The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Every time i start the game from GOG I get this matchescount error message, does anyone know what it means, game always runs o.k

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Quoting myself, but I'm good :) ....

Fixed it!

In case anyone else needs help, I removed the d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll that the patch introduced and then put in the latest reshade files, and renamed the ReShade64.dll file to dxgi.dll. Then used my old saved sweetfx settings file.

Everything is back to how it was, and my tweaks for super smooth SLI with gsync performance still work, thank god.

The best and most instantly noticable fix from the patch for me is that when riding your horse at normal walking speed there is no stutter/ animation judder now! Thank **** for that. I NEVER used my horse because of this awful bug, time to get acquainted with Roach now. No idea why it took them so long to fix that.

I cant get mine to work, and I dont see any d3d11.dll or dxgi.dll files in the game directory after the latest patch. Where did you find these?
Got back into this after a while. Level 4.. e.e

Forgot how to block even. With a pad.

Edit: Got it, found a new chest armour at the bottom of the sea, +27 vitality among other things. So many weapons I've got too just for backup.
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I just tried a few graphical mods and a lot of script errors.. :(

Ok with Nexus Mod Manager deactivated all mods, but had a sweetfx in the x64 directory, it launched but crashed upon launch.. grrr
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I just tried a few graphical mods and a lot of script errors.. :(

Ok with Nexus Mod Manager deactivated all mods, but had a sweetfx in the x64 directory, it launched but crashed upon launch.. grrr

I read that the changes that came with 1.10 changed the underlying code and as such, the scripts need modifying by their creators :mad:
I saw mention of some more tweaks to the inventory so I guess it's time to fire up and see.

I still haven't applied any mods or tweaks as it's running Ok for me now but I do like to tinker.
Badboy, thats cool no worries. Can live without mods for a while. Dunno how far im in now but rescued a blokes goat called princess... strange world lol
Only one problem I have from the new patch is massively increased loading times when travelling between maps. Just got my mastercrafted wolven armour set this morning ready for DLC next week, minimum level is 30 I read so I should be just right at 34 on deathmarch :)
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