The Witcher 2 - Thread

Been playing this for a few hours, still kind of on the fence about it. Using a controller, and it feels a bit sloppy. More importantly, it's not hooking me.
Loving this game so much. Even with a few small bugs (nothing game breaking in the slightest) its still one of the most engrossing and detailed RPGs I have played in recent years.

I am on act 3 at the moment about to go the the mage meet thing. Just crafted some awesome stuff (silver sword that I cant pronounce beginning with Z, a steel sword beginning with C that I cant remember off the top of my head and Vrans armour) and wish to pwn everything. Hoping it wont end soon but I fear it will be doing.
Just beat the Kayran on Normal yesterday. Really loving it so far. Took about 3 or 4 attempts but now that I have the hang of using signs and avoiding the temptation to spam attack clicks the combat isn't so bad.

Storyline, and storytelling, is every bit as fantastic as I thought it would be.

Oh, and the Troll Trouble DLC was short but great. Really loved the way the troll spoke, his voiceover actor, and the reason for his actions.
According to patch 1.1 should be out this evening so that is good news i guess - also about the E3 announcement i don't think it will be a direct port of TW2 to consoles, like someone said in the comments on that site maybe a combination of 1 and 2 streamlined for newcomers, or maybe a spinoff from TW2 or i could be completely wrong and it is just TW2 for consoles but CD Projekt don't seem like the just-make-a-port kind of devs to me...
Must admit i love this game, just done my second run throught :). Did it on normal first then did a run through on hard /flex :p.

I found it a lot easier taking the magic line even on hard. I focused on the damage shield first which is a great help, the only shame is the line when maxed out gives you a slow mo effect as a ability when adrenaline bar is full, i prefered the finishers in the weapons line.

I managed to get to lvl 34 on my first run and lvl 32 second time, i even beat lethos on my first attemp maxed out in magic and 1 point in the first 3 abilities in the weapon line.I found this guy in the sewers that even gave me a respec which is nice, i did try to kill him a few times but he is a badboy that pops gargoles that were 1 shotting me when my damage shield went down :eek:

Looks like i am gonna do another run through on insane now, so many event changes on the way i am spoiled for choice what to do :p
Is this some kind of joke? Are you telling me that someone playtested this and said "yes combat is great" LOL.
Lets make it so that Grealt can only attack one character at a time, then lets surround him with enemies, enemies that take around 5 hits to kill each (despite not having any armour), whilst Geralt(wearing the legendary Raven's Armour) is killed after around 5 hits himself.
Combat is just boring, i really can't be bothered

Also, i just had to go into a cave, so i took the potion Cat, yet i still an barely see anything. doesn't it make any difference?
Is this some kind of joke? Are you telling me that someone playtested this and said "yes combat is great" LOL.
Lets make it so that Grealt can only attack one character at a time, then lets surround him with enemies, enemies that take around 5 hits to kill each (despite not having any armour), whilst Geralt(wearing the legendary Raven's Armour) is killed after around 5 hits himself.
Combat is just boring, i really can't be bothered

Also, i just had to go into a cave, so i took the potion Cat, yet i still an barely see anything. doesn't it make any difference?

You can get a skill that lets you hit multiple people at once.
You can get a skill that lets you hit multiple people at once.

Great:) should make it easier
Hold on, So Geralt, the great warrior does not know how to do this then? he has to learn it along the way, you must wonder how he has got this far in his life tbh.
He could do it in the last game, set a few months earlier. Maybe he just forgot
The Raven's armour carries over from the first game?

I probably should have finished that quest then :p

It doesn't make much difference mate.

Even in the first game, you don't really have it for that long.

Just alt/tab'd out of the game, only to go back in and all of my graphics settings and key-bindings have gone. The patch better adress this
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