The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

level 12 nearly 13 and just met with triss, i tend to do all side quests around my level and where ever they take me i explore the area for ? and nests etc. always think im going to miss somet or do it sort of the wrong way or order.
Managed to take out that level ?? skulled Arch Griffin on Death March. Was one hell of a fight, took me about 40 minutes of tries to perfect the kill.

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I swear it's the game patches!

Those two silly .dlls ( dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll ) were also back in my bin/x64 folder and whenever they're there the game crashes on loads.

Removing them and only starting the game via the Witcher3.exe and not starting gog seems to stop them coming back. I've not had a single crash with this game on my PC but these dll's did cause issues with SweetFX for me.. otherwise I'm 100% stable, so far.
Not entirely possible to do everything in Velen, since any things are level 24-even 32 there.

As you progress through the story and side quests you do return there to different parts. After White Orchid the zones are not for a specific level range, they're somewhat dynamic.

Some quests as you explore won't even appear until you've done things elsewhere. Some times involving other side quests, or even just dialogue, or the time of the day.

Hell I'm level 33, and just ran into a level ?? Archgriffon while sailing about Skellige. Managed to take it down as well after a good few tries, even used decoctions for the first time ever.

For me Skulled and ?? level enemies are simply super fun challenges as well.

Ah righto! Just had a solid 2hr gaming session with zero issues on 1.05.

Most of my time was spent wandering around Novigrad. Place is huge and with the map markers constantly vanishing it was hard to find the Brothel :D Then later accidentally angered the guards by raising my shield in the town, which ended up in a benny hill style chase for a while.

Picked up a nice little 'Cheese quest' in town though and just completed that yielding me some feline armour diagram and a nice sword...1 level below me. Not met Triss or Yen yet so I guess its time to continue finding a boat to Skeleleigi to continue the main questline a bit.
Ah, good to know that it can't all be done. Can be a pain when you find something many levels above...can imagine out levelling much of the stuff I miss.

Really starting to enjoy the Gwent game :p

Have had a couple of loading crashes since the 1.05 patch...good to see the controller notification pop up gone. Just need a photo mode now :)
17 hours in really enjoying the game. Still think DAI is better but its not really fair to compare, since I finished that game and put in 70hrs. Im sure my answer will switch once I finish this game.
Playing at max settings, frames get a little choppy in certain villages but apart from that its very smooth.
17 hours in really enjoying the game. Still think DAI is better but its not really fair to compare, since I finished that game and put in 70hrs. Im sure my answer will switch once I finish this game.
Playing at max settings, frames get a little choppy in certain villages but apart from that its very smooth.

Then turn down the settings until you get performance that is slippery smooth 99% of the time?

I find that both SSAO and HBAO don't really bring that much to the table and both result in a heavy frames penalty.


Who wishes though that there was a bit more 'purpose' to the landscape, villages, and towns in this game? CDPR have done such a tremendous job of building highly ornate masterpieces such as Novigrad, but there really is very little cause for the player to interact with the environment beyond the designated 'quest givers'. This results in a sense of detachment from 'place' in the game.

Am still enjoying the game, I still see The Witcher 3 as a tremendous technical acheivment, but the game relies far too heavily on the story telling elements, which do range from good to excellent, which is just as well as the combat is decidedly mediocre and interaction with environment is very poor. CDPR have done a very poor job with their crafting and looting in general. Does anyone even care about what they collect from the environment or are most like me simply spamming the 'collect all' button without even bothering to check what is being collected.

This aint a 10/10 game like the media are all saying. It aint even a 9/10 game. But it is certainly an 8/10 game for me.

(By way of comparison......I would give Skyrim 5/10....okay for a few hours until you discover what an empty repetitive souless borefest it is)
After this weekends massive session on it, I've just got to the part
where I've turned UMA back into a elf and now need to go get help to defend the fortress.
Can't imagine I've got too much left to do main story wise?
Who wishes though that there was a bit more 'purpose' to the landscape, villages, and towns in this game? CDPR have done such a tremendous job of building highly ornate masterpieces such as Novigrad, but there really is very little cause for the player to interact with the environment beyond the designated 'quest givers'. This results in a sense of detachment from 'place' in the game.

I actually find the city extremely engaging. There are so many side quests, people of interest and little events. Even helping one person can set of a mini chain of events.

I still haven't explored everything, even at level 33 since things pop up all over.
This aint a 10/10 game like the media are all saying. It aint even a 9/10 game. But it is certainly an 8/10 game for me.

