The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

You're not overwriting any important game files. Those files were never there until this new DLC. SweetFX added completely new files to the Witcher folder. People are annoyed that those files have suddenly appeared with the DLC and don't seem to actually work correctly.

They are important files as the game will expect them to be there when it looks for them.

The op is complaining about something not working correctly. Then the answer is dont fiddle. :o
They are important files as the game will expect them to be there when it looks for them.

The op is complaining about something not working correctly. Then the answer is dont fiddle. :o

Well the game is working correctly with the sweetfx versions of the files instead of the cdpr ones, just wondering if anyone else has had any issues. I too have disabled the dlc, also disabled the last batch of dlc as well as that's when people started complaining of no xp bug and that story quest that's broken, so far i've had none of these bugs!

Someone on the official forums also mentioned the colors looked different since the patch, maybe that's what these files do, cdpr's own little version of sweetfx!

I donty really like the look of vanilla, cant really play without sweetfx now so hopefully it'll be ok!
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Another question before I actually buy this game!

I am reading a lot on here about 'sweetfx' and the improvements it makes, but am not really sure how it is implemented.

Presumably it is a separate download, once the game has been installed, but how is it then actually integrated into the game itself?

(Newbie question... sorry! :) )
Another question before I actually buy this game!

I am reading a lot on here about 'sweetfx' and the improvements it makes, but am not really sure how it is implemented.

Presumably it is a separate download, once the game has been installed, but how is it then actually integrated into the game itself?

(Newbie question... sorry! :) )

most of the time you just dump the files in the right directory. now you might have to overwrite a file or two but that doesn't seem to have any effect (maybe create backups of of dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll just incase) This is the one im using and favorite i've tried so far.
They are important files as the game will expect them to be there when it looks for them.

The op is complaining about something not working correctly. Then the answer is dont fiddle. :o

You're missing the point though. Those files were never in the game folder before this update which means that the game didn't originally look for them. SweetFX uses those files, and when you originally install SweetFX you don't need to worry about overwriting them in the first place, and now suddenly there's a download that adds CDPRs own version of these files into the game, breaking SweetFX for people. From the view of the original release, they weren't important game files but they suddenly are now, and that's what's annoying some people.
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Another question before I actually buy this game!

I am reading a lot on here about 'sweetfx' and the improvements it makes, but am not really sure how it is implemented.

Presumably it is a separate download, once the game has been installed, but how is it then actually integrated into the game itself?

(Newbie question... sorry! :) )

It changes how the game is rendered, adding post processing I think to change the colour profile, sharpening and add FXAA iirc. It's essentially separate from the game itself, you can just remove the files to undo it.
I have the DLC but no new .DLL files were added to my bin/x64 folder. Is this because I'm on Steam rather than GoG?

I have tried SweetFX a couple of times but reverted to vanilla but with greatly reduced gamma for a much darker (and creepier) look.
Btw the amd dll files mod has added around 5 fps to my average fps. I am now around mid 50s to 60 fps most of the time except in cut scenes where dips to high 40s happen. All ultra (foliage at high).

According to the author people with 7870 generation and beyond would benefit the most with these files. Definitely worth a look.
Finally beat a bossfight in the main story on death march, that had me stuck for soo long. I was close to throwing my screen out the window by the end of it, god knows how many attempts I had.

Imlerith - first part you can do easily without him even touching you but the 2nd part was so frustrating! Barely even time to even cast quen let alone move out the way. Going to reset my skillpoints now I think, need to do something about the lack of stamina
I would guess that you will get 30-40fps with everything on.

Should get more than that, I have a 970 and run the game completely maxed out (inc hairworks) at 1440p with 30-40 fps. I only get slowdown when the camera angle wonks-out and gets super close to Geralt's hair.
With my KFA2 Infin8 Black 970 @1080 and most sliders on ultra except shadows and veg draw distance, which are on high.

