You'd think that right after DA2 showed the world how to really tell a story, The Witcher 2 would have learned something from Bioware's opus.
The combat is excellent(if a little on the button mashy side)
What do you not like about it?
I do find it funny how most of the ratings are 10, maybe one 9 then you get two complete morons rating at 0. Making out there is nothing what so ever appealing about it.
Its quite obvious they are trolls and ratings like that should be removed.
Got my shiney collector's edition today afterwork, spent ages installing it and now it won't activate. I have quad checked the serial code and it stills says it doesn't exist!
Did you put the dashes in? You need to.
I cant even get past the first sequence of combat! Any tips
Yeah and its the code from the back of the manual, I have never had trouble activating a game before. It was a sealed copy so it's not like the code has been used before.