This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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This is going to be a huge story. Five cops in Memphis have apparently beaten a man to death on camera. Video has not been released yet but all five have already been sacked which is pretty unusual for the US.

yep when the video comes out showing them beating him and breaking his neck, its going to kick off. Wonder if the officers would have been fired as quick if they were white?
This is going to be a huge story. Five cops in Memphis have apparently beaten a man to death on camera. Video has not been released yet but all five have already been sacked which is pretty unusual for the US.

Yeah, it sounds like it's going to be very bad if they've already sacked the cops.

It's odd how it's posted on r/WhitePeopleTwitter though, a subreddit that seems to be set up to mock white people, I guess the initial assumption (or perhaps hope even) was that the cops would be white... as it turns out not only the victim but also all five of the cops were black.

There were complaints that the hashtag wasn't getting enough traction on Elon Musk's Twitter (though I saw it appear) and obvs some BLM grifter types were hoping to use it as a sort of George Floyd type event to try and start another season of rioting and there has been some level of cope today with rants about how this is somehow still an example of "white supremacy" despite everyone involved being black.

Also, the DA seems to be investigating it and the authorities seem to be taking it seriously ergo there isn't some obvious grievance there other than the fact it happened.

I guess things could still kick off once the footage is available, certainly the Antifa/BLM types will want it to even if the probability has decreased thanks to the race of the police involved.
I guess things could still kick off once the footage is available, certainly the Antifa/BLM types will want it to even if the probability has decreased thanks to the race of the police involved.

Antifa/BLM are anti cop, not anti white.

It doesn’t matter what race the cops are. It was never a black Vs white race issue that right wingers wanted to frame it as. Yes race was a prevalent part, but this all lives matter rubbish was transparently fake because that crew didn’t care about white lives when they were unjustly killed by police.
Yeah, it sounds like it's going to be very bad if they've already sacked the cops.

It's odd how it's posted on r/WhitePeopleTwitter though, a subreddit that seems to be set up to mock white people, I guess the initial assumption (or perhaps hope even) was that the cops would be white... as it turns out not only the victim but also all five of the cops were black.

There were complaints that the hashtag wasn't getting enough traction on Elon Musk's Twitter (though I saw it appear) and obvs some BLM grifter types were hoping to use it as a sort of George Floyd type event to try and start another season of rioting and there has been some level of cope today with rants about how this is somehow still an example of "white supremacy" despite everyone involved being black.

Also, the DA seems to be investigating it and the authorities seem to be taking it seriously ergo there isn't some obvious grievance there other than the fact it happened.

I guess things could still kick off once the footage is available, certainly the Antifa/BLM types will want it to even if the probability has decreased thanks to the race of the police involved.
Well it's extremely cynical but that they were so easily dropped when typically it doesn't happen no matter what... could loosely be argued as a result of their ethnicity.
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Antifa/BLM are anti cop, not anti white.

It doesn’t matter what race the cops are. It was never a black Vs white race issue that right wingers wanted to frame it as.

No race is fundamental to it otherwise they'd be protesting black on black gangland shootings in Chicago every weekend, it's police violence *and* supposedly "racially motivated violence".

The early incident that lead to their founding was the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, Zimmerman was not a cop.

In terms of outrage it does matter what race the cops are in so far as if they were not black there is more scope for outrage, a higher probability of rioting but sure even with black cops it falls under BLM's remit and has potential for rioting still.

The fact is though any non-cop shooting potentially does too so long as the people firing the shots are not black. Conversely, a cop related shooting isn't of interest if the victim is not black.
I have just suffered Dick Van Dyke in an old Columbo episode `er indoors insisted on watching whilst I ate dinner. That bint looks BAFTA material compared to Van Dyke :)
It does make you wonder why the killing of the guy hasn't made much of a splash in the media over here compared to the George Floyd incident.

