The Witcher 2 - Thread

I've just been working through a few of the missions in Flotsam... it's a nice game but the one thing that annoys me is the restriction on where you can walk/run; it's very linear.

Several times i've found myself climbing up somewhere, wanting to jump down on another side and having track back and take 'the path' to get to where i want to go.

I miss Oblivion (and look forward to Skyrim!)
hmmm so i guess theres no right or wrong choice then as surely not killing it leaves it to suffer? unless it somehow magically gets off that massive spike :eek: if you want to.

I was in the same position, but figured I wouldn't kill it.

The dragon somehow pulls itself off and flies away. I forget the comment on it afterwards though - maybe someone else can remember?
hmmm so i guess theres no right or wrong choice then as surely not killing it leaves it to suffer? unless it somehow magically gets off that massive spike :eek:

Its one of the games biggest decisions I think, should make a big impact in the next game. As is the decision at the end about whether you fight the other witcher, that will no doubt play a big role

Its one of the games biggest decisions I think, should make a big impact in the next game. As is the decision at the end about whether you fight the other witcher, that will no doubt play a big role

As with the transition from the first game to this one, and like the Mass Effect series, I doubt there will be any significant impact - just an extra sentence of dialogue for each decision you made, placed somewhere obscure in the game.

I didn't kill the dragon and it just turned in to Saskia and she walked off.I think i picked up an item earlier that allowed this to happen.
hmm might do that decision again then lol, seems a bit weird to have to choice bc as far as i was concerned the dragon was dead either way so seemingly the most helpful deed is the wrong choice??
Just finished my first playthrough, went Roche this time round as, it seemed the most correct/lawful but I have to say I find Iorveth a lot easier to empathise with than his counterpart in the first game, so I'm looking forward to playing the other side after the 2.0 patch comes out, plus I get the feeling Saskia is a much more likable character than Henselt or Dethmold (who both had fatal accidents in my Roche play through hehe).

Much harder than the first game though, in hindsight my points in the alchemist route were misplaced as I went that way for the mutagen buffs but then never found the good ones so will probably max sword and push more magic in my second playthrough.
There are loads of LOTR references now in the dwarf town. First when Geralt was speaking to sorceress about what they would need for a cure he started talking about taking a magic ring to the top of Mount Doom and having hair feet (something like that), and now I am in the mines it's a copy of Moria - I keep finding notes written by Balin (same name from LOTR) and now I found one where he says it's "Durin's Bane" and they "awoke a nameless fear in the deep" and "Fly you fools!".
There are loads of LOTR references now in the dwarf town. First when Geralt was speaking to sorceress about what they would need for a cure he started talking about taking a magic ring to the top of Mount Doom and having hair feet (something like that), and now I am in the mines it's a copy of Moria - I keep finding notes written by Balin (same name from LOTR) and now I found one where he says it's "Durin's Bane" and they "awoke a nameless fear in the deep" and "Fly you fools!".

theres only a couple of references in the game and their meant entirely tongue in cheek , theres a few from other movies aswell.
I've been meaning to finish my current playthrough, but I think I'll wait until 2.0 hits, I'm not too far in anyway, only about a third of the ways through chapter 1.
After finishing game is it worth reloading to just before making the choice between Iorveth and Roache?

To go down diffent path?

Oh most definitely. As said, Iorveth's path has a pretty much completely different Ch. 2, with a different base location (I'm sure you can guess where), a load of exclusive quests and main ones that are similar but give you different perspective or options/goals to Roche.

I enjoyed both paths, but prefer Iorveth's overall. Played each path twice, and will once more when 2.0 releases on the 29th.

@Pighardia - Yeah, I can't seem to find much detailed info on it either, have to wait for the full notes I guess..
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