The Witcher 2 - Thread

I don't know what you are on about - the website is not down "weeks after release", only forums are, and for forums the official TW2 forum serves equally well. Or steam forums. Or, dammit, OCUK and this thread.
And they inform about the game in community section of official TW site, all the time, posting news and patch notes and all that.

I couldn't register my game or download dlc for about a week after release. I think Neil posted the dlc in this thread and i got it from here
Deleted all the dzip files i had apart from the pack0, including elf_floatsam and succubus and patch seemed to work but it didnt put in elf or succubus, can someone who didnt have any problems check thier cooked pc folder and see if they are supposed to be there nor not?
Still no 16:10 support? lazy.

Does it really matter? It's like... 60 rows of pixels top and bottom on 1920x1200. As far as priorities go I can't see how it's a big one. If you've got a set amount of resources and various things to sort out not everything can be fixed at once. Personally I'd say game balance issues that the majority of users are moaning about, performance issues that NVidia owners are moaning about, bugs in controller support and the way patches download are all far more important than the fact that a minority of users are missing a few pixels.
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Anyone played with the 1.2 patch yet?

I completed it about 2 weeks ago, but wondering if its worth the re-install for the barber shop DLC? :D
Anyone played with the 1.2 patch yet?

I completed it about 2 weeks ago, but wondering if its worth the re-install for the barber shop DLC? :D

Changed his hairstyle but it doesn't let you preview the options, which is really stupid :S

Was the Draug really difficult pre 1.2 patch? As it was very easy for me compared to other boss battles :S Bit of an anti climax really.
Changed his hairstyle but it doesn't let you preview the options, which is really stupid :S

Was the Draug really difficult pre 1.2 patch? As it was very easy for me compared to other boss battles :S Bit of an anti climax really.

Do the haircuts make Geralt look better and more attractive with the ladies? :D

Draug was fairly easy in 1.1, didn't have any trouble with it.
in the options bit when i dbl click to re assign a key it just says do you wish to use rmb for the key etc how the hell do you select any key you want ?
Does it really matter? It's like... 60 rows of pixels top and bottom on 1920x1200. As far as priorities go I can't see how it's a big one. If you've got a set amount of resources and various things to sort out not everything can be fixed at once. Personally I'd say game balance issues that the majority of users are moaning about, performance issues that NVidia owners are moaning about, bugs in controller support and the way patches download are all far more important than the fact that a minority of users are missing a few pixels.

Yeah it does matter on a 22" monitor where you don't want to lose any of your image to borders, the borders are fugly as well. If it was on a 27" monitor or above I wouldn't be too bothered. For a PC title not to support an established monitor ratio is ridiculous, the most popular monitor on the steam survey is 1680x1050 16:10 ratio, the cheapest most simplest of games support it and they can't even add support for it from the start....mind boggling.
I just started playing this after finishing TW1 and it is freaking amazing, however, there are two awful bugs I've found. One is that even if I equip my Raven armour from the 1st game, once it enters a cut scene it equips the mage armour which they just released in patch 1.2. It makes Geralt look like a clown, and I have to swap it back for the Raven armour after every cut scene. The other bug is that if I add an armour or sword upgrade to my armour or sword, it gets removed after the cut scenes! :( It doesn't even end up back in my inventory, the upgrade just disappears.
I completed it and to be honest i'm dissapointed, i was like... is that it?. The witcher 1 was so much better imo, it's like they put everything into the graphics and not the length.

No i'm not replaying it, can't be bothered
I completed it and to be honest i'm dissapointed, i was like... is that it?. The witcher 1 was so much better imo, it's like they put everything into the graphics and not the length.

No i'm not replaying it, can't be bothered

I am just starting Act 3, it certainly seems shorter than the first Witcher so far but the story is truly epic. The humour is amazing! I have genuinely laughed out loud through so much of it.
Yes it does. I paid for those pixels, I want to use them. 16:10 support should have been included from the start, never mind talking about patching it in.


Oh aren't you cute. The devs are under no obligation to give you anything besides a game called Witcher 2, it could have been dos based or a room containing a platinum blonde rabbit and a particularly ugly chair at 120*240 and they could still have sold it to you.

Just starting a new game, siding with Roach this time, hoping its worth it as I really did like Iorveths path, I was surprised actually that that was the path that seemed to be the more natural decision for me.
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