This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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You can’t wave what he did away with empty platitudes like ‘it doensn’t work like that ‘ or ‘you don’t know the context’. In that moment the guy wasn’t a threat, and this guy chose violence. Completely unjustified.

I'm not waving away what he did - but it doesn't work like you are saying - you absolutely need the full context as attempting to apprehend someone where they appear subdued and there is no previous interaction is a very different story if he'd previously appeared subdued but managed to present a significant threat.

I'm not excusing that officer - it absolutely looks like he either saw red or was on a power trip - but almost any level of force could be used if the situation justified it i.e. he could appear subdued but there was solid intel available that he presented a deadly threat in some manner.

As before the red flag for me is the way he jumped on to the second suspect.
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saw a lot during the covid protest clamp downs, anger punches, setting dogs on people etc.

they aren't as professional as they once were, more like a security force of thugs

I think there's a considerable amount of rose-tinted glasses going on.

What's changed is the exponential increase in video footage due to smart phones / BWV and the expansion of CCTV.

Police 'retribution' style violence was more common and to quite a degree more institutionalised decades ago. It was just much more out of view.
saw a lot during the covid protest clamp downs, anger punches, setting dogs on people etc.

they aren't as professional as they once were, more like a security force of thugs

Bit of a tenuous link for an anecdote, but my wife’s cousin’s husband works for a Police force here in the north west, and part of what he does touches on recruitment, and he quite often finds that candidates they reject as unsuitable for the role suddenly turn up a few months later working for one of the bigger forces, namely the Met, and as in this case, GMP. And the force he works for has a recruitment shortfall, yet still rejects these people, while those bigger forces must be in a so much worse situation that I guess they have no option but to take them.
Which means more decent, good natured officers get beaten down having to work with these useless thugs forcing them out for even more trash that at some point it must surely be less policing and more Pinkertons.

These bigger forces are clearly just too big to command well and need to be broken up.
I suspects aspects of policing were never that professional; just organised thugs but these days they are much more visible through advent of social media etc. Either way, poor training / temperament for the job.
I grew up in a really really terrible area.
A brand new council estate built around the 80s that became a massive dumping ground for problem families.

So I grew up with kids who ended up as career criminals.
they started crime about 12/13 shoplifting, by the time they were 14/15 they were stealing motor bikes, cars, robbing houses etc

Never once did I ever hear of anyone being beaten by the police, even though they would have deserved it.

I got arrested a few times for minor things and was known to the police/CID
I was always treated well, they were never heavy handed etc when applying the cuffs and always seemed like nice people just doing a job tbh

Maybe with adults they would be different but I doubt it.

sometimes the police would come to the farmland where we would ride stolen motorbikes and just be friendly with us like they were checking in and then leave.

better to be entertained than to be committing crime I guess.
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I grew up in a really really terrible area.
A brand new council estate built around the 80s that became a massive dumping ground for problem families.

So I grew up with kids who ended up as career criminals.
they started crime about 12/13 shoplifting, by the time they were 14/15 they were stealing motor bikes, cars, robbing houses etc

Never once did I ever hear of anyone being beaten by the police, even though they would have deserved it.

I got arrested a few times for minor things and was known to the police/CID
I was always treated well, they were never heavy handed etc when applying the cuffs and always seemed like nice people just doing a job tbh

Maybe with adults they would be different but I doubt it.

sometimes the police would come to the farmland where we would ride stolen motorbikes and just be friendly with us like they were checking in and then leave.

better to be entertained than to be committing crime I guess.
Aye. Grew up on the Brunswick Centre, before it became all gentrified, in the 70/80s and ended up in all sorts of scrapes with the old bill, in and around Holborn. It was brilliant! Coppers more often than not, gave you a clip around the ear and booted you on your way if they caught you.
These bigger forces are clearly just too big to command well and need to be broken up.

An absolutely terrible idea.

A number of smaller forces trying to police the same wider urban conorbations whilst coordinating the need for specialist units like firearms, forensics murder investigation teams, 'county lines' crime etc Is a recipe for failure and a more expensive police force.
Count themselves lucky it was in the uk, a spanish airport and the civil guard wouldnt of messed about either but they would have waited until in the van ;)
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An absolutely terrible idea.

A number of smaller forces trying to police the same wider urban conorbations whilst coordinating the need for specialist units like firearms, forensics murder investigation teams, 'county lines' crime etc Is a recipe for failure and a more expensive police force.
Well then I suppose the MET will just have to keep having a mountain of scandals that betray the public trust and demoralise every police force in the country instead.
Well then I suppose the MET will just have to keep having a mountain of scandals that betray the public trust and demoralise every police force in the country instead.

Much like the issue with the increased availability of video footage and people thinking unwarranted police violence is getting worse, because we see more it now, you've got the relationship the wrong way around.

Not far of a quarter of all police officers in England and Wales are officers in the Metropolitan Police. With the Greater London area being a very 'diverse' area with particular high profile/ high risk issues surrounding crime, community cohesion, high profile targets etc.
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Never understood why someone turned down by one force as unsuitable for the police can just go and join another one...
All the vids I’ve seen are not a pleasant watch, the brutality is on another level, stuff you from gang types on TV.

On a side note I see Birmingham’s Saul Goodman is the solicitor for the lads. He’s gonna milk it for all it’s worth, plus it’s politics at play now aswell as Akhmed Yakoobb is still smarting from losing the West mids mayor and Ladywood seat. Expect lots of noise over this.
All the vids I’ve seen are not a pleasant watch, the brutality is on another level, stuff you from gang types on TV.

