The Witcher 2 - Thread

my 480 seems to be running this ok - getting 30-40fps - with everything maxed out except Uber and Shadows set to HIGH - and I've applied 4xSSAA in Nvidia panel (seems to make a difference)

Absolutely loving the game, it's the only game i've actually woken up early to play an hour or so before work everyday then got straight back on it after work :P

I'm disappointed by the performance of my 5970 though. ATI release a driver/CAP to fix a flickering/fps issues about 1 week after a new game comes out which is far too slow.

Tempted to sell my 5970 and get a 580 (
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Just made it to chapter 2 and loving it, going for a hybrid mix of skills using some from all 3 trees and combats working really well for me.

Usually run in with Quen shield and take out the weaker monsters with traps and bombs then finish the bigger ones with sword and igni, works everytime :)

Found some of the boss battles an nightmare to start (playing on normal) but get round them after a few tries.

Cant wait to see how the story progresses from the point i'm at now :D
if u are only doing swordplay then yes combat will be diffcult when attacked by groups, there are various bombs and traps that will help out, some bombs awill stun the enemy for ur sword to smite them.
I just scraped into Chapter 3 ;). He is a bit harder now, puytting all my points into combat. I realy like the group finishers, shame they only work on humans. Only failed 2 side missions as i am doing them all or the ones i can find ;).

How people are doing this in 20 hrs i dont know, i must be getting old but will be honest and say i didnt notice that a little sword icon appears when blocking until half way through chapter 2 :). Loving the game so not gonna complain about it, already working out in my head my next run through what i am gonna do :p
Just finished this today completed every side quest and got the best sword and armor just a shame you only get them right at the end, best game iv played in a very long time would have liked it to be a bit longer but after finishing the game i just want more its that good.
Completed it on normal also combat seems hard at first but it gets very easy when you level up and gett better equipment, i fully maxed out the sword tree and it was like being a god at the end.
my 480 seems to be running this ok - getting 30-40fps - with everything maxed out except Uber and Shadows set to HIGH - and I've applied 4xSSAA in Nvidia panel (seems to make a difference)

pic snip

Funnily enough, that's the part I'm struggling with at the moment.
Hmmm turned it down to low performance still gets choppy too often, tbh.

Also, the config tool doesn't work, it doesn't change my user.cfg file even when running it as admin, need to edit it manually. :/
everything maxed except ssao and ultra sampling, does ssao actually add much?

another thing, in quite a lot of cut scenes theres so many lines accross the screen, like tearing, even though i have v sync on, is it just a bit buggy or something?
everything maxed except ssao and ultra sampling, does ssao actually add much?

another thing, in quite a lot of cut scenes theres so many lines accross the screen, like tearing, even though i have v sync on, is it just a bit buggy or something?

I don't have that problem :confused:

I'm on the first few quests in chapter 2 and not enjoying it as much as the first chapter, going to stick with it though.

Does anyone know where to acquire silver ore? It's needed for a lot of the weapons that can be crafted.
OMG - just got off the boat and arrrived at woods

I keep picking my jawoff the ground - how good does the Elf look ?

re cutsccenes tom91 - no problemswith tearing here - infact cleanest game I've seen in ages - solid looking for a change
i just got off the boat too, atm im just finding it hack and slash as im not used to rpg's, i have bombs and traps selected in pocket but have no idea how to use them, and i cant put any more than 2 items in my pockets, i dont know what signs do etc, guess ill learn to play as i go along.

how do i select a bomb to throw or trap to set, theres no options for keybindings, i think it would be good with a controller but i only have ps3 not 360 :(
Press I, put your bomb in one of the slots or double click it

In game press Ctrl then select the bomb you want

R throws the bomb after you've aimed ;)
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