This is why people are losing respect for the police...

27 Jan 2009
Except they hadn't done anything illegal at that point, so what is your point ?
That there were suspected of doing something illegal obviously...

Offence of being equipped for locking on​

(1)A person commits an offence if they have an object with them in a place other than a dwelling with the intention that it may be used in the course of or in connection with the commission by any person of an offence under section 1(1) (offence of locking on).

27 Jan 2009
For someone who doesn't think the police can take anything they like as evidence
The police can only take/retain items lawfully certain situations.

Many of those circumstances follow on from a person being arrested. You claimed the police didn't need to arrest to seize things as evidence in general.

I asked you to provide the act/section etc that would allow that in these circumstances and you have failed to do so....

The alcohol example was just that, an example

and a bad one because I could point to the law that made police actions of seizure and disposal of property in thoose specific circumstances legal without arrest...
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25 Nov 2005
That there were suspected of doing something illegal obviously...

The key is intent as in having the locking device, with no other reason but for locking yourself, as with the burglar perhaps he is now a lock smith so has a legit reason for having the lock picks, just like these protestors had these "devices" (it's never actually described what the **** they actually were) had them according to them for securing their placards in transit and in protest, neither is illegal and there is no proven or obvious intent for anything otherwise
18 Mar 2008
Wouldn't it be really weird if these locking devices were just zipties and that's apparently enough of a reason to abuse the force of the state because 'well I don't like people so they deserve no rights, thank you bye'.
14 Aug 2013
The police can only take/retain items lawfully certain situations.

Many of those circumstances follow on from a person being arrested. You claimed the police didn't need to arrest to seize things as evidence in general.

I asked you to provide the act/section etc that would allow that in these circumstances and you have failed to do so....

and a bad one because I could point to the law that made police actions of seizure and disposal of property in thoose specific circumstances legal without arrest...
The police can seize anything as evidence yes, no they don't have to arrest you to do so, they may need to get a warrant without an arrest to make a search of property, and they might search your property with one take items and then not arrest you and an arrest might mean they can search your property without a warrant. Again carry on googling, just maybe read more of each section than the bits you want to cherry-pick

No, it was a perfect example of how to use pace and police effectively without HAVING to arrest people.

We all get it, you will turn a blind eye and make excuses as long the police abuse people you don't like, just get off your high horse. Someone might have a rape alarm nearby and you might fall off.
18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
After more than 150 posts and getting nowhere, perhaps you guys just need to agree to disagree?

You're so invested and entrenched in your POV, that no one dares to give any ground in case it's seen as backing down... And we can't have that...
1 Mar 2010
not sure why the protestors had not produced pictures of the aforesaid luggage straps to enable them to refute police claim.

27 Jan 2009
The police can seize anything as evidence yes, no they don't have to arrest you to do so

Not true. The police can only (legally) seize things when they have a power to do so (like in your bad example where there was a specific power to seize and dispose of alcohol)

they may need to get a warrant without an arrest to make a search of property

you may note you just said 'property'. Police dont get court warrants to search people in the street and to retain any items they find, they use other powers for that.

and they might search your property with one take items and then not arrest you
Yes but they have still used specific parts of the law to get the search warrant and to seize and retain any property they find.... for example under sections 8,19 and 20 of PACE 1984

and an arrest might mean they can search your property without a warrant.

Yes again under the law, typically either sections 32 or 18 of of PACE 1984 depending on whether the person was in/ just leaving the address when arrested or not.

Again carry on googling, just maybe read more of each section than the bits you want to cherry-picK
I dont need to 'google' because unlike you i actually have a reasonably good idea of the law, in England and Wales, around police searches, seizure and retention of property.
No, it was a perfect example of how to use pace and police effectively without HAVING to arrest people.

It was an example where the law provided a specific power of seizure and disposal outside of an arrest. Something you have now repeatedly failed to do in relation to your claim (simply because no such power exists and you were talking nonsence)
We all get it, you will turn a blind eye and make excuses as long the police abuse people you don't like

I have literally been outlining the legal ways in which police can carry out their job around arrest/ search/ seizure of items etc.

It was you that had suggested the police could act outside of the law and seize items where there was no legal power to do so!

just get off your high horse. Someone might have a rape alarm nearby and you might fall off.

