The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

^this is truth I can't comprehend people skipping cut scenes or dialogue in games.

Witcher 3 has some of the best Quests/Storytelling/Lore in any RPG i've played.

I don't think that guy should bother with the Witcher 3 if he is going to skip all the dialogue and play it like some sort of action rpg :(
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Standalone Gwent announced. Slightly disappointed though as I thought this would have made a good mobile game.

In that link it doesn't mention the Nilfgard faction!

I loved Gwent. I think it is the 2nd best mini game ever in games(card game from final fantasy 8 tops it for me, but it is close), so I will definitely play this.
Has anyone used Nexus Mod Manager on this? When I've used it in the past on other games, NMM has given me the option to run a custom version on the game with the mods applied. Witcher 3 is isn't given me such an option so mods aren't applying.
Yes I use nmm for most mods, though it isn't really essential as the file structure is quite simple.

You just do it manually? I've got a Mods folder where the game is installed that has the mods I've installed in but game looks normal when I play it. I've installed a mod that turns Roach into a Unicorn as a test and Roach has default textures.
Would it not be easier just to hold down 'x' and jump to when you get to speak, rather than repeatedly mash the same button for 2 minutes?

Seems like an oversight on their part. I would have thought they would have patched this in by now.

Or maybe, they made the game for people who enjoy dialogue and story.
In that link it doesn't mention the Nilfgard faction!

I loved Gwent. I think it is the 2nd best mini game ever in games(card game from final fantasy 8 tops it for me, but it is close), so I will definitely play this.

Was a really strong viewing at E3. They are adding loads of new cards and mixing with the abilities.

Really cool that for example on the monsters deck, the biting frost weather card that would reduce all melee fighters on the board down to 1 strength. If you play the Ice giant then the biting frost actually buffs this card with additional strength.

Would love it if they could develop an iOS/Android App for this :D
I finished B&W, definitely a little sad now knowing there won't be any more new Witcher 3 content. I did everything I could in the Toussaint region.
I have no more more quests to do, had to recheck each map just to make sure I hadn't missed any "!". There's still loads of "?", especially in Skillege for me, but don't have much incentive to go for them all.

There's so much that could be improved with the Witcher 3, but it is still one of my top games of recent years thanks to it's focus on storytelling and characterisation context through narrative, just awesome.
I finished B&W, definitely a little sad now knowing there won't be any more new Witcher 3 content. I did everything I could in the Toussaint region.
I have no more more quests to do, had to recheck each map just to make sure I hadn't missed any "!". There's still loads of "?", especially in Skillege for me, but don't have much incentive to go for them all.

There's so much that could be improved with the Witcher 3, but it is still one of my top games of recent years thanks to it's focus on storytelling and characterisation context through narrative, just awesome.

I have yet to play the latest DLC but know the feeling, yes, I had the same after Hearts. Definitely one of my most favourite games of all time!
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