The Witcher 2 - Thread

John Mamais:

Our goal was to keep the PC specifics and take advantage of the most sophisticated hardware, which - let's be honest – has left the current generation of consoles far behind.
What is great that PC version will get the same improvements and both version will be identical features/DLCs wise. No envy between platform owners : ).

CDprojekt is incredibly customer friendly.
CPU and GPU performance review


Quite interesting thanks.

I had a fiddle around last night and found a combo which suited me fairly well. On my 5850 and AMD720BE I can run everything on max, apart from Ubersampling, AA and SAOO (or whatever it is) at 1920x1200. It is all very smooth so presumably it is running at greater than 30fps. The in game auto config test says that running at medium would be best for me.

The new patch tonight may even increase performance a little bit more :D
patch 1.2 is out now. Word of warning, the patch only installs if you run the launcher as an admin. It will download fine in non-admin mode but not install
Excellent, they've fixed the analog sticks. Character is more responsive, also barbers. Looks like they've fixed the hell out of it, woot!
CDprojekt is incredibly customer friendly.


Only CDProjekt could get away with releasing a game as buggy as this, where people could not access their dlc for a week. Not have a website running for a month, so that many people couldn't register their game or contact them. And still not compltely fix things (no 16:10 support is annoying, but i have only found it a slight annoyance tbh).
And then be called "incredibly customer friendly". You don't work for them do you?:p:)

Anyway, good patch. Geralt seems much more responsive now, and fps have improved enough for me to put uber-sampling on now i think.(though tbh, i don't think it looks any better, but it has "uber" in the name so it must be great!).
Combat has also improved greatly imo.

Now I can't wait to try out some new hairstyles:rolleyes::p
No, I don't work for them.

But I have been following them ever since GOG and first Witcher, and THEY ARE the most customer friendly no-nonsense company in the industry. Which does not mean that they are flawless and never make a mistake.

But they released first Witcher - I played that game back in 2007, in its version 1.1, and finished it without any problems. They however took all feedback and worked on 3 more patches, plus huge overhaul in Enhanced Edition, released for free to every owner, even including several new adventures (that is in a time when Bethesda and Bioware nickle dime their customers with DLCs).

They operate GOG, which is the best digital download shop on the internet. Great support, great games, great prices, no DRM, no problems.

And Witcher 2? Again, I finished the version 1.0, started playing the day it was released, and encountered 1 single bug during my whole playthrough (one cutscene was unskippable, the one before kayran, so that was annoying...).

Sure some people had some problems, but that always happens with RPGs like that.

Now it has been 2 weeks only since release, and there have already been 2 bug patches, several free DLCs and the game is almost completely flawless now (the only thing I can nitpick is still not native support for non 16:9 res).

Compare that to other studios, like Bethesda, which releases 2 patches (which break more than fix) and leaves rest of fixing on modders, because all their next patches only serve as achievement carriers.

Or Bioware, which was unable to fix some glaring problems in Mass Effect for several months. etc

As for the problem with 16:10 etc - they already said they are still working on that. It takes a lot of time because they have to test all resolutions, all HUD elements, in all game situations, etc.

Luckily I have awesome 24" 16:10 NEC screen bought here at OCUK, I don't mind those small black bars.

BTW1 I agree that the DLC/launcher/forum situation is messy, but they fixed it quickly. Now patch includes everything and even removed DRM from the game, ffs.

BTW2 I watched their presentation yesterday and it was hilarious.
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Sigh, once again i cant install the new patch, had the same problem with 1.1 had to uninstall then reinstall, ive tried running as admin still get 'Installed game version is invalid or incomplete'
Sure some people had some problems, but that always happens with RPGs like that.

Compare that to other studios, like Bethesda, which releases 2 patches (which break more than fix) and leaves rest of fixing on modders, because all their next patches only serve as achievement carriers.

Or Bioware, which was unable to fix some glaring problems in Mass Effect for several months. etc

i know there will always be problems with a game of this size and complexity, and i'm not trying to have a go at them or anything, but i do think that they are getting away with some things. I think if Bioware had released the game as it has been, people would be ripping it and them(or EA!) to shreads tbh.
Can you imagine the outrage if Bioware's website was down for weeks after a release:eek:. With CDProjeky, people are barely mentioning it, and most of the problems are being described as "hardly worth mentioning" or "not game breaking"
i know there will always be problems with a game of this size and complexity, and i'm not trying to have a go at them or anything, but i do think that they are getting away with some things. I think if Bioware had released the game as it has been, people would be ripping it and them(or EA!) to shreads tbh.
Can you imagine the outrage if Bioware's website was down for weeks after a release:eek:. With CDProjeky, people are barely mentioning it, and most of the problems are being described as "hardly worth mentioning" or "not game breaking"

I don't know what you are on about - the website is not down "weeks after release", only forums are, and for forums the official TW2 forum serves equally well. Or steam forums. Or, dammit, OCUK and this thread.
And they inform about the game in community section of official TW site, all the time, posting news and patch notes and all that.
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