On a side note I see Birmingham’s Saul Goodman is the solicitor for the lads. He’s gonna milk it for all it’s worth, plus it’s politics at play now aswell as Akhmed Yakoobb is still smarting from losing the West mids mayor and Ladywood seat. Expect lots of noise over this.
Imagine the brutality of smashing a female police officers nose and making 3 officers need hospital treatment

Eye for an eye
This is slightly dodgy reporting, especially given the "community tensions:

A man kicked and stamped on by a Greater Manchester Police officer at an airport has a cyst on his brain, the family lawyer said.

CT scans have captured the extent of Mohammed Fahir's injuries following the shocking violence at Manchester Airport. The lawyer, Akhmed Yakoob, said: "His medical condition has worsened since last night. A CT scan has revealed a cyst on his brain, so please pray for his wellbeing. Right now the main concern for us is that the family receives justice and this no longer happens again."

That would have been there already, they don't just develop overnight but it's presented in the reporting without any context leaving the possible impression to the unaware that something additionally bad has happened and been shown on a CT scan as a result of the kick, rather than the CT scan revealing something that was already there.

A line explaining that this might possibly make him more vulnerable if a large cyst or something would be better, though for all we know with this reporting it could just be some benign thing they've mentioned after the scan and it's then been reported as if significant.

I once heard that 95% of police time is spent dealing with 5% of the population and you can see that again with certain groups, you wouldn't typically get the riots we saw in Leeds after a regular British family got their kids taken by social services but with a different culture that doesn't share the same values you get a mob of people who seem to have limited understanding of the purpose of social services or how actions have consequences and they're all angry at just the consequences and simply want "the police" to return the kids - something they don't have the power to do.

Again with this Muslim incident, for sure what the officer did was wrong, but the pointless faff beforehand if related to a search of the woman is ridiculous as is assaulting officers and breaking the nose of a female officer, especially dumb to do so with armed ones, but it's again a different, alien mentality. All the outrage is about the officer, the fact that a young man broke the nose of a woman isn't important - perhaps because she's police, perhaps because she's a non-muslim. Assaulting a white female police officer like that isn't a concern for those people. They were kicking off/getting hot-headed because of whatever perceived slight sets off low IQ types like that and she was in the way.

Sure we've got some of our own native chavs who don't understand consequences or have little respect for the police too but it's just heightened when you have very insular communities (that's not all Muslims to be clear, just there are some obvious insular ghettos in the Midlands and up North Especially) who deliberately promote values that are somewhat incompatible with British society and have a disproportionate number of their community reliant on benefits and turning to crime. Those communities Roma and Muslims from the low-income/high benefits ghetto areas of the North and Midlands essentially have a higher % of their own versions of chavs than we have in general of native chavs - thus the current make-up of UK prisons.

Even Roma who work are ridiculously overrepresented among Big Issue sellers and in cash-in-hand businesses, likewise look at say British Bangladeshi (or even Pakistani) women or even the community in general re: unemployment/benefits and indeed the men and the rate at which they commit crime vs the rest of the population. The police have to deal with so much nonsense from these communities day in day out and then one police officer assaults one of them (after they've assaulted three officers) and it's national news, massive outcry and threats of rioting/protests. Because, of course, why behave normally when you've got that chav victim mentality and will just kick off violently if something negative happens.

We need to be much stricter with immigration, we don't need more low IQ/low skilled people adding to these insular "communities", Roma from Romania/Bulgaria selling the Big Issue is not adding anything for us, someone no prospects/low skills marrying their cousin from Bangladesh/Pakistan is not adding much either ergo a modest min salary for spouse visas is good to have there to try and nip that in the bud. Likewise, those types having a bunch of kids is just adding to the population of non-contributors/net losses. Bring some well-qualified tech people, doctors, Engineers over from Pakistan by all means - the Indian community is rather different in the UK for a good reason - things like the professional/middle-class Indians in Uganda coming over were clearly a net positive. Sadly for a lot of the UK's Bangladeshi population and some of the UK's Pakistani population, it's basically like getting the chavs from those countries, and those countries are overwhelming made up of "chavs", they're in the state they're in because of the people who live there and a large portion of the population of those countries are simply uncivilised to an extent that could take generations to change. Imagine if the UK population was instead majority British Chavs with a much smaller % of civilised skilled workers and professional class types, we'll we'd have a lot more rioting and mob violence and be badly run and corrupt just like Pakistan/Bangladesh are so badly run and corrupt today. British chavs cause drama as it is in some Spanish and Greek resorts, but imagine if the Benidorm crowd was representative of the average British immigrant or expat, we'd not be very welcome save for some highly skilled exceptions and rightly so.
They will form mobs for all sorts of unhinged reasons (like some Christian was accused of blasphemy and deserves to be stoned), we really only ought to bring in people from the top percentiles as too many of them coming in relatively unfiltered just brings parts of our cities closer to the sort of **** holes they came from.
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Where is this being reported?
Its widely reported :o

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said the men were arrested after officers attended reports of an assault at Terminal 2 in the airport on Tuesday night and that during the response multiple officers were assaulted, including one female PC who had her nose broken.

Firearms officers had been called to the airport at about 20:25 BST on Tuesday after reports of an altercation by members of the public, a police spokesman said.
Three officers were "punched to the ground" in a "violent assault" when they attempted to arrest one of the suspects, he added.
“As the attending officers were firearms officers, there was a clear risk during this assault of their firearms being taken from them."
Three officers were taken to hospital for treatment, with one female officer suffering a broken nose.
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