The Witcher 2 - Thread

With any review you have to read it and decide for yourself and that's true for both the magazines and user reviews. With user reviews in particular you can usually discount the the 0's and 10/10's. Then make your own mind up. I've read enough now that I'll be buying the game to see for myself as I think there's enough content of what I personally enjoy.
Anyone know how to counter attack? I unlocked it in the skill tree but dont know how to execute it.

Spoilers below for letho fight(normal):

How the hell do you beat Letho?

Well I got owned, a lot as it looks like hes got maxed out skills on everything. So, I had to strategise.

When he has his quen shield up never attack him. If hes holding his sword vertically dont attack him. If hes doing his massive sword combo, again dont attack him or try an aard on him.
Only attack him when he starts swinging his sword but do it in a very specific way. Dodge as he swings and do a power strike to the back an dodge again, just keep circling him with dodge whilst he does his sword play.

Try to make sure you always have your quen shield up otherwise you are susceptible to his bleed from his sword or fire/poison from his bombs. IF you dodge enough you should need to rely on your quen shield.

You can interrupt his quen cast with an aard and I think the aard also counters his fire / lightning and aard. Although Id recommend just dodging.

You only have to take him to half health. I almost managed to kill him not realising this...
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The thing about the review scores is if they arent comparable as in they are subjectively judged by different people then what the hell is the point of them?

How are they any use at all?

This games is pretty hard though, I've never died so many times. But at least the load times are next to none existant so its not much bother. Its certainly interesting and compelling enough for me to push through the difficulty.
Sigh, wish they had what was in the 1st 1, when u hit a shop telling you that you already own or have read a book, now i dont know which 1s ive read and which i havent, and at 200 + orens a book could be xpensive, espically since the re-sell value is about 10% of that.
Apparently, go to "Tools" in the Steam client, and it's listed as The Witcher 2 Bonus Content.

Alternatively, if Steam users (I bought retail) have the Launcher icon on the desktop that opens the official TW2 launcher, open that and choose "Downloadable Content" from the list to download and install Troll Trouble.
Thanks Pestilence but i have the steam version and dont have any shortcut icon on my desktop to launch the TW launchers...any ideas??

If you drill down to the installation folder, can you find a "launcher.exe"?

Anything in the "Tools" menu of Steam that I mentioned before?

Sorry, I haven't got the client on this machine so can't check directly.
You forget that the 1st had painfully long loading times and was riddled bu bugs on release.

To be fair a lot of games these days get away with bugs/errors/feature omissions on release. Crysis 2, DA2 seemed to get by despite having graphical enhancements patched in at a later date. If I recall correctly the guy who reviewed The Witcher for PC gamer came under a lot of critisism for saying something along the lines of "this isn't my type of game". May be getting that confused with another review though so don't take it as gospel.
I've done this and downloaded the content but then and there's a green tick next to it, but I can't see anything different in game? how do you know you have it installed?
This runs so smooth maxed out with ubersampling off and using those new Nvidia beta drivers. It all feels so polished and fluid with exceptional graphics and so far it's very impressive. I must have died over ten times in the first fight dodging the fire :eek: .... brilliant stuff !
If I recall correctly the guy who reviewed The Witcher for PC gamer came under a lot of critisism for saying something along the lines of "this isn't my type of game".

They spent a long time backing themselves up, giving second opinions, taking the mick out of anyone that rated it highly, and generally making fools of themselves when a more objective re-review would have been a lot more professional.
The view and the boss fights, make it look like a console game.

However that isa GOOD thing!!! Not enough pc games, take the good stuff out of the consoles and put them in to the PC games.

I havent played ti yet, but what I mean is the boss fights look like something out of darksiders.
What i like the most may sound stupid to some but it's the adult side of it, people swear... fight... blood and the world is alive. It's what humans would do if this was real, do you think in medieval times people shook hands and never swore incase of upsetting the pc crowd. **** no :D
The thing is they keep saying 'plough' which usually to means the F word and yet the F word gets bandied about a bit as well

Edit: why do ppl run around floatsam in thier pants?
Even though i am not planning to play it yet, i have just installed it. Had to neter activation key a few times, but got it in the end.

The problem that i am having is with the Ultimate swordsman suit i got with Amazon pre-order.
These are the instructions-

1) Launch the game
2) Select the 'Activation' tab
3) Enter and confirm your code in the 'Pre-order Code Redemption' box
4) Download will start automatically
5) You will receive confirmation that the Ultimate Swordsman Suit Pack is active
6) You will now have access to your item in-game when it is appropriate in the story

When i launch the game, there is no Activation tab, so i go to the DLC tab, which is just a blank screen with a "preorder code redemption" box in it, so i enter the code and it says "invalid activation key"

Also, how do you get that Troll Trouble thing?

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