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Threadripper on Zen+ 32 Cores - Launching Q3 2018

29 Jun 2016
So is anything he's saying, on his channel specifically for extreme overclocking, actually relevant?

I'm always torn with Buildzoids stuff.

He does a good job at looking at the macro VRM design, max drain current of FETs, saturation current of inductors, etc. It is a helpful high level brief on what is likely to be good/bad.
What I dislike is the generalisations made based on this information, probably due to a lack of understanding. We all do it (Dunning Kruger), but we don't all distribute our information via Youtube.

Switch Mode Power Supplies can be complex little beasties, where figures such as the the max drain current of a FET and saturation current of the inductors often mean naff all.
It almost always boils down to subtle performance curves of all interacting components and circuits, all of which are impacted by the board design (layout, internal layers, copper floods, etc).

My 2p.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
I'd love to build a 32 core threapripper system. just to have it and all that power.But I just have no use case for it. Be cool though! If I hit the big time I'll build a ballin HEDT system just because.
19 Oct 2008
For all the talk of multi-core use cases in the two vids above (24 and 32 core references mainly) I reckon a high percentage of buyers will buy just for the enjoyment of the tech, just for the hell of it, regardless of whether they really need all those cores.
I've not even put a 1950X to are much use as I thought, mainly due to being busy with work, but still great knowing the processing power is there for when I need it.
5 Sep 2011
Thats a P5 case, if you do not mod the case, it doesn't provide any airflow. So I guess that is normal, especially on the Rampage VI Apex when you overclock those SkylakeX.

On the other hand the monoblock for that motherboard does exist :)

Monoblocks dump heat into the loop, they're purely for asthetics really. There's no real tangible benefit otherwise (if you can use active cooling)
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