This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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This one isn't about the direct actions of the Police involved in the raid itself, but more about 'how/why' they ended up doing the riad in the first place -

So, having aircon and frosted windows means that, with no other "intelligence" provided at all, the Police decided that was enough to ask a Judge to sign a warrant enabling the Police to raid this persons house - How lacking in common sense are some of (but not all) our Police, or are some of them (but not all) just extremely sodding lazy? I mean did they do ANY actual investigating at all, talk to informants, carry out any surveillance, use any thermal cameras to check the property for unusual internal heat in the middle of summer, look at the finances/friends/family/links of the house owner for any connections to crime, checking the electric/gas usage of the house to see if its excessively increased, visited the house in plain clothes etc etc etc etc etc?

I mean these things are literally just a few of basics that you would imagine a competent Officer could check out BEFORE saying "yeah, defo a drugs den, its got aircon and frosted windows..........lets raid it beeatches" and getting a Judge to sign off a clearly incorrect raid warrant and then - to add insult to injury - of course they get cleared of any wrong doing by their own internal standards folks - What an absolute con job!

An increasing minority of Officers appear to be professionally lazy, feckless, provably "stupid" and lack any common sense - these are just a handful of reasons why people are giving up on some (but not all) of our Police and this won't improve until these bad Officers get drummed out of the service.

I remember years ago at uni, I had a mate who stuck the vent from his tumble drier out the window. With the ducting in the way he couldn't close the blind so decided to tape black bin liners over the window. Being in a student area there was always a guaranteed smell of weed, so didn't take long for someone to report it looking suspicious and the police raided their flat.
This one isn't about the direct actions of the Police involved in the raid itself, but more about 'how/why' they ended up doing the riad in the first place -

The problem with stories like this is not even having half of the story.

The (full) grounds on which a search warrant are applied for aren't disclosed to any persons whoose addresses are searched even if a case gies to court afterwards based on whats found. That doesn't mean that police didn't mention anything to him at all when he asked but s.23 Misuse of drugs act drug warrants don't get issued on the basis of a couple of air con units and some frosted glass unless somethings gone seriously astray with the magistrates.
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wtf. Barely speaks English. Doesnt seem to know the law. Even the other officers are laughing at him.

Seems more like its his first time out TBH... when your possibly first interaction with the public is with a purposely awkward idiot that's filming for likes, it doesnt help... His struggle with the English language is likely exacerbated by this idiot making him flustered.

Could he be better? Sure, however it does sound like he straight out of police college and is trying to bring the sanitised textbook situation training they get from police college into the real World and that wont work for idiots like this filmer... I'd imagine that after 6 months and a few more incidents like this we would see a completely different guy... Forgive me but were you an expert in your field of work on day 1?
Seems more like its his first time out TBH... when your possibly first interaction with the public is with a purposely awkward idiot that's filming for likes, it doesnt help... His struggle with the English language is likely exacerbated by this idiot making him flustered.

Could he be better? Sure, however it does sound like he straight out of police college and is trying to bring the sanitised textbook situation training they get from police college into the real World and that wont work for idiots like this filmer... I'd imagine that after 6 months and a few more incidents like this we would see a completely different guy... Forgive me but were you an expert in your field of work on day 1?

No, but I could speak English.
This one isn't about the direct actions of the Police involved in the raid itself, but more about 'how/why' they ended up doing the riad in the first place -

So, having aircon and frosted windows means that, with no other "intelligence" provided at all, the Police decided that was enough to ask a Judge to sign a warrant enabling the Police to raid this persons house - How lacking in common sense are some of (but not all) our Police, or are some of them (but not all) just extremely sodding lazy? I mean did they do ANY actual investigating at all, talk to informants, carry out any surveillance, use any thermal cameras to check the property for unusual internal heat in the middle of summer, look at the finances/friends/family/links of the house owner for any connections to crime, checking the electric/gas usage of the house to see if its excessively increased, visited the house in plain clothes etc etc etc etc etc?

I mean these things are literally just a few of basics that you would imagine a competent Officer could check out BEFORE saying "yeah, defo a drugs den, its got aircon and frosted windows..........lets raid it beeatches" and getting a Judge to sign off a clearly incorrect raid warrant and then - to add insult to injury - of course they get cleared of any wrong doing by their own internal standards folks - What an absolute con job!

An increasing minority of Officers appear to be professionally lazy, feckless, provably "stupid" and lack any common sense - these are just a handful of reasons why people are giving up on some (but not all) of our Police and this won't improve until these bad Officers get drummed out of the service.

The police wouldn't spontaneously decide to force entry and search a property just because of some AC units appearing outside, there will be intelligence they've received that hasn't been disclosed as well as full research done on the address and anyone linked to it. Tasking a CHIS, carrying out directed surveillance etc all requires specific authorities that aren't likely to be granted at that sort of early stage.
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The police wouldn't spontaneously decide to force entry and search a property just because of some AC units appearing outside, there will be intelligence they've received that hasn't been disclosed as well as full research done on the address and anyone linked to it. Tasking a CHIS, carrying out directed surveillance etc all requires specific authorities that aren't likely to be granted at that sort of early stage.

I would ask why has all this intelligence, that has apparently been diligently and professionally carried out, been so completely and utterly wrong?

Again, a small number of the Police are not doing the job properly - whether thats not gathering of intel at all, or gathering it badly, or misinterpreting what intel has been gathered, or another reason we're not aware of - because whatever failure of procedure has occurred, it has resulted in an innocent person being raided. Stopping mistakes like that from happening again HAS to be a fallout when something goes as wrong as this, and an internal standards check (which said "Nothing was done wrong!") is clearly not an adequate response when something is proven to have been wrong because the guy was innocent.

Personally, I'm just not convinced that the "they had loads of good intel" theory is accurate, for the reasons I mentioned above, because if it was then the raid would never have taken place as the "lots of good intel" would've shown the guy to be innocent before a raid was needed, so therefore one or more people MUST have made mistakes, either through incompetence, lack of training or inability in role.

Now, having said that and just to play Devils Advocate against myself for a second - if there was a report that something was happening in there right this minute and therefore the Police had to react immediately without having time to carry out any Intel, then that at least would be understandable for why the raid was allowed to happen - But the Police themselves said thats not the case here.

Greater Manchester Police report reveals officers' demeaning strip searches, unlawful arrests and retraumatising of victims​

The Baird Inquiry was launched in response to a Sky News investigation into GMP's treatment of three women in custody in one police station.

Disgusting behavior by some .
Why are we letting foreign criminals right back out onto the streets with a "community order" rather than locking them up and/or deporting them?

As if this was just a one-off for these two scumbags. We've perhaps reduced some types of crime a lot but part of the reason we see so many mobile phone snatchers, brazen shoplifters etc.. seems to be because we've decided to go soft on it and it does seem to be a policy thing. We shouldn't need to legislate to get the courts to do the right thing here and these two should be on a flight home at the minimum:

We shouldn't be accepting any 'asylum seekers' from countries like Jordan.

If we're going to run an asylum system the bar for what you need fo claim to be fleeing needs to be far higher. Even a claim of persecution of the basis of homosexuality should be declined.

LGBT+ travellers​

Same-sex sexual relations are not illegal, but same-sex couples showing affection in public may cause offence. You could be arrested under other Jordanian laws. Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.
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