patience young padawan
patience young padawan
Picked this up today, after installation, the game became unplayable due to some sort of graphics issue. The best way to describe it, the game seems to be completely transparent to look at and only certain features are visible such as eyes etc.
My system exceeds the recommended specs so I don't see it being a hardware issue.
Any ideas guys?
ATI card by anychance?
ATI card by anychance?
Surely that isn't the big news is it?
I was expecting a major dlc/expansion to be announced, as the game seems like it has a bit cut out to me.
Patch 1.2 comes tomorrow
Includes 50 improvements
Includes all DLCs for free
New hairstyle DLC included
I have this horrible feeling that now it's coming on console any future releases will start going down hill in quality and derpness!