This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Oh please... you're posting history speaks for itself. The moment anyone is negative about a woman, you call them out as incels or misogynistic.

Even your response above now states you've hit women only via explicit consent from those women either via your employment as a male whore or via combat sports.

If a woman started physically attacking you on the street and continued to do so, what would be your response?

Be better... I believe you can be if you tried.

Read my original post where I said.

On what planet does someone let another human, regardless of gender, allow them to attack them and put themselves in danger?

Part of supporting women is appreciating they are equal to men and deserve equal treatment. I’m sorry that you both can’t read posts and don’t understand basic concepts, but until you do get to that level, rather than pathetically trying to call me out and getting it oh so wrong, doubling up, and continuing to look stupid, keep my name out of your posts.
..., keep my name out of your posts.


Read my original post where I said.

Part of supporting women is appreciating they are equal to men and deserve equal treatment. I’m sorry that you both can’t read posts and don’t understand basic concepts, but until you do get to that level, rather than pathetically trying to call me out and getting it oh so wrong, doubling up, and continuing to look stupid, keep my name out of your posts.
Aside from this, you know my comment that you haven't quoted was a joke though, yeah mate? :)
Context is king.

I’ve hit and strangled many women with enthusiastic consent who want that to happen sexually, I’ve hit and strangled women in boxing and mma.

I don’t know why Richie has @‘d me on this topic at all. Bizarre post by him altogether really. Very sad. Should probably keep my name out of his posts if his posts are such low quality.

You're such a simp lol
Sorry, 'ard.

Some of the comments in here lately, acting like a big man because they feel they can and should hit a woman due to some pathetic based reasoning.

What? Do you sit down when you pee too?

Hitting someone back in self-defence regardless of gender isn't "pathetic".

As I said if you attack me, you think you can take me and regardless of your gender I will defend myself to the best of my ability. If that means putting you on your back then so be it.
I don't believe in hitting women generally. I would dodge and push them away, as I've done in the past.

Men and women are generally not the same. Though some women are very strong and big. If she is fighting a short slim guy he could easily be over powered. Women tend not to hold back in a fight. So in that situation if the guy can't dodge, push, then he should aim a punch on her nose, not to knock her out. But to discourage her from continuing coming forward.

I don't think a man should be the one provoking a physical fight with a woman. I think he might find himself on his butt rather quickly if other guys saw that.

@hurfdurf I'd be careful about punching women with consent in paid sexual situations. Because she could always go to the police after and say you did it on purpose.

I had a friend who met a woman on one of the hook up apps, and she wanted him to punch her, closed fist. He didn't do it because he thought it was some kind of set up. Gotta be very careful with that kinda thing. I'd video it if I was you. Then the story can't be twisted later on.
I have never and hopefully would never hit a woman 1st in a fight (have been punched by one and didn't retaliate either)
however IF I felt genuinely threatened and was attacked 1st then I absolutely would feel it was ok to reply in kind. anyone who has an issue with that is an idiot imo as well as a huge hypocrite if they believe remotely in equality.

should a man also hesitate in defending the selves if attacked by another man who is a bit smaller than they are ?

an old colleague of my dad's was a battered husband. hopefully attitudes have changed now but back then he didn't dare complain. he may have been right as well as many of those who knew ridiculed him. My dad new the woman however and knew better .
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I think the police have a difficult job, and there are good and bad eggs like many things.

That said, I had an interesting experience the other evening. I was driving along, steadily following a horsebox at 50mph~ or so. A police car passed in the opposite direction, he must have only seen my car for 3 or 4 seconds at most.

Next, I noticed in my rear view mirror that the police car very hastily turned around and started following me, then the blue lights came on so I pulled over.

"This is a very nice car sir, a very nice car indeed, is it yours?" to which I replied "good evening officer, thank you, yes it is". He had a bit of a smirk on his face and said "we've pulled you over because you looked quite close to the white line and we're on the lookout for drink drivers."

Now, I was categorically not near the white line at all, I was dead centre in the middle of the road. So it's quite obvious from his attitude that he's pulled me over because of the car. He wasn't unpleasant, just a bit smug.

Anyway, I quite happily volunteered to do a breathalyser which was fine, one of them looked a bit disappointed, and I drove off... not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but not what I'd call an enjoyable experience either.
I think the police have a difficult job, and there are good and bad eggs like many things.

That said, I had an interesting experience the other evening. I was driving along, steadily following a horsebox at 50mph~ or so. A police car passed in the opposite direction, he must have only seen my car for 3 or 4 seconds at most.

Next, I noticed in my rear view mirror that the police car very hastily turned around and started following me, then the blue lights came on so I pulled over.

"This is a very nice car sir, a very nice car indeed, is it yours?" to which I replied "good evening officer, thank you, yes it is". He had a bit of a smirk on his face and said "we've pulled you over because you looked quite close to the white line and we're on the lookout for drink drivers."

Now, I was categorically not near the white line at all, I was dead centre in the middle of the road. So it's quite obvious from his attitude that he's pulled me over because of the car. He wasn't unpleasant, just a bit smug.

Anyway, I quite happily volunteered to do a breathalyser which was fine, one of them looked a bit disappointed, and I drove off... not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but not what I'd call an enjoyable experience either.

I hope you didn't volunteer to step out of your car and sit in the back of his. I certainly wouldn't if I knew I hadn't done anything illegal.
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