The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Wait you can have a flaming sword?! I have only just unlocked runerights and oils to apply to swords lol. Level 31 currently.
The Hearts of Stone DLC adds a load of new locations to the NE of the map. There’s now a runewright who can modifiy kit with three levels of enchantments. He’s very very very expensive though.
Price is never an issue, I just loot every house in every village and sell the loot to berkeeps and vendors :cry:

It's a dog eat dog world out there!

I call it ''The Witcher Tax" when I loot poor people's houses to assuage myself of any guilty feelings I might have!
Hotfix apparently, mine was a lofty 5mb

A few things, there's a new Ray traced optimisation mod out that improves perf by 5%, maybe more in other areas. It focuses solely on RTGI and RTAO:

I did not know that there was a 21:9 fix out for the cutscenes, just like in Hogwarts, this one though needs a bit of manual labour via hex edit:

I am now using the above faster ray tracing mod and it seems nice. The loss in image quality from disabling RT reflections and shadows is not that obvious anyway it seems, so am leaving it this way. Indoors I registered about 8fps gain with the mod. This gain is not from disabling RT reflections and shadows though as I had tried that in the past and saw no obvious change in fps.

I also disabled "bloom" - It seems pointless, all it does is removes detail in highlights like where sunlight hits through a window and also uses up 2fps:



So as it stands, my personal "optimised" settings for excellent image quality, and excellent performance all round looks like this:


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