Poll: This Johnny Depp Stuff

Who wins?

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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Tbh if you want ultra serious commentary where humour takes a back seat then speakers corner is the subforum below GD. Nearly everything posted in this thread against AH is absolutely warranted, and if people have a laugh in the process, then that's fine and actually a good thing. Nothing better than to uplift moods when everything is falling down in the world currently.
18 Dec 2004
NE England
You don’t have to point people in a different direction to justify your accepting of a very low bar for discussion. There should be a middle ground between SC-level of in depth discussion and a thread full of repeating turd reference and banal voice over video clips. Unfortunately as fascinating as this thread HAS been, it’s descended in to a circle jerk and echo chamber of a few. I don’t disagree with the sentiments of the thread, but the delivery is a poor reflection of those involved.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
The case has ended, and one side is still playing the victim card, naturally people will post their views on that however that might be, naturally there will be some parodying/light hearted humour things posted. If that's an echo chamber (of which is based on actual facts/evidence), then sure, it's an echo chamber of positivity. On the flipside, only posting serious or even middle ground stuff can also be considered an echo chamber of a certain view. Do you not see the comparison here?

Or you know, it's just a thread in GD where people post comments or media relevant to the current goings on, which is exactly what this place is for.
Amber...be yourself, talk like a real human does and maybe just maybe we'll start to believe. Maybe what we see is far worse a person but even the worst of people can be abused.
The problem is this will never happen, never. The established psychologist in the trial confirmed her condition which many suspected anyway and unless she looks to get help, the tune won't ever change. As far as she is concerned, she is right and everyone else is wrong, so a fabrication of events is the only way to convince the mind of that, even if it is plainly obvious that it's all lies which the evidence later confirms.

She has a histroy of giving out physical abuse too, all that stuff is normal to her, then lying about it. Red flag number 1 was when she "won" the UK case and got awarded the 7 million, she filed for the payment to be made to her and she would then donate to the charities instead of what she promised, that it wasn't about the money and that she will donate the 7 mil to both charities to prove it.
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18 Oct 2002
Is there an acceptable halfway house where you are well satisfied that JD won as it was clearly the right results based on the evidence, and you look at Amber Heard with a level of severe dislike of her for what she has put JD through, but then fell a bit icky about the apparent vitriol some people are continuing to go after her in various full on ways, when at the end of the day she is actually a human being? That is kind of where I am at on this.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Is there an acceptable halfway house where you are well satisfied that JD won as it was clearly the right results based on the evidence, and you look at Amber Heard with a level of severe dislike of her for what she has put JD through, but then fell a bit icky about the apparent vitriol some people are continuing to go after her in various full on ways, when at the end of the day she is actually a human being? That is kind of where I am at on this.
I would agree. If the trial ended and both parties went about their ways (which JD and his team have) then that would be the perfect scenario. But because AH and her team have been on the defence and still lying about it in interviews and social media, they are providing fuel for everything that follows. It is only them to be blamed for whatever follows and nobody else. The content cannot be created if there's no source to create it from.

This is the internet, a dog farting will become a viral hit within a few hours. The case would have been history by now if she just slowly backed out and put plans in motion to rebuild. But no, she chose to go out on the attack.

For the record, she isn't just a human being, yeah she put JD through a lot of stuff, but now she's publicly putting actual victims of DV through stuff by claiming the verdict sets women back decades and forces them to not speak up. Dragging the rest of the world into your lies will do nothing but bring about more social hate at you. As I said, everything is deserved because she keeps fuelling that machine and I find it puzzling that some people still give her an ounce of doubt by humanising her as someone who made some wrong choices and should be left alone - Even though she won't leave the rest of the world alone.
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30 Jun 2007

IMO, Johnny and Amber live in their inflated and abundant dollar filled Hollywood unreality universe, so what else do we expect from these two? Unfortunately these people get far too much air time and attention when they should be completely ignored and never ever looked up to or looked at. Johnny’s alcohol/drug abuse that is absolute normality to him is absolutely outrageous and no wonder that he and his life is like it is! All this Depp v Hurd show trial is good for, is to show what people should not be doing!​

But he did spend millions making a cannon for Hunter s Thompson's ashes.

For us alcohol and regret soaked milenials that's our zion so cut him some slack
30 Jun 2007
Is there an acceptable halfway house where you are well satisfied that JD won as it was clearly the right results based on the evidence, and you look at Amber Heard with a level of severe dislike of her for what she has put JD through, but then fell a bit icky about the apparent vitriol some people are continuing to go after her in various full on ways, when at the end of the day she is actually a human being? That is kind of where I am at on this.

She was on tape admiting she abused him and that no one would belive him if he went to the authorities that's terrible, an many mens fear, and the reality of many victims of abuse.

That should probbaly be looked at by law enforcement it seems strange it isn't

But otherwise you're right she should be looked at no more harsley than any bloke who beat his wife, once they're divorced and seperated.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
She was on tape admitting she abused him and that no one would belive him if he went to the authorities that's terrible, an many mens fear, and the reality of many victims of abuse.

#BelieveAllWomen you monster.

I have to assume that people who spout this **** don't actually have two brain cells to rub together or the ridiculously of it would render them unable to write such rubbish.

There is a damn good reason we have a justice system to deal with abuse on both sides. We can do better to protect women and we can do better to be unbiased towards men who are accused of this sort of thing.

