The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

This game has so much charm and character to it, I think that's why I'm loving it so much. Obviously you have those tense moments where you have to make a tough decision which can change the outcome of the game drastically, but there's also a lot of down-time between these moments where it feels like the game loosens up a little and relaxes, a nice change of pace. Two scenes have had me laughing out loud, it's just so amazing that they can create such a compelling and well written story that they even managed to craft some really human feeling moments, like when...
You and Triss are having sex up at the light tower and your "movements" in-front of light makes some sailors you just sent off think your trying to tell them something via some sort of secret code :D. Or when you travel back to Kaer Morhen and you decide to get drunk with your witcher brothers and dress up in Yen's dresses and attempt to communicate with other sorcerreses through the mega scope, only to find some random guy having problems on the toilet :p.

My favourite part like that is
when you meet eliah and she describes the burning of that alchemist "these beasts circled the flames and then shot up into the air and exploded into glowing letters" geralt: "what did they say" eliah:"redavad sucks flaccid ****" I genuinely laughed at that
everytime i boot the game up it goes into borderless window vs fullscreen, which tanks my fps by 30!

so check that. sometimes it doesn't even re-save to go to fullscreen

It's definitely full screen. I'm getting poor fps and stutter on a single 980. I think it's the latest patch that's caused it as it was running great before that.

I've tried rolling back my driver and removing overclock but it's just the same.

I'll need to put this down until they patch the patch. :mad:
It's definitely full screen. I'm getting poor fps and stutter on a single 980. I think it's the latest patch that's caused it as it was running great before that.

I've tried rolling back my driver and removing overclock but it's just the same.

I'll need to put this down until they patch the patch. :mad:

strange im still getting 50-60fps ultra at 1440p with 2.
I'll slot my other 980 in and see what I get. Is that fps with full hairworks on?

You should have everything on including hairworks and get 60-70fps on a single 980. I only have shadows on high and foliage distance on high. Every other setting is maxed and it stays pretty much at 60FPS. This is 1920x1080 though, I guess you are running a higher res then me.
Anyone tried this on both the PC and xbox one? Is the difference significant. The texture are much better on the pc from the comparison shots I have seen, but was wondering if this is noticeable during game play. Also the reported 30 fps puts me off, but then I enjoyed shadows of mordor on the xbox well enough.

I really want to play this on the TV so its the xbox or wait for the steam link thing.
Anyone tried this on both the PC and xbox one? Is the difference significant. The texture are much better on the pc from the comparison shots I have seen, but was wondering if this is noticeable during game play. Also the reported 30 fps puts me off, but then I enjoyed shadows of mordor on the xbox well enough.

I really want to play this on the TV so its the xbox or wait for the steam link thing.

can you not connect your pc to the tv? thats how im playing it.
Everything left on high (not Ultra) and with 980 SLI... look at the fps, and the GPU usage. I was getting perfect SLI usage the other day.


It's a 4790k at stock, and the CPU usage is not over 50% much so it isn't a CPU bottleneck. :(
I'll slot my other 980 in and see what I get. Is that fps with full hairworks on?

just checked for you

everything ultra + hw + AA and all the other ****

the only thing knocked down is distance foilage to high

1440p gsync 50-60fps constant highs of 70

my scaling is 87-95% on both cards always
I have just won a copy of this thanks to a comp Gregster was running.

So having never played any form of RPG game and having no idea what Witcher is about this could be fun. Any tips I should known before hand?

Also Sweetfx? Any/worth it?
Congrats josh :cool: I have a feeling you won't like the game though but stick with it for a couple of hours.

As for settings, turn off hairworks, turn foliage and shadows to high. I have turned of the motion blur crap, sharpening, chromatic etc. crap too.

sweetfx wise - either wunkley's or this.
Congrats josh :cool: I have a feeling you won't like the game though but stick with it for a couple of hours.

As for settings, turn off hairworks, turn foliage and shadows to high. I have turned of the motion blur crap, sharpening, chromatic etc. crap too.

sweetfx wise - either wunkley's or this.

Roger, it won't be my type of game but as I won it I will give it a few hours. So just drop SFX into the game directory as per?
Yup, just follow these instructions:

1. Go to and download the Reshade + Sweetfx 2.0 pack
2. Unzip and copy the sweetfx folder, reshade64.dll, reshade.fx and sweetfx.fx files to the witcher exe directory in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64
3. Rename reshade64.dll to dxgi.dll
4. Copy the sweetfx preset/setting you want
5. delete the content of the SweetFX_Settings file and paste what you copied in step 4 and save

And yeah this isn't my usual type of game either (imo a lot of faults especially with combat) but it is a nice change and I am enjoying just exploring around the game world.
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