The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Finally beat a bossfight in the main story on death march, that had me stuck for soo long. I was close to throwing my screen out the window by the end of it, god knows how many attempts I had.

Imlerith - first part you can do easily without him even touching you but the 2nd part was so frustrating! Barely even time to even cast quen let alone move out the way. Going to reset my skillpoints now I think, need to do something about the lack of stamina

done him last night. Was stuck too until I figured out that dodge is your friend and smashed him up in 2min.
Finally fallen foul of the no xp bug, seemed to happen after i beat a grey quest and a green quest at the same time that should have given xp but didnt, the next quest i did which was blue, and only 4 lvls below me didnt give any xp. Guess ill download that mod!

Yeah I had a similar experience and got hit by the bug. I just refuse to play until the 1.05 update hits but I miss the game heaps. Too lazy to download that mod too :)
I've just reached Skellige and am absolutely loving this so far. I completely agree with the criticisms people have (camera and roach being the two main annoyances for me), but they are small gripes and don't take away from the overall quality of the game. The amount of content is mind boggling, I've spent ages trying to complete as many of the side quests, witcher contracts and treasure hunts as I possibly could so I'm probably not as far through the story as some other people are having played a similar amount of the game.
^that's the thing. There are the lots of issues with the game, but they rarely get in the way of the enjoyment...Though I do think the levelling is a serious problem and doesn't really work.
I also found that I was nowhere near as far in to the story as I thought. A few days ago I thought I was near the end, and might finish it on the day... Turned out I was only half way through act 2!

It is very close to a 10/10 game for me. We'll see what patches bring.
^that's the thing. There are the lots of issues with the game, but they rarely get in the way of the enjoyment...Though I do think the levelling is a serious problem and doesn't really work.
I also found that I was nowhere near as far in to the story as I thought. A few days ago I thought I was near the end, and might finish it on the day... Turned out I was only half way through act 2!

It is very close to a 10/10 game for me. We'll see what patches bring.

PS. I'm just about to craft the mastercrafted Feline armour:D
How do you know what act you're in and how many are there?

I only know where I was through a guide I read to find a specific item I had missed. Not sure if you can actually tell ingame where exactly you are. Here is a rough guide though if you want it with only one minimal spoiler really :

prologue- white orchard
Act 1- looking for Ciri in Velen, novigrad and Skellige(yes, all that is only act 1:eek:)
Act 2- gathering allies and the battle of Kaer Morhen (can be quite short if you have already done most of the side quests involving the characters) .
Act 3- after the battle. Can't say too much as I'm only half way through it atm.

That's as far as I know.
Can NPCs harm creatures?... I just watched 3 Scoiatel archers fire about 50 arrows at a level 5 Wolf! ...guess they aren't as good archers as they claim!

Haha, yes, in fact I saw a hunter trying to kill a deer that for some reason was standing still on a rock with the sunset behind him being majestic as ****. For about a minute I'd heard this weird sound just after a fight and thought some bandit was shooting at me but I couldn't see him and couldn't quite pinpoint the source of the noise. After running in a circle for a while I spotted this hunter shooting at a non moving deer and missing him over and over.
I'm half tempted too sell off all my witcher crafted gear and just use it when it gets to mastercraft level, literally nothing I've picked up seems to beat them. Seems like I'm just stuck with the same sets of armour all the time, I dunno I just feel like it would be more enjoyable if I had something to look forward to when looting and really had to decide what pieces to wear.

The swords seem a little OP as well, I've been using the griffin/enhanced griffin swords for what seems like ages now. Some of the swords I've picked up have had some really good added effects, but do far less damage. I have just bought a good silver sword from a Scoia'tael merchant, only does about 6 more damage than the enhance griffin sword, but has +25% critical hit chance, +10-15% aard & axii , 1% chance to freeze plus 3 rune slots.

I just wish the patch would hurry up and fix the bug whereby the runes that increase damage are broken, they all say +0 at the moment, apparently it's a UI bug but I've tested it out and the damage just doesn't increase for me.
Question for anyone who has got quite far on the Skellige island....

The quest where you kill the giant.. before you fight him your supposed to look for a key to let the guy in the cage out but soon as I start looking a cut scene starts and I have to fight the giant and the locked up guy always dies, Is this bugged or is there no way to save him?
Question for anyone who has got quite far on the Skellige island....

The quest where you kill the giant.. before you fight him your supposed to look for a key to let the guy in the cage out but soon as I start looking a cut scene starts and I have to fight the giant and the locked up guy always dies, Is this bugged or is there no way to save him?

Same happened to me, as soon as I moved the next cutscene triggered. Bugged or not it felt... wrong. It felt as if seeing as you stopped talking and were able to move that you should have a chance to do what you said you'd do but it was literally turn around... boom, next cutscene triggered.

I think it's bugged because there is no point not to make it all one cutscene if you see what I mean.
Same here. I'm not sure of the specifics, but I am almost certain you can save him because...

I'm pretty sure I saw it mentioned he is a possible ally you can recruit for the battle?
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