Today's mass shooting in the US

For some context on how low that number is -

US Deaths in 2020:

42,000 killed by falls

40,500 killed in vehicle accidents

87,000 killed accidental poisioning

So gun deaths have a way to go yet before they get high enough to be called a "problem" in the US, irrespective of our feelings about it.

Figures from the National Centre for Health Statistics which is part of the CDC -
Difference between accidents and intentionional gunning.

When you drive a vehicle or climb a ladder you accept a risk you might have an accident. When little Jimbob is dropped off at nursery his mum isn't expecting his brains pumped through his eyeballs with AR bullets.
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Israel did have a problem with school shootings so they did something about it. But that was all in pre-internet days. Like 1974 - the Ma'a lot massacre.
As for arming teachers, from here:
As pointed out, attacks were terrorist attacks, certainly the case with the Ma'a lot attack which was Palestinian terrorists ( and similarly with the Yeshiva attack in 2008.

And as @Rai200 mentioned, it's armed guards not teachers placed in some schools or they rely on armed police for response.

Gun ownership is also relatively low due tight restrictions,

Saw similar posts on socials so understandable @Quartz you thought teachers and teens were wondering around with firearms "protecting" schools.
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So what? They're still attacks.
It's not comparable given most school shootings in the states are done by their own. But even if you skew the data that much to include terrorism and all form of attacks to fit your narrative, attacks on Israeli schools is still drastically lower than America.

Reread point 2.
You can reread that point until the end of time, still doesn't make it true.

I don't think teens are armed.
Good but there's plenty of social posts and NRA supporters that believe that's the case.
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I guess nobody even bothers talking about it anymore,

I suppose on the other hand, there isn't really much left to say that hasn't already been said..

2022 15:11, UK

Sky only posted it a few mins ago, so doubt anyone had a chance to talk about it.
Time to just let the US get on with it. They're happy enough with this, or it would have been stopped years ago.
If they're happy letting their citizens shoot each other up daily, why shouldn't I be?
3 were shot dead last week at a college shooting, I didn't even here about it until yesterday when I was watching the US college football.
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