The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Any Ideas? Seems 1.03 patch has gone back to 1.02??

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt patch log
Error removing: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64\witcher3.exe
Error adding: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64\witcher3.exe
Error removing: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles\startup.bundle
Error adding: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\bundles\startup.bundle
Error removing: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\patch0\bundles\patch.bundle
Error adding: C:\GOG Games\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\patch0\bundles\patch.bundle
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Took me a good 5-6min to kill the shrieker

That thing is doing my head in now I get it down to its last bit of health then when I try to dodge a incoming dash forward Geralt just stands there and gets steamrolled and I die :( plus that stupid jump he does when he dies is making me want to punch the screen
Anyone tried the fix to get 5.1 sound working in game? Ive tried it but i think realtek drivers arent allowing me to use 5.1 regardless. Looks like it can be sorted with a modded driver for realtek but i tried and couldnt get it to work :(
About 7 hours in Velen so far and I am not sure what I have actually been doing tbh. I keep getting distracted by random stuff ;)

Yeah, I was wondering why it was taking me so long to get to level 2. Then within 30 mins of doing the story, I was already into level 3. Turns out I'd just been wandering about. :D
That thing is doing my head in now I get it down to its last bit of health then when I try to dodge a incoming dash forward Geralt just stands there and gets steamrolled and I die :( plus that stupid jump he does when he dies is making me want to punch the screen

Minor spoilers about shrieker, ish, not really.
From recollection one of the bigger guys I killed and I think it was the shrieker said it was vulnerable to one sign but using said sign I got nowhere. Changing tactics and ignoring the beastiary advice completely I used a different sign and killed it first time with new tactic. Previously having died a few times.

Dying is irritating as hell for a few fights is crazy irritating just because the save point is either fairly far from the fight or needed a sequence of talking or something stupid before you can try the fight again. Most irritatingly I can't stand the cat effect outside in daylight and had enabled it going into the cave first time not realising you wouldn't need it. So after every death I had to leave cave, use potion to get rid of cat effect, meditate(only had one swallow up when saved), go in, do the bit in the dark, run out... then die again :(
Minor spoilers about shrieker, ish, not really.
From recollection one of the bigger guys I killed and I think it was the shrieker said it was vulnerable to one sign but using said sign I got nowhere. Changing tactics and ignoring the beastiary advice completely I used a different sign and killed it first time with new tactic. Previously having died a few times.

Dying is irritating as hell for a few fights is crazy irritating just because the save point is either fairly far from the fight or needed a sequence of talking or something stupid before you can try the fight again. Most irritatingly I can't stand the cat effect outside in daylight and had enabled it going into the cave first time not realising you wouldn't need it. So after every death I had to leave cave, use potion to get rid of cat effect, meditate(only had one swallow up when saved), go in, do the bit in the dark, run out... then die again :(

Save points? Quick Save button is your friend.
Does anyone know if you can track quest which you pick up from the notice boards? When i look in my quests I have no objectives and cant even look back at the letter i just picked up.

Am i just supposed to go to the question marks on the map?
Does anyone know if you can track quest which you pick up from the notice boards? When i look in my quests I have no objectives and cant even look back at the letter i just picked up.

Am i just supposed to go to the question marks on the map?

Yes, you can choose which quest you want to track.
You can even choose between multiple elements of the same quest.
I'm on 980 SLI, with everything Ultra and all eye candy cranked up full I'm getting 70-80fps at 1440p.

This game seems to be optimised extremely well. SLI sees both cards in the 90%+ usage and the vram hovers around 2.5GB. Maybe a lesson there for the other greedy/lazy devs that consume twice the vram for less visuals? Or am I overlooking something?

I was thinking the same thing.
Does anyone know if you can track quest which you pick up from the notice boards? When i look in my quests I have no objectives and cant even look back at the letter i just picked up.

Am i just supposed to go to the question marks on the map?

Some of the notices arent quests at all but just things to read, others are indeed the question marks. But the notices with a seal on them are actual quests/contracts i believe
Where'd you find that? :eek::p

Cant remember! :)

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