I've played a fair hefty chunk of the game, feel as if I'm reaching the end almost, and I was wondering what people are thinking about what's wrong with the game? Obviously the game is good, great even, but as I play more and more, my personal list of gripes become more obvious:
Looting - Should be easier, and should take less time overall. Trying to position the camera in just the right angle to ensure that you're opening the right container can become quite tedious after many attempts.
Inventory Management - Probably my biggest gripe atm. The menu's are just terribly designed and waste so much space with that black border around everything. Alchemy ingredients and the like are all thrown together into one single tab with little organization options. It's just a mess. Same goes for books, etc. No where to store loot... seriously? In this huge sprawling game with tons of unique weapons, armour, etc. and if I want to keep them I have to carry them around with me at all times, always keeping my weight down. Also there should have been a quick-access weapon-wheel like system found in similar open-world games e.g. allowing you to quickly swap between bombs, oil, etc.
Witcher Sense - I'm starting to hate how they implemented this into the game, it just isn't interesting from a gameplay standpoint when it is involved in missions. Hold down a button and follow a trail, look for everything in a room, etc. Doesn't feel as if I'm doing any sneaky detective-like work, instead just ticking off boxes to make sure I can progress on.
Optimization - Going from highest settings to lowest I only gain about 10 fps or so. Wish the game was more scale able, but I am running AMD, so hopefully new drivers will make the experience much smoother overall.
Control/Movement - Gotten used to it now but definitely feels somewhat clunky still. Roach is a pain to control sometimes and is just generally stupid

Fall damage doesn't make much sense, and camera movement on controller is bugged for me and many other users, on consoles too.
Crafting - Is messed up from a design perspective in many ways currently. For instance, I ran into the trouble of finding the superior version of a bomb before I found the base version. The superior version required that you have crafted the base bomb first, but I cannot craft the base bomb anymore because the superior bomb over write the base bomb recipie, rendering bombs useless for the majority of the game (I had to hunt down a merchant in the late game to solve this problem, very unfortunate).