The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Wow. RT is MORE demanding in Witcher 3 than it is in Cyberpunk! If I enable RT, it is basically impossible to get 60fps stable in 1440p, even with DLSS, whereas I can play Cyberpunk with RT Ultra in 1620p and keep 60fps.
It seems like hacking DX12 and RT support into this old version of the engine wasn't exactly easy.

But I gotta say, RTGI does make lighting looks a lot better in those places that are affected by it, e.g.

(non RT):


(RTGI and RT reflections enabled, RTAO and RT Shadows disabled):

Sadly it's at best a half-baked release. Many graphical problems, performance issues and even fps decay. The weird utilization issues in cities also make me think the way they're implementing RT is broken probably with how BVH building is done.

Sigh. It's probably going to be months before they properly patch it up, if at all. :(
Sadly it's at best a half-baked release. Many graphical problems, performance issues and even fps decay. The weird utilization issues in cities also make me think the way they're implementing RT is broken probably with how BVH building is done.

Sigh. It's probably going to be months before they properly patch it up, if at all. :(

Shame, was going to install it. I am in no rush anyway. Will install in a few months. So many other games to play :)
Wow. RT is MORE demanding in Witcher 3 than it is in Cyberpunk! If I enable RT, it is basically impossible to get 60fps stable in 1440p, even with DLSS, whereas I can play Cyberpunk with RT Ultra in 1620p and keep 60fps.
It seems like hacking DX12 and RT support into this old version of the engine wasn't exactly easy.

But I gotta say, RTGI does make lighting looks a lot better in those places that are affected by it, e.g.

(non RT):


(RTGI and RT reflections enabled, RTAO and RT Shadows disabled):

Turn off vsync , it was destroying my FPS for some reason
I’ll be d’loading this as soon as I get in from work! Hope my 3080 will get 60+ with all the bells and whistles on at 1440p with DLSS
Might be a dumb question but I've got a GTX 1070 which I know is old now, but should it be able to use RTX in Witcher 3 without any issues? Because I get unplayable lag with it enabled. Other than that I get 60 FPS with everything maxed
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I’ll be d’loading this as soon as I get in from work! Hope my 3080 will get 60+ with all the bells and whistles on at 1440p with DLSS
Yeah you can forget about that.

I just did a test - run through Novigrad - on settings:

DLSS Performance
Everything off / lowest (incl. population density)
RT Reflections ON
RT Shadows OFF
RT Ambient Occlusion OFF

And result?

In Novigrad on these settings, game drops into low fifties in the “busy” places (like fish market). With 5800X3D and 3080Ti. And this is purely CPU limitation of course. GPU is not running fully utilized.

Basically with RT enabled, 60fps rock stable is impossible. It is more demanding than Cyberpunk. No idea if this is something that can be further optimized.

Might be a dumb question but I've got a GTX 1070 which I know is old now, but should it be able to use RTX in Witcher 3 without any issues? Because I get unplayable lag with it enabled

1070 does not even support RT features. So, play in DX11 mode.
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I was surprised by how badly it was performing with GI on, I was only getting around 25fps.

With it off and set to Ultra+ it was back to 60fps, but with some frame pacing/hitching issues which isn't ideal.

Got about 20 minutes left until the game updates on the Steam Deck, so I'll give that a go too!
Wow, none of this performance feedback sounds good!

Without some optimisations it sounds like we need a settings guide to get the best balance between new visuals and at least 60fps performance.
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