Theres a mental woman who's decided to fall asleep on my doorstep!!

But your taking one unacceptable case that will make the papers. how many good things that the police do, never make the papers. NONE. Because they happen too often for people to bother reporting.

I agree, these officers should be dealt with with a zero tolerance policy, but your kind of painting them all with the same brush.
There's also a lot of bad things police do which don't get reported.

The other day I was out, witnessed a guy in his late 20s punch a teenage boy square in the face and spit at him. Saw a PC loitering around aimlessly nearby and told him exactly what happened. Both the victim and suspect were stationary and I told him where they were and what they looked like. He didn't seem at all bothered. He said he was "waiting for a lift" and if they had time later they might check it out. Anyway his lift arrived and he just jumped in the back seat and they casually drove away in the wrong direction.

To be completely honest, from the first words he uttered, the tone of his voice sounded like he didn't give a **** and I knew he wouldn't do ****.
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I work late. I'm also somewhat nocturnal, to the extent that it isn't uncommon for me to be shopping in the middle of the night (24 hour Tesco). I am often in Hanley late at night. Given that combination, it's not hugely unusual for me to find people unconscious on the ground.

I cautiously check them out and find a copper if there's no apparent immediate problem. This has happened at least a dozen times and every time it's been dealt with quickly and reasonably. Either I find a couple of coppers on walkabout and they go straight there or I find some coppers on duty somewhere and they radio in to arrange someone else to go there.

I'm not recognising this police force some people are talking about. I've been stopped and questioned by the police on numerous occasions when I was younger and I still don't recognise this police force some people are talking about. They were reasonable, I was reasonable, everything was civilised.
I work late. I'm also somewhat nocturnal, to the extent that it isn't uncommon for me to be shopping in the middle of the night (24 hour Tesco). I am often in Hanley late at night. Given that combination, it's not hugely unusual for me to find people unconscious on the ground.

I cautiously check them out and find a copper if there's no apparent immediate problem. This has happened at least a dozen times and every time it's been dealt with quickly and reasonably. Either I find a couple of coppers on walkabout and they go straight there or I find some coppers on duty somewhere and they radio in to arrange someone else to go there.

I'm not recognising this police force some people are talking about. I've been stopped and questioned by the police on numerous occasions when I was younger and I still don't recognise this police force some people are talking about. They were reasonable, I was reasonable, everything was civilised.
I'm in East London. So that's Metropolitan. :)

Staffordshire isn't as ethnically diverse as London.
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I'm not recognising this police force some people are talking about. I've been stopped and questioned by the police on numerous occasions when I was younger and I still don't recognise this police force some people are talking about. They were reasonable, I was reasonable, everything was civilised.

We can all present analytical evidence suggesting their are good Police officers, statistics, cover ups, reports show the bad eggs and the reluctance from the Police overall to change, despite the Stephen Lawrence case being well over 10 years ago now. Clearly no lessons were learnt if an officer can get away scot free with calling a detainee a "******" and a "****".

And yes, he is being told off now, but no thanks to the Police themselves.
Just call an ambulance dude.

The police are wasting your time by not turning up.

It's not like it's cold out.

Its not like op is a scared little girl with a drunk violent food on her door step...

Just ignore her she will sober up and wonder off in her own time

Why waste the emergency services time with a drunk asleep on your door step.

+1 I have dealt with police many times in work or out and about and have to say they are always very nice people who go about their job professionally.
To be honest If there's X police making Y arrests every day and 1 of these arrests, due to video footage and hind-site, is slightly iffy to an internet crowd, I would say bravo for only having 1 iffyness lol. There must be thousands of arrests per day and whenever I watch tv programs about police and how they interact with the public I'm always left shouting at the tv along the lines of "kick him in the head while noones looking" or some such. I dont think I could ever keep as level headed as some of these people do, especially in the face of such blanket ignorance and hostility. Its easy to pick one event out of thousands and say "hang on thats not right", but the fact that there are thousands you cant pick on says more then anything else.
If I had my way I would let the police stungun anyone who shouts at them or abuses them. People would soon learn some respect!

*edit - Rant over. Apologies :p
I dont think I could ever keep as level headed as some of these people do, especially in the face of such blanket ignorance and hostility. Its easy to pick one event out of thousands and say "hang on thats not right", but the fact that there are thousands you cant pick on says more then anything else.
If I had my way I would let the police stungun anyone who shouts at them or abuses them. People would soon learn some respect!


It would be interesting to see how people like hurfdurf would react in such situations
The milk of human kindness is really overflowing in this thread, I wouldn't have left a dog out last night never mind a woman.
Would it have really put you out to get her indoors and make sure she was warm and comfortable for a few hours?