With Hairworks on ALL the lowest I have seen it drop is 52f/s with a lot going on in view

With Hairworks turned off I get a solid 60f/s with v/sync turned on (my TV only goes to 60Hz)

In play, I find there is no difference between having Hairworks on or off, the reduction in f/s doesn't translate to responsiveness or cause any jerkiness in the video.
Finished this game last night, absolutely loved it. There were moments of absolute brilliance that left me speechless.

I played it and made choices based on how I felt toward the characters but it ended in me having a bad ending, however it was brilliantly done. It made me actually reflect on the choices I made in an actual real way unlike other games where choices are either - A: Jesus Good, B: Hitler Evil;
The possible endings are determined by how you treat Ciri. I responded to the choices in a more caring way, trying to help and comfort Ciri whenever possible, but reflecting back over the story it led to her being uncertain and unable to stand up on her own and always depending on having "daddy Geralt" to shoulder the big moments. Hence the result. I thought this was brilliant, there was no right or wrong, just real consequences.
I've never seen atmosphere done better in a game, especially Skellige. The culture, voices and behaviour of the people was spot on and had it's own distinct vibe from the continent. The characterisation of the main characters was brilliant, especially Geralt and Ciri. Thought Ciri's character portrayal and voice actor was brilliant and it's a shame we don't get to see more of her earlier life.

There were a few things about the game that irked me, most of it just technical problems. Like Roach having a mind of it's own, the press "A/X" for everything button, the camera would often be annoying during fight and indoors, Geralt's indoor walking pace and skittish movements, the inventory system needing a complete overhaul, oh and the swimming controls etc etc. Also was it just me or did anyone else find the Amercian accents really off putting? Not that I've got anything against American voices, it's just that in a world dripping with such strong regional accents and European ties, everytime Triss, Dandelion and Lambert opened their mouths, it just took me out of the world and I couldn't help but think I'm listen to an American VO run some lines. Even Geralt who most of the time sounded great, would occasionally lose his gruff accent and sound like someone completely different.

The game for me shined when Geralt was free roaming and doing Witchery things. I felt it did "dip" a bit when it got to Novigrad, the city was a little bit boring for me but that's just my own preference. I think my next play through I'm going to mix the city moments up with quests out in the wilderness. Also I'm going to follow a guide because there were a few quests, especially with Novigrad that came up as Failed even though I tried to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Overall I think it's the best single-player RPG there's been for ages and it made me realise just how low the standards have become in terms of characterisation and what we expect for our money in a game. I just wish this wasn't the last game of the series, it feels like they only just now got it right. It's an absolute gem and if you're unsure whether or not to get it, then all I can say is stop thinking and just buy it. It's a great experience :) I'm gonna wait for the DLC and some patches before playing again.
What difficulty are you on? Because death march is another very different story.

It's a different story, although I played on death march? I started on second hardest difficulty because in most games ultra difficulty means doing less damage/enemies doing more damage to you rather than actually more difficult or fun. So you fight some guy for 5 minutes instead of 2, the fight is no more or less complex or actually difficult or exciting. I switched to death march not that long after getting to Velen. I went back and redid the final fight on the second hardest difficulty, it was shorter, precisely the same in every other way though. Same tactics, same speed, same ultra repetitive actions.

To be fair to drunkenmaster you guys are being overly harsh on his criticisms. Although I too would be interested in what difficulty he is playing on.

I don't think any of us can argue that the leveling and the crafting system is pretty much broken. They have made the Witcher sets too easy to find and use and makes all other weapons armor completely obsolete.

Part of me feels like rushing through some of the main game and then playing again if they release a dark mode :)

Levelling is the most obvious sign they changed something big... without spoilers it would be hard to explain but I suspect there may have been an entire other area that maybe filled in the level 25-45 range which they got rid of and then found themselves jamming a lot of story/content into a lower level area but maybe ran out of time or couldn't find a way of filling the area with varying levels of enemy that well. If you were supposed to be in Velan/Novigrad from 5-15/20, Skellig from 15/20-30 and this missing third area for the rest it would have made a bit more sense. Skellig feels more contained/complete over a more sensible level range 15-25. For me there are signs that a major story line was drastically cut back and it likely was based in an entirely different area.

