft has been making their OS so idiot proof that at some point i would be surprised if it has any advanced features available. I certainly do not want to learn html5 to be able to configure my OS.

Proof enough that your either monumentally stupid or trolling, so i'll leave it here. Goodbye.
Oh god its terrible!
I gave W8 a whirl in virtualbox. The start menu has been replaced with that strange collection of tiles. They seem to have throw all classic UI conventions out the window, all full screen, enlarged, no window controls, very simplified.
I havent used iPad but it reminds me of android. My PC is a PC not a phone!
To get it working in VMware 8:

Make a Windows 7 machine and point it to the ISO and do the usual steps to make the machine.

When it's done power off the VM (it automatically turns it on)

Remove the floppy drive (or the attached floppy) this is where it runs the autounattend.xml from and tries to enter a CD Key (even though it's not required, etc. which causes the OS to crash).

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