The Witcher 2 - Thread

Picked this up today, after installation, the game became unplayable due to some sort of graphics issue. The best way to describe it, the game seems to be completely transparent to look at and only certain features are visible such as eyes etc.

My system exceeds the recommended specs so I don't see it being a hardware issue.

Any ideas guys?

ATI card by anychance?
25 Titles from the EA back Catalogue starting with

Dungeon Keeper :eek:

Wing Commander Privateer and Ultima Underworld
Surely that isn't the big news is it?

I was expecting a major dlc/expansion to be announced, as the game seems like it has a bit cut out to me.

400K units sold in 1 week
Patch 1.2 comes tomorrow
Includes 50 improvements
Includes all DLCs for free
New hairstyle DLC included
-$10 on Steam, Gamestop, Amazon from now until the end of E3
360 version before the end of the year, E3 will have live 360 gameplay
CG trailer for the 360 version released on Gametrailers
I have this horrible feeling that now it's coming on console any future releases will start going down hill in quality and derpness!
I have this horrible feeling that now it's coming on console any future releases will start going down hill in quality and derpness!

Did you ever think it was going to be different, it has already happened a bit really.

For example, i am in Flotsam atm, just doing the Kayran quest, where you have to get the herb. Triss says "you might try asking about it around town". In the first game, it would end here, But then she adds " why don't you try Cedric":(
I could have worked it out on my own, but now you have signposted it for me i know exactly where to go. Wouldn't have told you that in the first game.

There are other things which i would say are simplified/dumbed down such as the targetting, general button bash combat(why get rid of the timed clicks? i thought that was great) though it is still tactical as well, and the shimmer around objects you can interact with.

BTW, i am on my 2nd playthrough, and i really don't want to leave Flotsam, can't i just stay here:D I have already seen a few bits that i didn't see the first time. I obviously didn't explore enough
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