... It is above everyone's head, whether they actually speak to you or not!
Just recently started Witcher 3 as I didn't enjoy the first two in the slightest and i'm absolutely loving it on second try. Couldn't get in to first time but once I sat down and actually gave it a go, I absolutely love it.
The only problem I have is that a lot of the armours and clothing looks **** and I was on the leather armour up until level 11, LOL.
Just got the Basic Griffin Set and got a mod that makes it black and so he doesn't have a random beer belly and it looks much better
very gorgeous
Well my stepdad has just rang me my qwent cards have arrived at my mums going to pick them up tomorrow then put them into a display frame with the map and medallion if i can find a official one for sale.
Anyone else had theirs?
Nope not yet.
Hopefully not long if yours has arrived.