The problem is that anything meaningful needs to be bipartisan and pass both houses.
The Republicans and the NRA however don't want to do anything about it because the NRA makes money from the fear of the "other" and selling guns, whilst the Republicans make money by doing whatever the NRA tell them to do and claiming guns aren't an issue and everyone should have the right to carry whatever they want without training or checks at all times (whilst quietly banning them at their events).
The Republicans have at least more largely stayed consistent on their view on firearms.... mostly pro second amendment.
The Democrats on the other hand seem hell bent on following a course that, whether intentionally or not, has seen gun ownership rates increase quite heavily in the US. With some previously less well armed demographics seeing some of the biggest increases.
In the past few years we have seen Democrats tacitly support if not actively cheered on mass fatal riots, unlawful and lawless 'autonomous zones' and Marxist agitators. Whilst also witnessing senior democrats
push insane gender ideology and socialism
Senior Democrats have also repeatedly spread false narratives around incidents that had led to mass disorder years after the facts were established.
And what have the Democrats got to say in response with regards to the rhetoric coming from the Republicans?
Hysterically go on about a supposed 'insurrection', in one of the most heavily armed countries in the world, where almost none of the alleged belligerents brought firearms and the only person shot was one of the crowd (not unjustifiably in my mind but that's a separate matter).
Of course it should come as no surprise that some of the biggest rises have come from those either less able to defend themselves or more likely to be in the riot zones whilst the senior Democrats cheering on the mayhem are shielded in their gated communities.
During 2020, amid the pandemic, civil unrest over social justice issues, and a contested election, more people bought guns—and most were women, according to recent news reports.
It's entirely rational to tell then Democrats to go do one every time they bring increased gun control to the table because the facts are that it is the Democrats and their base that have shifted the most over the past 30 years or so, and then with the biggest swing int he last decade, not the Republicans.
The trend was also well underway before the 45th president came into office so you can't claim he's the cause. In deed more the reaction would appear to be the case.
We all understand our country is politically divided - what does that look like from an empirical view?
The Democrats need to address the extremism in their own ranks before any meaningful progress can be made re gun control