Total humanity fail :/

Oh I see, Londoners, that explains it then.
I think I know why the police don't care. They asked me to describe her and I said she was black. Damn.

I've spoken to the Police 4 times now. That's three times too many.

I don't want to risk getting done for wasting emergency service time.

You do know that the police are quite busy on a Saturday night/Sunday morning between the times you called yet you feel it unacceptable that they took a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes to turn up to deal with your non-emergency and also that you phoned 4 times in that period about this pish? :confused:

Have a word with yourself...
The milk of human kindness is really overflowing in this thread, I wouldn't have left a dog out last night never mind a woman.
Would it have really put you out to get her indoors and make sure she was warm and comfortable for a few hours?

Total humanity fail :/

Oh I see, Londoners, that explains it then.

was going to work one morning (live in London) and a guy had collapsed on the escalators, looked dead to me. he was just lying there at the top, and people where just stepping over him.

myself and another guy pulled him to one side, like in the middle of the two escalators. to see if he was OK. he was unconcious, barely breathing.

after about 5 mins some tube guys came and took over, heard later he died of a heart attack.

i really hope those who stepped over him managed to get to work OK :(

just sad, but true nowadays, there are a lot out there who really dont give a **** :mad:

edit: im from Glasgow, been in London 14 years
He would probably whine on to her about making him a mod, while mistakenly th\inking he was amusing until eventually she ignored him.
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The milk of human kindness is really overflowing in this thread, I wouldn't have left a dog out last night never mind a woman.
Would it have really put you out to get her indoors and make sure she was warm and comfortable for a few hours?

Total humanity fail :/

Oh I see, Londoners, that explains it then.

So she can rob/rape him or take up residence in his place? Or worse, accuse him of raping her?

No thanks,

She got herself there, I'm sure she can get herself home
Alas, as well as sensible people who have been bought up in privilege like you and I exist, so do vulnerable people who have not had such upbringings who sometimes find themselves in need of assistance.

You're making assumptions about my background. You know nothing about me. Stop it.

I didn't ask who would be more likely, I didn't say all Police were scum and likely to kick a mentally ill or drunks head in for fun, I simply asked you who you would rather be picked up by, and you couldn't answer the question, because the facts are on my side, not the Police, and as Police job approval ratings are across the board falling through the floor, the public are clearly beginning to notice thanks to greater transparency, modern mobile phones securing evidence that cannot be covered up and better and more free communication amongst the public thanks to the internet exposing the bad Police more often.

If I were passed out on the street because I was stupid, drank too much and couldn't find my way home? I hope I wouldn't be picked up by either as it neither of their jobs, but if it came to it, and I hate to admit it, probably Police simply because in general they have the resources to deal with it and I wouldn't want to take up the valuable resource of an ambulance.

Eventually the good guys win, it will just take time, and part of that is the decent Police no longer covering up for the criminal ones, and part of that is you yourself, as a Police officer, admitting that there are serious issues in the Police force that need addressing.

I think the quote below start to answer why this annoys me so much:

I'm not recognising this police force some people are talking about. I've been stopped and questioned by the police on numerous occasions when I was younger and I still don't recognise this police force some people are talking about. They were reasonable, I was reasonable, everything was civilised.

We can all present analytical evidence suggesting their are good Police officers, statistics, cover ups, reports show the bad eggs and the reluctance from the Police overall to change, despite the Stephen Lawrence case being well over 10 years ago now. Clearly no lessons were learnt if an officer can get away scot free with calling a detainee a "******" and a "****".

And yes, he is being told off now, but no thanks to the Police themselves.

I've been in the Police for going on two years now. I've never seen anything even resemblant of corruption, all of the colleagues I've had personal experience of and there are many, have shown their integrity, patience and genuine compassion on every shift.

This may be because my experience is limited to Hampshire and this has it's own policing challenges and demographics and I am very sure that policing in London, Birmingham, Manchester or any other large metropolis is very different, but don't say that corruption or racism is endemic in the Police, because it's not where I'm from.

Making a complaint about another officer, especially one that you work with is no doubt difficult, but I know that everyone I work with wouldn't bat an eyelid at making sure that these people are challenged by both themselves and the management team, and the culture of the Constabulary supports this. There isn't the feeling that we protect our own, there is the feeling that we do what we can justify and challenge what we think is wrong. That said, it simply hasn't been anywhere near an issue in my experience.

You say that I deny that there is a problem. Perhaps I am in denial, but no matter how hard I look I can't recognise anything you suggest. You are not talking about the Police I know about, indeed you could be talking about a foreign police force for all it's worth. Your assertions simply aren't as representative as you seem to think.
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