(By way of comparison......I would give Skyrim 5/10....okay for a few hours until you discover what an empty repetitive souless borefest it is)

What would you consider a 10/10 then out of interest?
Well that was one epic game. Just finished it. level 36 and 99 hours 12 mins :)

Practically every side quest (except the gwent ones). failed about 11 low level ones. Only things left are a few treasure guardians and a few dozen smugglers stash's in Skelliga's oceans.

The main thing that's bugged me throughout the game is the inventory system. Asside from that a great game. Can't wait for the dlc.

where I've turned UMA back into a elf and now need to go get help to defend the fortress.
Can't imagine I've got too much left to do main story wise?

Loads left yet Giggz :D
I haven't played the previous games, is this worth picking up once I get my 980Ti? I enjoy games like AC, Fallout, Skyrim etc. Pretty sure I'll like this one.
What would you consider a 10/10 then out of interest?

10/10 when gaming is at it's most seamlessly most absorbing, not very much at all......BF2....Gothic I + II....

More recently, 9/10 would be...

Dishonored, Bioshock (all of them), Risen, Tomb Raider (2012)...

Also had a lot of fun out of Pro Evo Soccer games over the years, leaving 2008, 2011, 2014, well of the list though.
I have no idea how long it took me to complete, as I played straight from the exe bypassing GoG galaxy. Would like to know though. It doesn't say it in game anywhere does it?

Anyway, I kind of agree about the towns amd villages. Novigrad is amazing, and Oxenfurt is great, but the smaller villages are all basically carbon copies.... I couldn't tell you a difference between any of them tbh. They all just have a merchant with a crap inventory and maybe a blacksmith, on a rare occasion a herbalist. Once you have done a quest in a village there is little reason to go back there. Also, with Novigrad I was just a little disappointed that there weren't many interiors, specifically shops. It is just loads of cloned merchants standing around in the street. A few actually in shops would have been great, and added a bit more atmosphere imo.

The inns as well were disappointing to me. I loved the inns in the first 2 games, as they were interesting hubs with groups of NPCs and side activities. In this, there is just an innkeeper with barely any dialogue, if any at all and quest givers that only talk during quests. In 2 you had the inn in Vergen for example which had loads of interesting characters in it, with plenty of dice poker and fist fights etc. Play Gwent with an innkeeper once and there is no point going back to them.

Also, kind of spoiler about the first expansion to come-

the story apparently adds content to Oxenfurt, which is great. I just hope it is levelled well. Also, you work for someone called something like 'The man of glass' and that is the guy from the prologue iirc... I thought he was acting a bit shifty!
I haven't played the previous games, is this worth picking up once I get my 980Ti? I enjoy games like AC, Fallout, Skyrim etc. Pretty sure I'll like this one.

Yeah it's really worth it IMO. Plus if you haven't played the first two, it's all okay. You can simulate a Witcher 2 world, and then you get asked questions here which is essentially you picking major choices from Witcher 2.

That way you get a somewhat Witcher 2 import save like game without having played it.

The nice thing is I imported my Witcher 1 save to 2, and 2 to 3.
I was able to ask about a Witcher 1 specific character in Witcher 3. I found that rather nice that the developers remembered her and even added that in.
I haven't played the previous games, is this worth picking up once I get my 980Ti? I enjoy games like AC, Fallout, Skyrim etc. Pretty sure I'll like this one.

Forget what graphics card you have (I've got a 1Gb 560ti) or whether you've played the previous games - get it and play it.

I actually find the city extremely engaging. There are so many side quests, people of interest and little events. Even helping one person can set of a mini chain of events.

I still haven't explored everything, even at level 33 since things pop up all over.

Same here at level 36 (second time around). It's a beautifully put together place with all sorts of things to do.
I find myself stopping and listening to all the stand up comedians amongst the drunks, harlots and general riff-raff half the time too :)
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Has anyone else noticed or mentioned the fact that a few of the screams are pretty much sound files from the first command and conquer?

I was watching my dad play this yesterday and it was so choppy it was unreal. I checked his settings and he was running everything on ultra including hairworks on a 6870 :O

I asked him to put on his afterburner overlay and sure enough the game was running at 10-15fps.

I changed all his settings to medium and switched off hairworks and AA and 720p now its a solid 60fps all round and he says he can't tell the difference.
The worst part is he has been playing at 10-15fps for 73 hours :O

On another note the game does seem epic when I was playing it on a 100" projector screen :)

I love the music in this game, the story is great and I thought it was coming to the end when you travel to a certain place but 15 hours later there's still quite a fair bit of story stuff to do
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