The Witcher 2 - Thread

Does your level and xp from the first game have any impact on the game?

I am playing it atm and want to know if it is worth doing all of the contracts to get the extra xp? What exactly carries over?

In Mass Effect, there was an incentive to get to as high a level as possible, as it meant you got more in the second game, is this the same?


Is that a plane I see in the sky? :p
Anyone know where Malerna,or Malera is... Apparantly i need to find her, this was AFTER the cave quest and after the waterfall bit ;)
Is it wrong that I prefer to play this with an 360 controller......

As for the game really enjoying it and getting good fps with ubersampling and SSAO off.
Is it wrong that I prefer to play this with an 360 controller......

As for the game really enjoying it and getting good fps with ubersampling and SSAO off.

Its made for the controller. Finding it much better with a 360 pad. I've tried both and the mouse/keyboard is fine, it works, but everything works better and easier on a pad. Only downside is you pick up all the loot in one go, you can't choose what you want. No biggie to be honest.
Only downside is you pick up all the loot in one go, you can't choose what you want. No biggie to be honest.

This really does my head in :p like times when when a chest or something has Orens and a Pick Axe in it as I want the Orens but not the axe, which means I have to take both and probably get the overweight message, go into the Inventory and drop the axe then back into game. Surely they could have just either set an option for auto-loot on/off or have holding X open a menu that allows you to pick things like you can with the KB/mouse.
I play with x360 controller too. It feels much better.

What is a huge shame though is absence of rumble. It would make combat feel even better. Maybe they will add it in patch.
Just finished on Normal. Fantastic game that I will play again and again. Not many games can hold my interest for such long periods of time.

Final playtime according to steam was 24.4 hours.

Normal I found to be challenging in the first few stages of the game however once I learned how the combat works and how to avoid the enemy attacks it was faily easy. By the end of the game I destroyed most enemies and was overpowered.

I didn't find many bugs and when I did they were minor.

What I felt could be improved:

The menu system was alright however I often found I would have to wait a while to fully see the effects of a potion or an items stats as it scrolled up from the bottom. Remove the scrolling and make better use of the screen space. I also would like to see the ability to view only oils/armor enhancements etc seperately instead of scrolling through them all.

Item storage would have been a nice addition as I often found myself carrying too many items however I didn't need most of them but felt like hoarding just because I might in future.

I wouldn't mind being able to revisit previous areas after the game is over either.

9/10 as nothing is perfect :p
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