The Witcher 2 - Thread

You set it to use the dirt 2 crossfire profile? Heard that got xfire working for it atm. Also disable ubersampling to boost frames as well.

where do i enable the dirt 2 profile? not used to ati cards only got these the other day

ive got the latest caps profile
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The combat is a bit confused, its not as good as it could be. Having to wait for a energy to recharge before you can block is a bit silly and the delays, non responsiveness. But they can be worked around.

Haven't watched any more yet, but that guy must have exploded a nut with rage when he reached the first Nekker cave.

lol his below quote from the comments section on youtube says all that needs to be said about his mentality when it comes to gaming

actually thats EXACTLY what i'm known for. i play more games that anybody and i treat them all with the same level of patience. this game is just retardedly stupid and requires massive investment of time BEFORE you start playing, which shouldn't be required to played a damned video game in 2011.

I for one am loving the W2, the story the depth it's just what PC gamers were craving for after a few baron years of dodgy linear console ports.
Finally got round to starting it despite not being able to get the dlc, It does look very good, i'm using a 5850 with everything maxed except Ubersampling and i have had the occasional fps drop, but nothing that bothers me.

Just finished the prologue, liking it so far. I can't believe how little help they give you, it's like they just assume you already know how to play it. For example, the first fist fight with the guard, i just briefly saw a letter appear on screen with no tips or a tutorial or anything, lol.

Combat isn't too bad, haven't used the lock-on myself. I found that i had to change quite a few of the keys for it to feel comfortable. I tried it with a controller but didn't like it so i've gone back to kb/m.

There is only one problem that i am having and that is i use a keypad for gaming instead of a normal keyboard and the game does not allow you to bind all of the keys. The kb that i use (wolfking warrior, it's quality;)) does not have the 'I' key, so i can not open the inventory with it. Does anyone know if there is a way to bind all of the keys as you want to?

Also, when is this patch coming? maybe that will allow more key binding.

PS, i am going to have a good look through the manual, as i think it is essential with this game;)
a keyboard without an I key... time for a new one :P

To add an enhancement you can do it yourself in the inventory screen. You must have an item with a small circle beside it which is basically an upgrade slot, you can see this on the equiped items, if you have an enhancement and an item with an unused slot when you moouse over it the item space graphic changes showing you can use it there
With the input settings you can't change the buttons for inventory/menus etc, only movement/combat.

Less keys has never been a problem before because you can always remap the all.
How do people find the time to complete these games in a week!!! do you just do the mains tory? It took me 13 hours just to leave the first town. Im at the start of chapter 2.

How amazing are the effects at the start of Act 2? wirh all the waiths and spells mental. This is a superb game
22 hours and I am still on Act 1.

I am an exceptionally slow player as I can't help exploring. Fallout NV, I've played 80 hours and have not been on the main strip yet!
How do people find the time to complete these games in a week!!! do you just do the mains tory? It took me 13 hours just to leave the first town. Im at the start of chapter 2.

How amazing are the effects at the start of Act 2? wirh all the waiths and spells mental. This is a superb game

Easy. Took a vacation the day it came out. Played every day for some 8 hours or more. Finished the game today.

Couldn't see it posted yet, shocking score! I must admit I agree with some of the stuff the guy says, but I never found it as bad as he makes it out to be.

Destructoid said:
It does the job and wastes some time, while providing no lasting impression or unforgettable experience. There are just far more fun and intensely more rewarding ways of wasting time.

Score: 6.0 -- Alright (6s may be slightly above average or simply inoffensive. Fans of the genre should enjoy them a bit, but a fair few will be left unfulfilled.)
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