High horse? I get it .... your have been caught out talking nonsence, your attempt and providing an 'example' spectacularly backfired and all you have been able to do since is repeat the same stupid, refuted talking points in an obvious attempt to refuse to either be quiet and skulk away or accept you were in fact wrong!
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3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Ex police officers seeking media attention are some of the worst people to rely upon for accurate information about policing... expecially the ones that themselves left policing under a cloud

And I have seen plenty of protests where people had placards and they never needed heavy duty straps to secure the boards to the poles ir for the poles to be held on to!

See any 'straps' needed here

Or here?

Yes yes you are clearly a fan of a police state.

I would say the whole of the police are under a cloud as is this government when yet more freedoms are taken from us and some of you celebrate it.

I've not seen any evidence of these "straps" yet. You have photos of them? If they are just ratchet straps then they are next to useless for locking on to anything considering they are so easily cut with just some scissors. Chains or metal cables are what you need to cause a problem. If I were to lock my motorbike to a lamp post with a strap the thief would still be laughing an hour later after he stole it in 5 seconds. That's why I use a chain.
14 Aug 2013
Yes yes you are clearly a fan of a police state.

I would say the whole of the police are under a cloud as is this government when yet more freedoms are taken from us and some of you celebrate it.

I've not seen any evidence of these "straps" yet. You have photos of them? If they are just ratchet straps then they are next to useless for locking on to anything considering they are so easily cut with just some scissors. Chains or metal cables are what you need to cause a problem. If I were to lock my motorbike to a lamp post with a strap the thief would still be laughing an hour later after he stole it in 5 seconds. That's why I use a chain.
Show me the law that says the police are legally allowed to be under a cloud oh wait you can't, you must be wrong
25 Nov 2005
After more than 150 posts and getting nowhere, perhaps you guys just need to agree to disagree?

You're so invested and entrenched in your POV, that no one dares to give any ground in case it's seen as backing down... And we can't have that...
I think an issue is not having all the facts, mainly around just what the supposed "locking devices" actually were, if they were chains and padlocks then fair enough, the police are probably correct in arresting them even though for things like that where the only harm is inconvience to people and no actual harm, they should be arrested while committing the crime, not because they "might", but if they were cable ties or parcel tape or fabric straps or anything reasonable to secure placards, then questions seriously need to be asked about this over reaching response to something innocent

I guess the journalist was going to commit the crime of recording policing abuse :rolleyes:

Even though they were searched and nothing was found

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17 Jan 2016
I was saying this in the JSO thread. I think the establishment allowed them to protest, and then on cue on the evening of the Coronation the police suddenly became proactive in arresting protesters, even before they actually protested!

We'll have to wait and see what they do when the next JSO protesters are sat in the road again.
29 Jan 2008
To quote you, "context matters" I was referring his point that being part of a protest group was an excuse for their excessive force, the act of protesting with others puts you in a protest group, none of this is illegal yet it's "cause" for suspicion of criminal activity ?

No, again context matters here. They weren't arrested for being members of a protest group and many other people did indeed protest without being arrested.
25 Nov 2005
No, again context matters here. They weren't arrested for being members of a protest group and many other people did indeed protest without being arrested.
You didn't read what I said or didn't understand, no I'm not going to explain because it doesn't matter as it wasn't a conversation with you
29 Jan 2008
You didn't read what I said or didn't understand, no I'm not going to explain because it doesn't matter as it wasn't a conversation with you

LOL wat? You literally quoted me. I'm not sure you have anything to explain here, you just seem a bit confused re: the arrests.
29 Jan 2008
The quote you quoted wasn't addressed to you, so as I say, it doesn't matter, I cba explaining to you when you aren't relevant

You literally quoted me and addressed your reply to me, that's what I replied to. Now you're so confused you can't even explain what vague point you were trying to make.
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25 Nov 2005
You literally quoted me and addressed your reply to me, that's what I replied to. Now you're so confused you can't even explain what vague point you were trying to make.
Stop it

To quote you, "context matters" I was referring his point that being part of a protest group was an excuse for their excessive force, the act of protesting with others puts you in a protest group, none of this is illegal yet it's "cause" for suspicion of criminal activity ?

If you don't understand it, it matters not as you weren't relevant to the discussion I was having with another poster, they literally used being part of a protest group as some justification for being heavy handed with the law, when being part of a protest is not illegal, if they weren't part of a protest group, they most likely would not have been stopped and arrested for something else, so being part of the protest group is a cause for the arrest if not being the result of the arrest

If you don't understand this, that is your problem, I'm not going to waste my time on this with you anymore goodbye
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