Let me tell you a story. I posted about this briefly on the other thread but for some meat to the story here's what's what.
On Facebook (lol) a guy who has shaved eyebrows and looks like he's from jersey Shore took offence to me questioning his views on wiper blades. He went all deranged and threatened physical violence and then proceeded to ring my mobile number and leave a number of voicemails when there was no answer and then subsequently blocked. And yes he sounds exactly like someone from Jersey Shore too.
It got to the point where he ended up leaving crying voicemails as to why I don't pick up the phone and that it's "ridiculous" and I must be a "coward"
He doesn't sound like he has the intelligence to actually use any other means of communication, so I don't expect to be contacted any other way other than what a doofus is capable of using, normal phone and Facebook, both of which are blocked now anyway.
Anyway, the first few voicemails stated he knew my address but didn't actually state any facts related to these claims. Still, a threat was made and as such this was reported to 101. All the evidence and voicemails were collected and stored as instructed by 101 as an officer would be in touch.
An officer never got in touch, but I did sign up to the Hampshire Police portal to view the case progress. A few days later it turns out the case is closed with no contact, no looking at the evidence, no nothing. I emailed the officer directly as I remembered the email address even though he had removed all contact details from the case after closing it. I also direct tweeted Hampshire Constabulary with the case ref asking why it was closed so I guess one of the two contacts resulted in a response stating here's a digital copy of the letter they sent (which never arrived):
So even though the evidence is time stamped, saved and easily available, they don't care because a threshold is not met, whatever that might be. It could have been an easy case solved situation by just cautioning the guy after reviewing the evidence, it could have been done in a couple of hours, I know how this sort of thing works as I worked in police forensics for a short while. It could have been a little win for one person which results in a big restoration of faith in a system that's supposed to protect and to serve the community, but nope, anyone can threaten anyone with physical violence and harass them with zero consequences.
If by some miracle this guy does happen to know my address and turns up one day, then the consequences of his actions will be observed, because the system won't do anything about protecting those subjected to crimes it seems.