Just talk around it as per usual.
I'm not quite sure what you would expect me to comment on re the immediate facts at hand.
Person apparently walks up to a door quite late at night and knocks on it/ rings doorbell.
Owner attends door with gun and shoots him.
In the UK, unless the first person was breaking into the address at the time, this would be a clear cut case.
Of course in this case there are conflicting accounts and so any case should rely on whether reasonable doubt can be shown for the prosecution case..
According to a probable cause statement, Mr Lester told police he was in bed when he heard the doorbell ring and so he grabbed a handgun.
When he saw Ralph, he claimed he was “scared to death” at the boy’s size and feared he was unable to defend himself given his elderly age.
He claimed he thought the boy was trying to break in and so shot twice through his exterior glass door, the documents state.
However, Ralph told police from his bed at Children’s Mercy Hospital that he did not pull the door – but only pressed the doorbell.
A Black teenager went to pick up his younger brothers from a friend’s house, accidentally rang the doorbell at the wrong address and was shot twice by a white homeowner. Now, protesters, celebrities and civil rights figures are demanding justice. Rachel Sharp reports
However, as already mentioned in this thread, there have been previous cases in the US with similair circs like in the De Vries case where the shooter never faced criminal prosecution.
Needles to say I think the US situation around guns and use of force is somewhat different to that in the UK and not one I would seek for us to emulate.
But what we do have with this case is the same old media malarkey.
The people writing these articles ultimately want clicks (as so few people actually buy papers or otherwise pay to read the news they consument so it's all about advertising)
And guess what they know if they use 'odd' epithets like this whilst amplifying often not well founded claims of other people's racial animus that the article will generate more interest and hence more clicks.
Basically we have incetivised the media to engage in weird reporting practices like this based on the races of the persons involved because it means there articles are shared more widely and hence generate more advertising revenue.