The Witcher 2 - Thread

I find it better to disable one card on TW2, it works better. Tried that faffing with Radeon Pro and the Dirt 2 (?) thing but it was not worth the hassle. Seemed to still be slightly worse than one card :confused:
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Its really quite simple, unfortunately play like any other combat RPG, die, play like a retarded rolling monkey and be invincible at every stage of the entire game.

Roll, hit, roll, hit, roll, hit, how they thought it was better than the first I really don't know, absolute idiots really. The blocking mechanic is completely not needed. At no stage of the game was blocking and countering more effective than rolling around like an idiot or using your X button skills.

Combat spoil it for me, you go through a decent wedge of the game as a rolling around like an idiot invincible moron, then later on you become a console style "uber moves", press the X button *** invincible idiot.

The game has zero balance or realism, switch between easy where quite literally everyone can hit you constantly and you never lose health and bosses don't use special moves, to normal and one guy taps you on the back and you lose 1/3rd of your health, while you do the same to him and 1/10th of his health goes. This is with a uber mega sword and the best armour, and its a basic mob yet he can do more damage and take more damage. The harder levels were even more ridiculous.

One thing dev's should aim for, a game where at no stage at all are you invincible, without any threat of death there is no point at all, conversely if the "difficulty" is just making a normal mob with crap armour able to easily beat down "The Champion" while his crap armour makes your legendary sword more like a blunt stick, thats just daft.

I'm still in Act I (so no adrenaline moves yet), but I can see where you're coming from. I play on hard and I'm enjoying it so far (not saying I'm very good - I die a LOT), but it's not realistic or particularly cinematic.

Against multiple opponents, I basically run circles around them until they are all aligned (so they can't gang up on me easily when I get into range). Then I attack the nearest opponent with a light attack (which doubles as gap closer) and follow with a heavy attack if there's time. Then I roll away and start running again. The fight in the temple courtyard (prologue) took a good 15 mins. Signs like Yrden and Aard are good against 2 or 3 opponents, but against more you just get swarmed & therefore have to stay at range most of the time. Blocking is underwhelming, but I imagine this is more useful to set up counterattacks (with the appropriate upgrade).

I too would love a game that manages to get fantasy combat to look & feel like your favourite movie fights, but to be fair no-one's pulled that off yet. Demon's Souls is the best of the recent games with this kind of combat. It's v good but still doesn't feel like a movie. Savage Blade of Darkness (if that's what I mean?) was a notably earlier effort.

The problem is we (the players) don't actually have the reflexes of a mutant swordmaster/Jedi/Aragorn/whatever so a game can either (i) take control away from us and just let us make more strategic decisions (which leads to turn-based systems or GCD-based mmo style combat) or (ii) have a fairly simplistic control scheme at the cost of realism (i.e. supermoves, running around like a headless chicken, hitpoints etc).

PS: (Mild spoiler) On a completely separate note, anyone know if a save editor or similar exists? I managed to convince myself that whatever path you choose for Melitele's Heart in the prologue you end up getting the medallion from Newboy. Well, now I'm in Act I and find myself without the trinket. Demands on my time say I can't start over, but my OCD nature says I have to complete this quest...
I'm half way through chapter 1 and my initial impression is that people are over rating it a bit.
It just doesn't make sense that Geralt, supposedly a great warrior takes so much effort to kill lesser enemies. Fair enough if he was just starting out on a quest and needed to build up, but he has already been established as hard as nails. It shouldn't take him 15 swings of his sword to kill a peasant with no armour, who then swings his sword 3 times and rips through Geralt's legendary(for some reason) Raven's Armour
Yeah i was talking to someone the other day who absolutely loved Fable 2, thought it was the best game ever:eek:. And even he said that Fable 3 was not worth getting. To me, it seems even more simplistic than DA2!!
world is more like more like dragon age and to be honest, the combat isn't a million miles away from DA2 now.

I would like to know if you can revisit places, or once you leave them can you not go back to them like the first game?
Combat is better, but harder and takes some getting used to. You have to use all the game offers (all signs, parry, riposte, dodge, positioning, right type of attack, bombs, potions, oils...).

The game is more open than Dragon Age, but is not open world like Skyrim. It is still heavily story based with branching path, to the level where act 2 is completely different based on choice you make earlier.When you are in act 2, you cannot go back to location from act 1, for obvious reasons.

For me it is 10/10 game; anyone with interest in good games should buy it.
God, there is so much wrong with this game!. Does anyone else find that they can't hear what anyone is saying half the time? I have had 3 long conversations where i haven't been able to hear what was being said. At the start in the camp, where there are catapults goin off and in the inn in flotsam, where there is a bell ringing and people talking in the background.

When is this patch coming?

Just encountered a rather ridiculous bit. when you go out by the lighthouse where you see the Kayran tentacle, I am standing there with swords and armour, when this fat guy wearing a t-shirt tells me to get out of Flotsam and attacks me. LOL
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Had no sound issues but a couple of crashes and a corrupt save.

My issues are design based: can't quaff potions in combat or where the game deems you can't. Illogical. Unable to delete saves unless going via My Docs. Your comrades cannot seem to die so you can just leave the fighting to them. The lack of a tutorial. Searching for stuff with the clunky controls. The locked in an area until you defeat the bad-guy mechanics. The weird combat.

However, the atmosphere, story and art are all excellent. It is very shallow in mechanics, sometimes faulty, but the idea is excellent.
10/10 .......

Its a good game but really 10/10 ? You mustn't have very high expectations. Apart from anything the games still buggy, surely worth knocking a few marks off.

I was a bit dissappointed as to how many invisible walls there are and find walking around even the 'open' parts ie forest, very very restrictive. Plus not been able to just jump down to an area you have access to, instead having to walk to a specific point on a specific ledge. There's a lot of things like this that just seem to simplify/choke the game for no reason.

Aside from a number of issues the game is very addictive and offers an enjoyable RPG experience. Not the jaw dropping experience I felt back when I first played Oblivion (till I realised the entire game was leveling with me thus ruining the point of levelling up) but a very pretty game.
10/10 .......

Its a good game but really 10/10 ? You mustn't have very high expectations. Apart from anything the games still buggy, surely worth knocking a few marks off.

Had 1 insignificant bug during my 48 hours playthrough, and zero crashes. Absolutely smooth. I played with x360pad, with which combat is lot more fun for me.Finished game on normal and it was never frustrating.

Low expectations? On a contrary, my expectations were sky high. I finished Planescape Torment, Fallout 1/2/3/NV, KOTOR 1/2, Bloodlines, Gothic 1/2/3, Risen...well, just about any RPG made in last 15 years worth playing.

And Witcher 2 is up there with the best of them for me.I haven't seen such a well written story with amazingly realized, nonblack and white characters in a looong time. Probably since Bloodlines.
Anyone else got a problem with getting the monk's reward to show up in the extras menu? Beaten him three times of which last one was with 2 pairs, a message congratulating me on winning something gog related showed up and told me to look in the Extras section but nothing's there. Also what is the story with the relic he is supposed to hand over?
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