I realise race was the main factor in the GF one but, surely, 5 cops viciously beating a man to death carries as much weight as 4/5 cops kneeling on a man regardless of race?
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It does make you wonder why the killing of the guy hasn't made much of a splash in the media over here compared to the George Floyd incident.

I realise race was the main factor in the GF one but, surely, 5 cops viciously beating a man to death carries as much weight as 4/5 cops kneeling on a man regardless of race?

It should be front-page news when the video gets released this coming week. GF didn't blow up in the media until the video was released, same goes for most high-profile cases of police brutality.
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You can film the building, but you can't go monitoring activity of government buildings (which is what he told the police he was doing). Go try it outside a military base :p
They do. Focus Pocus has done some.

I started watching these auditing videos over a year ago.
I've always had a huge respect for the police (never really had much personal dealings with them) and the first police videos I saw I was outraged about the guy wasting their time, I even commented on his video saying if I was the police I'd slap him silly ;)

Go forward a year and I've watched so many videos and my opinion has changed. It's stunning how much abuse of power goes on, how many police just don't know simple laws. Abuse of power to try and move people on, to get your personal details, physical assault. It's very shocking and surprising to see. Auditors all have their own way of doing things, some I like some I don't and some definitely are nobs but the one thing that is prevalent is abuse/misuse of "power" from police/security guards and anyone who thinks they are "higher" than you. If you're new to these videos then I suggest watching some Focus pocus, Law & Audits, DJ Audits for industrial estates:D

It's fascinating just seeing how people react to a guy with a camera.
Well it's extremely cynical but that they were so easily dropped when typically it doesn't happen no matter what... could loosely be argued as a result of their ethnicity.

Or its simply a absolutely clean cut case against them and the police have enough issues without worrying about not sacking these guys. It doesn't sound like there is any grey area involved in this at all.

It does make you wonder why the killing of the guy hasn't made much of a splash in the media over here compared to the George Floyd incident.

I realise race was the main factor in the GF one but, surely, 5 cops viciously beating a man to death carries as much weight as 4/5 cops kneeling on a man regardless of race?

Its the timing of it. George Floyd was a perfect moment if you pardon my wording. This should be 10x worse in fallout but that topic has now been highlighted and the discussion has moved on. Taken on its merits the George Floyd incidence shouldn't have merited any response in the grand scheme of police brutality. It just happened at just the right time to start something.

Same way #MeToo was massive for a while and is now just a footnote in the news.
He couldn't really behave any different in front of the parliamentary committee who expect to see repentance/self-flagellation,
fairly typical meeting with a lot of indignant MP's who are trying to make televised politicial capital in their constituencies, bit of a circus.

Is the rate of investigation of wrong behaviour by police officers genuinely proceeding at a more rapid rate than usual ?
, and don't forget he held a senior position in the police force before this position.
This would be frustrating, surely, as a police officer, if your job involves reviewing CCTV at least semi-regularly you shouldn't be this naive?

Like you shouldn't need to be a Cambridge computer scientist to figure out that if you have say 48 hours of CCTV footage and you're trying to see a bike being stolen then you don't need to press play at the start and watch all 48 hours... you could likely find the bike being stolen within a few seconds if digital or minutes if tape. You don't need to know the exact time the incident happened, it makes almost no difference to the ability to review the tape and this would be super intuitive even to say a school kid using youtube and wanting to skip to where something specific happens.

Instead, the individual involved apparently won't listen to reason or apply any common sense and has gone with "compute says no".

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As police officer are representative of society then, unfortunately, they represent the smartest and dumbest of society as well.

Before anyone mentions entry tests, it's quite plausible for some people to be book smart but still dumb. All the tests do is measure basic language and number skills.
In most jobs that require straight up intelligence you get the people you pay for. Our society values intelligence in salaries quite highly so if you aren't paying a lot of money they you are likely to lose the best people to other careers. Policing has never been that well paid and its a pretty thankless job.

I find it strange that people think we will have the brightest or best in the police.
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