You mean conservative leaning white folk are sick of everytime there is a tragedy, they instantly become the scapegoats for it with people jumping up and down claiming this was a result of “white supremacists” before a single FACT about what occurred has even been determined.
Is there ever any backtrack, any apologies, any retractions? Nothing. They just spewed their hate without any repercussion and those get called "fragile little whiners" for having to take it.
The people that push it constantly are the real racists, and you're proof that the constant divisiveness works with that comment
I'm sorry you're right, your post shows you aren't a little regressive rightie whiner, but a
massive regressive rightie whiner
"Waaah, waaah, waaah" what are you blithering on about. ITT not a single person mentioned anything about the race or creed of the perpetrator until one of the usual suspects tried to play the victim card the right love now, by saying how now it wasn't a white man it would be forgotten about, herp.
So I assume what you and the others are whittling on about is what some divs on twitter are saying? Oh dear, how sad. I thought you lot were all about freedom of speech and the right to say offensive stuff? Hmm? Oh that's right, as usual with your type you like to dish it but can't for one second take it.
As your post is a shining example of another common trait you all show, the absolute lack of any self awareness at all.
You mean conservative leaning white folk are sick of everytime there is a tragedy, they instantly become the scapegoats for it with people jumping up and down claiming this was a result of “white supremacists” before a single FACT about what occurred has even been determined.
Is there ever any backtrack, any apologies, any retractions? Nothing. They just spewed their hate without any repercussion
Hmm, who can remember the years, on this forum, whenever there was a mass attack reported the usual regressive righties would be on the thread immediately with "Religion of peace" "Dem muslims at it again" "bet it was the usual suspects" etc etc and when it turned out not to be, was there any backtrack, any apologies, any retractions? Nothing. They just spewed their hate without any repercussion.
And lets not forget, no-one ITT made any assumption on the perpertrator of this shooting, just discussed what another appaling tragedy had occured in the US due to their massive issue with guns.
So yea, my care cup is completely empty for your typical little regressive rightie whining.