The Witcher 2 - Thread

I'm the only one that really enjoys the combat? Every forum I've read and theres just a bunch of threads complaining about how poor the combat is.

I really like it. It works. Wish there was combos and new moves you could unlock but whatever.
Fighting is ok when there is only a couple of mobs on screen but when theres about 5 or 6 becomes real hard if u havent prepared, 1 of the reasons why i went alchemy as the bombs are pretty handy for taking out groups, 1 example, i was getting attacked by about 6-8 neekers and warrirors so out came the grapeshot nades and a few seconds later they were all dead, they are currently doing about 40-60 dmg, though you do need a bit of clear space as they can harm u also. I like the slow down when ur using the aiming for the nades and daggers or when you are switching your signs.
Its funny I got a prostitute to distract a guard and they walk off and you can clearly see the actions for what they are doing.

Another guard is peeing whilst I'm trying to sneak up on him and turns around whilst still continuing to pee catching me. That was a failed quest but it didnt matter. I continued straight on from it no problem.
Just going to play through the first before I get to the second but does anybody recommend any mods? I've got the enhanced edition on steam if that makes any difference.
Just going to play through the first before I get to the second but does anybody recommend any mods? I've got the enhanced edition on steam if that makes any difference.

Texturen Mod and The Full Combat Rebalance mod.

Search "Witcher mods" on this forum as there is already a thread.
How can people be finnishing this in 20hrs? I've played it for at least that and I've only just started act 2?

Surely they must be rushing it and only playing the main quest?
Just this minute finished The Witcher. Very good game. Absolutely epic by the end. 8/10 for me, maybe 8.5.
I would have liked a little bit more closure at the end though. Maybe the obligatory speak to everyone you have spoken too in the game bit;). I was suprised when i saw the credits as i was thinking "surely you get to speak to some of the characters before the end"

I will probably start The Witcher 2 on Monday. :)Though i still can't get the extra content:(
Just this minute finished The Witcher. Very good game. Absolutely epic by the end. 8/10 for me, maybe 8.5.
I would have liked a little bit more closure at the end though. Maybe the obligatory speak to everyone you have spoken too in the game bit;). I was suprised when i saw the credits as i was thinking "surely you get to speak to some of the characters before the end"

Getting a little bored with all the running about for chapter 4 at the moment :(
How do you finish the Troll Trouble DLC without killing him?
When I talk to him he just attacks me.

Just attack him. Once you give him a bit of a beating, a cut scene will interrupt and give you the opportunity to help the troll out.

Not quite finished this quest myself yet.
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