This is why people are losing respect for the police...

29 Jan 2015
West Midlands
Lose his job? He's going to prison for this. Some of you don't seem to understand that you can't commit acts of violence against others under the law unless that person is an immediate threat to you.

Let's say person A breaks my friend Person B's nose. As person C I have no legal right to carry out acts of vigilante justice against Person A. And it doesn't matter if I'm a police officer or not.

Do you reckon the person that broke the officers nose will go to prison?
22 Nov 2005
Let's say person A breaks my friend Person B's nose. As person C I have no legal right to carry out acts of vigilante justice against Person A. And it doesn't matter if I'm a police officer or not.
I don't believe thatr can be true...

there's no way to know the crazed attacker is going to stop punching your friend, most people would jump in and floor him to stop the attack

Some Newcastle footballer even did it up here not so long ago, I don't think he ever got charged with anything

Sounds like they're hinting that the Airport cameras dont work...
a lot in the country seem to be fake or based on the camera from a 2001 phone
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17 Sep 2018
Do you reckon the person that broke the officers nose will go to prison?

He could do if it's proven in a court of his peers that's what happened. I knew someone who did prison time for punching an officer. I don't know if being assaulted after commiting a crime affects your sentence or not. Some have said it may get you off but I don't know this to be factual. I don't think it should be if you commited a crime

But the context is kicking someone laying on the floor and stomping on their head is a higher level of GBH. I believe it's Level 18, you can debate if it's between A and C. See sentencing guidelines below

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21 Sep 2006
Lose his job? He's going to prison for this. Some of you don't seem to understand that you can't commit acts of violence against others under the law unless that person is an immediate threat to you.

Let's say person A breaks my friend Person B's nose. As person C I have no legal right to carry out acts of vigilante justice against Person A. And it doesn't matter if I'm a police officer or not.

100% this.
I’m glad criminal investigation has launched. And hopefully go to prison for this.

For those who are trying to spin this around. Give it a rest.
17 Sep 2018
I don't believe thatr can be true...

there's no way to know the crazed attacker is going to stop punching your friend, most people would jump in and floor him to stop the attack

Some Newcastle footballer even did it up here not so long ago, I don't think he ever got charged with anything

The 'crazed attacker' is submissively laying prone, with his arms by his side after being tazered. There's no attack or any possibility of an attack likely. The officer also isn't worried about a potential attack from this person because he turns his back on this individual after assaulting him to attack someone else. If he was an officer in fear of this person, he would not have turned his back on him to assault another person.
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