This Instant And Moment - 2024!


Looks like someone has smashed your legs to pieces!

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Just came the closest I've ever been to pooing myself. I normally try and relax my bowel on the walk to the toilet - efficiency and all that. Anyways got there and there was 0 toilet roll. Quick decision on whether to use kitchen roll but I knew this would be a jalapeno poo (I'm desperate for a bum washer to fix ring sting) so made the bold decision to go into the garage and get the tp. Anyway it's a new bulk bag so I had to rip through 3 layers of plastic. I then ran to the toilet and could feel my but hole pulsating as if it was about to burst. All in all 9/10 experience.

Have been debating heading back to London for All Points East Festival as the Postal Service/Death Cab for Cutie are doing a 20th anniversary album tour. Downside being it's the August bank holiday weekend, so flights are extortionate, the mates that would go with me are on family holidays and generally it'd be a lot of effort/cost on my own.

They've just announced they're playing Barcelona :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Words cannot explain how happy i am.
Tried to do home to (near) Leeds in one segment of the gauge but traffic was pants so dropped from high 70s mpg and a second segment, us dole boys have to be frugal

Got stuck behind a 40MPH everywhere driver on the way to work :( MPG dropped from 44.5 to 38.1 :( then hit heavy traffic which dropped to 34, worst fuel economy I've had in that vehicle so far.

Annoying thing was the van in front of me was being nice and let one of my neighbours out who turned out to be the 40 everywhere type, then the van driver ended up tailgating them laying on the horn out of frustration after we done a couple of miles of NSL main road behind them, which didn't help things and I don't agree with it but was understandable.
Either it's a strong coincidence or that's the same Craig Sturt that I used to know when I was little. At first i thought no it cant be as the age doesn't match but then I realised how old I am now and it does match up :eek:

My Internet is being a PITA again though so my Facebook detective work isnt going very far :D

Edit: Oh nope not the same one
Man flies from London to New York and back without a passport or boarding pass. :D.

So many questions..
I loaded forums to test my connection as other websites weren't loading. Now I can't remember what I was trying to Google for :o
In other news I've messed up my achillies on the same side I injured myself last year (just to add to the many issues lol) and one physio exercise requires a step. I live in a flat and currently trying to work out what I can use. I have a little fold up step but it's not heavy enough for me to stand on the edge of it without tipping over. The best I've got is my wii balance board. I need to have my toes on the edge and dip my heels off the edge
Suggestions on a postcard :D
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Just been shooting arrows in the garden with my daughters. They were good, listened and enjoyed it.

It's been years since I shot a bow, but it seems muscle memory is a thing.
My Nanan is fading away. Just hope and pray she goes quickly for everyone’s sake. Had a great aunt (on mum’s side) who prolonged living like that for 3.5 months.

She hasn’t eaten anything bar a scoop of ice cream every day for ten days. She’s lost so much weight. Dad visited her in the care home and didn’t talk at all. Sleeps much of the day. She can’t even get out of bed now.

She’s 96 years old.
really sorry to hear that @cheesefest. My wife’s Aunty died recently in her early 70’s and it was all quite quick.

That’s much better than the really long drawn out deaths. For all involved really as mean as it sounds.

Hope your family can help get each other through
The great aunt I have no memory of her apart from her in hospital completely not with it. She had a brain tumour which affected her balance and had nosebleeds.

My Nanan’s sister was 96 years when she died.

I had a horrible feeling a few days ago that I would lose Nanan on the 20th anniversary of the passing of my other grandmother
The great aunt I have no memory of her apart from her in hospital completely not with it. She had a brain tumour which affected her balance and had nosebleeds.

My Nanan’s sister was 96 years when she died.

I had a horrible feeling a few days ago that I would lose Nanan on the 20th anniversary of the passing of my other grandmother
Perception can be crazy like that.

I like to think I’m logical and don’t believe in stuff but there are a lot of occurances where you just have “that feeling”
Is the pic an accurate reflection of what you saw with your eyes?

It wasn't quite as green. But you could see it. And for about 30 seconds it was dancing.

You could see the bright green J shape clearly. But it's a more pale green in this case.

It was still amazing with your eyes
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My daughter is a pretty good goalkeeper but is still in training. We train most days. A snapshot from this morning:

Me: "Schmeichel for his aggression, Neuer for his aerobic ability and then there is Kahn."
Daughter: "Was he good?"
Me: "Better than that."
Daughter: "I'll look him up. Sounds fun."
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