Finally beat a bossfight in the main story on death march, that had me stuck for soo long. I was close to throwing my screen out the window by the end of it, god knows how many attempts I had.

Imlerith - first part you can do easily without him even touching you but the 2nd part was so frustrating! Barely even time to even cast quen let alone move out the way. Going to reset my skillpoints now I think, need to do something about the lack of stamina

How did you spend your ability points? The final fight was honestly really easy for me but I had zero stamina issues and had quen at a point where it took 2-3 hits before I took actual damage and it pushed him back with each hit so I didn't need to keep recasting it.

Also playing around with some abilities I realise that the medium armour ability which says you get a 5% sign intensity and 5% stamina regen rate bonus per piece of armour is entirely bugged. It does give 5% sign intensity but it gives a flat 5/s stamina regen bonus. 33/s regen rate with that ability unslotted, 53/s with it slotted. With 4 bits of medium armour it should have boosted from 33 to just under 40 stamina regen, instead it boosts it by almost 70%. Another bug is that I seemingly had alt aard slotted as a 13th ability. It was giving an extra 1.5/s stamina regen bonus. It's not in the slots but has that white box around it in the panel on the left and I can use it. One of many bugs. While both together mean I had 45-50% higher regen than I think they intended, I don't think it effected the game in general. Igni's burning, yrden's slow/damage, they last stupidly long anyway so it wasn't like I was spamming them every I don't know, 1.8 seconds instead of every 2.5 seconds.

But yes, I should have had less stamina regen and burning/knockback/stagger shouldn't remotely get to a 100% chance rate, it's absurdly overpowered. Signs need a massive balancing/nerfing as well as the world in general needing to be worked into being mostly level appropriate. I'm cool with random guys in dangerous areas being way higher level. But being level 20 and 90% of the content being trivially easy on the hardest difficulty is absurd.

I think for the fights against that type of enemy quen isn't as important as getting away and hitting when they are vulnerable. All three(that I remember) fights just have them teleporting around like idiots then standing still. Not in that fight but I think the guy with the crones hitting quen was working against me, giving him time to get an attack on after porting. With that fight I gave up on quen and just got out of the way till he did the stuck in the ground attack. Quen is the default go to skill in almost every fight but just the slight delay when enabling it was causing me to get hit more than avoiding damage.
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Finally fallen foul of the no xp bug, seemed to happen after i beat a grey quest and a green quest at the same time that should have given xp but didnt, the next quest i did which was blue, and only 4 lvls below me didnt give any xp. Guess ill download that mod!
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As much as I have enjoyed the game, I really want it to end now. Gonna go through the main quest I think. Everything else has lost it's appeal in one way or another.

It's a great game, but there are quite a few basic things that it gets wrong that all add up in the end. I'll no doubt replay it, but once all patches have been released, as hopefully they improve on a lot of the mechanics. Top of my list is the camera. I think it is the no1 problem with the game, that adds to an overall clunky feeling it has. For a start, looting should ALWAYS be camera-based instead of movement-based. I find it very odd that they have done this.

I think this is one of the very rare games where I will probably choose different options for a lot of the quests when I replay it, as it seems like things can be quite different.

It is GOTY so far for me, but it has a long way to go before I'll consider it one of the best games ever, as I was thinking after about 20 hours.
Few things I've done to try and stop the crashing:

Set MovieFramerate=60 in \My Documents\The Witcher 3\user.settings

Changed locked FPS to unlimited instead of 60, in graphics options in game. Vsync on keeps the FPS at 60 anyway.

Not had a crash since, though not played so long with these settings. Hopefully will have helped.

I have set power management in the Nvidia control panel to prefer maximum performance, turned the fps limiter and v sync off in game,forced v sync in the Nvidia control panel and made the game run in full screen mode, and i think this has eliminated the driver crashes i was getting.

It seems like the cards power regulation couldn't switch quick enough between the menu's and in game with the games fps limiter on.

have played 5-6 hours with my overclock still on with zero issues over the last few days.
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