This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Breach of the peace is some *********, it needs to be removed from the legislature.

Not if you could actually trust the police not to abuse it, if someone is kicking off and generally being a **** in the middle of a town centre then it can be useful to charge them with that.

In some cases maybe they're drunk and disorderly, in some cases maybe they're mental and need to be sectioned but that doesn't always apply, but the point really is that it should have a reasonable threshold for being used, not just some person disagrees with a police officer and isn't complying with a request or order they're not obliged to comply with like "I need to see some ID", "I don't want you filming here" etc..
In this UK one the "auditor" had actually found a legit issue,
wasn't all this posted up in this thread earlier - the idiot who visits the police stations, click-bait utube videos to make money - police should have just done him for wasting police/thread time.
that's all conflating things too;
the public aren't loosing respect for those actions, or, for bianca william's antics, plus, the intelligent ones remember westminister bridge incident with some respect at those doing the job.
wasn't all this posted up in this thread earlier - the idiot who visits the police stations, click-bait utube videos to make money - police should have just done him for wasting police/thread time.
that's all conflating things too;
the public aren't loosing respect for those actions, or, for bianca william's antics, plus, the intelligent ones remember westminister bridge incident with some respect at those doing the job.

Why should they have "done him" for wasting police time? He didn't call the police or as them to come over and start questioning him and there was a legit issue in that case.

Is this legit ? It just sounds so staged, but with everything going on regards police it's not actually outside the realms of reality

Fake AF... what's with "keep your hands on the steering wheel" as if they're in 'merica.

These sorts of clips come up on facebook every so often but the acting in them is wooden and the dialogue is just weird.

Is this legit ? It just sounds so staged, but with everything going on regards police it's not actually outside the realms of reality
"I wasn't speeding", seconds later... "I was barely over the speed limit". :rolleyes:

Does seem staged, but if she is a solicitor, she's not a very good one. Best advice is to not talk to the police, don't admit to things twice like she did.

Police asking you to get out of your car and into theirs (where they have cameras) is common, but it's not backed by law, you can refuse.

Is this legit ? It just sounds so staged, but with everything going on regards police it's not actually outside the realms of reality

Fake as hell, and the blue light must be on her dashboard for it to be that bright considering it's daylight (plus isn't flashing properly).

Is this legit ? It just sounds so staged, but with everything going on regards police it's not actually outside the realms of reality

Some years ago on "one of those nights out", I was with a lawyer when confronted by a police officer. I have never seen a police officer back off so fast as when the lawyer started to put him in his place re the law. It was really jaw dropping, and very amusing.
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I can never forget the police officer in the Uk, who repeatedly tasered a bind guy to the ground a few years ago. He had somehow mistaken the blind guy's white stick as a samuri sword! :eek:

Can't be too careful. I once stopped my car and helped what I thought was a blind elderly gentleman across the road by taking his arm. Turned out he'd been to B&Q for some white plastic rod and was initially rather hostile to my attempts to assist... Ever since that episode I leave the blind and cripples well alone.
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