Todays London Stabbing/Shooting

To you Londoners, how has this level of crime changed say since the 90's, I assume it's a lot worse for murders/gangs now?

Yes it's worse, I don't care what the statistics say.

Even if the statistics were true that homocides are down since the 90's, they are up in areas that didn't have them before namely my area of Harrow, we had no murders, knife incidents or shootings pre 2004, then we had a massive influx of eastern african and afghan migrants, hardly any of them worked and just hung around the high street selling drugs then boom we had our first murder on the forecourt of a petrol station due to a somali / afghan turf war. Then we've had shootings, a man murdered in broad daylight 5pm a few years ago on the high street. It's always the same culprits but no one wants to acknowledge anything, just stick their fingers in their ears and point at and label the people with the balls to speak the truth, ******* sick of it.
Visiting London at the weekend, getting measured up for the stab vest tomorrow. Was going to go bulletproof as well, but I'm not going to the bad areas so should be ok.
How can the normalisation of broken home and criminal lifestyle not be a contributing factor? It's like pumping out glorified propaganda.


British culture at it's finest, thanks BBC.

English maybe -
Ummmm, the sudden front page news stories of all the major papers, BBC etc. Sajid Javids comments.

If you can't see a difference in how it's being reported pre and post weekend then I'm very surprised.
There's definitely an increased feeling of hopelessness these days. I'm sure many of us have noticed it (unless we're middle-class or above).

I think that is partly attributable to the growing wealth divide in this country. People see the top earners getting massive pay rises, and they see their own pay stagnating. Or they're losing their jobs; forced to be "self-employed" (a nice little scam, that).

Economists say this increasing inequality is unsustainable, but nobody seems to be listening. The wealth divide continues to grow.

For the last 10 years income inequality has been slowly falling in the UK.
Genetic you say...?
Ummmm, the sudden front page news stories of all the major papers, BBC etc. Sajid Javids comments.

If you can't see a difference in how it's being reported pre and post weekend then I'm very surprised.
Yeah I can definitely tell it's being reported differently. I don't mind though, there is a definite difference between people who engage with this culture, han out with the sort of people and put themselves into situations where they know that people are carrying knives, getting killed, and a girl sat with her friends being stabbed to death in a park. It is a tragedy each time anyone is stabbed to death, but it's hardly any surprise that the general public stand up and take notice if people completely detached from that culture are being targeted.
For the last 10 years income inequality has been slowly falling in the UK.
If you believe the ONS figures. But there are various articles explaining that the ONS figures are being manipulated, and deliberately exclude the earnings of the top 1%.

The ONS has become a tool for government propaganda.
Largely because unless you're part of a very discrete sub-culture you're unlikely to be a target.

More than that, this 'balance' thread isn't about MASS stabbings, just stabbings, the US mass shooter thread has, from what I recall of it, never featured general gangland killings.

the thing that makes mass shootings scary is, while there is a wholly terrible amount of gun crime in the states and murders involving guns, the massive majority of it is one gang fighting another. If you live in a middle class suburb of Denver your chances of being shot in a drive by in a gang turf war are about 0.00000000000001%, where as if you are part of a gang and live in Compton your chances of being shot are dramatically higher. For a random psycho who decides to gun down his office where your wife/husband works, or a nutjob who opens fire in a school, or decides to start shooting from a bell tower on a college campus then the chances of you dying from such a situation in that same suburb in Denver is far higher than normal gang crime.

In other words gang crime scares primarily people on other gangs, their families and those who are stuck living in such areas, 90% of the rest of the US population doesn't fear gang crime and as such mass shooters become one of their day to day fears because gangs don't target random people living in other places but mass shooters target anyone. That's the reason they are reasonably terrorist acts, they drive fear into the masses and that is really their end goal.

This is why a general stabbing thread is stupid and not balanced of equivalent, because the main people who fear knife crime are gang members and those who live around gang culture, everyone else doesn't fear being stabbed at all.
The poverty explanation is backwards

Male gets born into single parent family. Statistically now more likely to be poor and has no male role model to influence behaviour or work ethic. Male falls in with local groups in same situation. No connection to traditional community or culture so aggressively pursues fast wealth and notority with no consideration for effect or damage it has on others.

Zero interest in education, sustainable wealth or creating a nuclear family.

Sees other older males as role models who have superficial wealth and notority. Older males exploit that. Get indoctrinated into heavily mysoganistic, homophobic and violent sub culture. Eat, sleep repeat.

You can't legislate or arrest your way out of that
This is why a general stabbing thread is stupid and not balanced of equivalent, because the main people who fear knife crime are gang members and those who live around gang culture, everyone else doesn't fear being stabbed at all.
Well, yes they do, especially when it could possibly involve their totally innocent non gang affiliated children sat in a park.
Fingers in ears and pretending it's not a problem is why it has escalated so much. Hopefully things will change now.
Well, yes they do, especially when it could possibly involve their totally innocent non gang affiliated children sat in a park.
Fingers in ears and pretending it's not a problem is why it has escalated so much. Hopefully things will change now.

Exactly this. It’s got way beyond different bunches of ferals knifing each other over postcodes and minor league drug deals. People who have zero connection to the above are now being targeted for no reason other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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