This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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I've heard on the tv from 2 former police officers that are saying a public order offence can't take place inside someones home.

So far as I've seen no police are defending this incident.

I think the woman should at least be suspended. She's on camera being told the girl has autism and her reply was "I don't care". She came across as a thug, clenched fists etc.

There seems to be some conflicting information about who the actual comment was to. It sounds like it was a comment made by the girl to her mother. Yet somehow this female police officer got offended.
This is what happens when when you have to live by the tip toe around people culture.

Some people aren't fit for public facing roles. If that policewomen in question really took offence to what was alleged to of happened, then they aren't capable of a public duties role. Especially given she seemed too cowardly to even be involved at certain parts by just being a bystander. It's typical of this creeping issue of self entitlement/feelings above all else society.

End of the day, not everyone is capable of these roles. It's not a drama, just reality.

On the other hand, there were plenty colleagues who were clearly in support of the action, whether that means there is more to this or... they were probably too worried to go against it maybe getting a bad name back in the office of being an "extremist" or some BS.
"On reviewing the evidence West Yorkshire police have decided to take no further action"

To be fair, that doesnt mean a crime hasnt been committed. West yorkshire police sat in a mosque as its members called for death against a child and didn't lift a finger. Kettlethorpe school quran issue for reference.
To be fair, that doesnt mean a crime hasnt been committed. West yorkshire police sat in a mosque as its members called for death against a child and didn't lift a finger. Kettlethorpe school quran issue for reference.
In a few years I can see a big conflict of interest happening, and then the police and other organisations are going to realise why professional neutrality was promoted in the past.
Absolutely. Theyve crapped in their own nests and have disillusioned the public as a whole by favouring minorities.
I think the problem is historically the police had a huge problem with racism / sexism amongst their ranks. they still have some issues now tho hopefully it's not like it used to be..... but now possibly they are trying so hard to distance themselves from that that maybe the pendulum has swung too far the other way (just like society as a whole is doing in some areas imo... positive discrimination IS still discrimination. )

whilst I think our police force is in dire straits for a number of reasons.... I do sympathise with them to a degree as well. it's not like the general public often do much to give them a helping hand.
I think the problem is historically the police had a huge problem with racism / sexism amongst their ranks. they still have some issues now tho hopefully it's not like it used to be..... but now possibly they are trying so hard to distance themselves from that that maybe the pendulum has swung too far the other way (just like society as a whole is doing in some areas imo... positive discrimination IS still discrimination. )

whilst I think our police force is in dire straits for a number of reasons.... I do sympathise with them to a degree as well. it's not like the general public often do much to give them a helping hand.

The general public dont help because the police have failed them for too long. They can deploy numerous officers to dance along at a pride parade, spare resource to paint or label their cars with rainbows but cant find the resource to bother to attend after someone has gone through the incredibly traumatic experience of a burglary.
The general public dont help because the police have failed them for too long. They can deploy numerous officers to dance along at a pride parade, spare resource to paint or label their cars with rainbows but cant find the resource to bother to attend after someone has gone through the incredibly traumatic experience of a burglary.
I didn't realise putting decals on cars meant officers weren't available to attend burglaries. That must the reason for ambulance waiting times being so high, too.

In a few years lets see if the lgbt police vehicles go in to predominantly Muslim areas.
Only a handful of forces ever had them in the past and even fewer appear to now. Some of you lot get far too fixated on this stuff.
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I didn't realise putting decals on cars meant officers weren't available to attend burglaries. That must the reason for ambulance waiting times being so high, too.

Only a handful of forces ever had them in the past and even fewer appear to now. Some of you lot get far too fixated on this stuff.

Do you not understand the word resource?
Only a handful of forces ever had them in the past and even fewer appear to now. Some of you lot get far too fixated on this stuff.
Of course people get fixated on them. That's why police of the past didn't get involved in issues that stigmatise certain communities.

I'm not against lgbt people, live and let live is my position. As long as it's not harming others.

But certain religious communities don't like it.
Of course people get fixated on them. That's why police of the past didn't get involved in issues that stigmatise certain communities.

I'm not against lgbt people, live and let live is my position. As long as it's not harming others.

But certain religious communities don't like it.

Are you talking about the Christians?
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