People seem to think there is some magical method that will eliminate abuse and they seem to think that blanket statements like "believe all women" is actually a positive thing rather than a retarded blanket statement that does nothing but froth up the usual twitter masses and make sensible debate and change even harder.
18 Dec 2004
NE England
I’m a firm believer that #BelieveWomen is an appropriate phrase to band around in the current climate. You have to remember that until very recently any claims against a wealthy white man were immediately met with “it’s just a lie to get his money”. Likewise there has been a theme of powerful/rich men getting away with abuse because the victim has considered their fight un-winnable. The downfalls of Saville, Weinstein, Spacey et al are great examples of how rich and powerful men have gotten away with this for decades if not more. The plight of women is a very real one and should be endorsed by everyone.

Absolutely we should believe Women until the evidence proves otherwise.

Cases like Depp go to show how women can be the abusers and that common sense/justice should prevail in these cases too. But a win for Men should NOT be a loss for Women.



20 Oct 2002
I’m a firm believer that #BelieveWomen is an appropriate phrase to band around in the current climate. You have to remember that until very recently any claims against a wealthy white man were immediately met with “it’s just a lie to get his money”. Likewise there has been a theme of powerful/rich men getting away with abuse because the victim has considered their fight un-winnable. The downfalls of Saville, Weinstein, Spacey et al are great examples of how rich and powerful men have gotten away with this for decades if not more. The plight of women is a very real one and should be endorsed by everyone.

Absolutely we should believe Women until the evidence proves otherwise.

Cases like Depp go to show how women can be the abusers and that common sense/justice should prevail in these cases too. But a win for Men should NOT be a loss for Women.
Wow - Guilty until proven innocent.

I wonder if we should apply this standard to all accusations?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Lol speaks of common sense but at the same time shares a view that goes against common sense.

Nice work. No wonder you are so vocal about the social backlash against Heard!
18 Dec 2004
NE England
lolwut? I’m supporting the investigation of any accusation, from man or woman. What I would like to see is more punishment for raises of false accusations.

But you are both well off the mark there, and that’s why this thread is such a train wreck. Wonder if y’all are single and/or have no children.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I’m a firm believer that #BelieveWomen is an appropriate phrase to band around in the current climate. You have to remember that until very recently any claims against a wealthy white man were immediately met with “it’s just a lie to get his money”. Likewise there has been a theme of powerful/rich men getting away with abuse because the victim has considered their fight un-winnable. The downfalls of Saville, Weinstein, Spacey et al are great examples of how rich and powerful men have gotten away with this for decades if not more. The plight of women is a very real one and should be endorsed by everyone.

Absolutely we should believe Women until the evidence proves otherwise.

Cases like Depp go to show how women can be the abusers and that common sense/justice should prevail in these cases too. But a win for Men should NOT be a loss for Women.
The Depp case has shown that believe all women should not be a thing. It has taken Depp millions of dollars, that he will likely never see again, to clear his name. What would have happened if he was not able to fund a court case to clear his name? Your post smacks of sexism and racism; why should only women be believed? Why not men? Why are you only referring to white? What about black men? Why should anyone, regardless of gender or colour be believed unless there is supporting evidence?

Given your support of believing all women, regardless of whether they have evidence, are you OK for you, your son, brother or father, to be accused of physical or sexual abuse? Are you OK that their reputation is destroyed, that they may never be able to work again, or that they could be sent to prison simply on the say-so of another person because they were not able to prove the accuser was lying?

Personally I believe in innocent until proven guilty. That is not to say that an accusation (by a woman or a man) should not be taken seriously and investigated. But the starting point should, and must, be innocent first until evidence shows otherwise.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
lolwut? I’m supporting the investigation of any accusation, from man or woman. What I would like to see is more punishment for raises of false accusations.

But you are both well off the mark there, and that’s why this thread is such a train wreck. Wonder if y’all are single and/or have no children.
But you said:
I’m a firm believer that #BelieveWomen is an appropriate phrase to band around in the current climate.
Which isn't what you are now saying, hence Fez's response and mine to that effect. Also, plenty of us here are either seeing people, have families etc or otherwise, though I see no reasonable reason that can exist that would require knowledge of such info that would make any difference to these cases. Or are you reaching....

If you are trying to make a point, then make sure it makes sense, else it will be broken apart by people.



3 Oct 2008
The tone of this thread and the vitriol is only a problem when its directed towards m'lady, to those that have a problem at least be honest.
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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Absolutely we should believe Women until the evidence proves otherwise.

Absolutely should not, and that's quite an alarming view to take. Innocent until proven guilty.

Cases like these are exactly why what you're saying should not be the case, blatant lying which thankfully has been exposed and the man has managed to get some form of justice
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
AH it's likely to land herself in even more trouble, with the recent interview where she accused Depp of tellies lies and that he absolutely did hit her. Even though a jury had already found the opposite and it was infact her that told the lies.

If Depp was considering the possibility of letting her off the 8m he absolutely should not now. She clearly had not learnt from this.

If Depp had indeed hit her, she competely ruined her chance of justice by her repeated lies under oath and constant escalation of events.

Has she never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?



3 Oct 2008
I’m a firm believer that #BelieveWomen is an appropriate phrase to band around in the current climate. You have to remember that until very recently any claims against a wealthy white man were immediately met with “it’s just a lie to get his money”. Likewise there has been a theme of powerful/rich men getting away with abuse because the victim has considered their fight un-winnable. The downfalls of Saville, Weinstein, Spacey et al are great examples of how rich and powerful men have gotten away with this for decades if not more. The plight of women is a very real one and should be endorsed by everyone.

Absolutely we should believe Women until the evidence proves otherwise.

Cases like Depp go to show how women can be the abusers and that common sense/justice should prevail in these cases too. But a win for Men should NOT be a loss for Women.

Totally did not lie to get his money, meanwhile...

Unsurprised face.

Oh dear..
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