Today's mass shooting in the US

nope still at large, I wonder if he's killed himself somewhere remote

A chance they want to off themselves somewhere familiar or memorable to them, but more normally these people either off themselves at the scene, are cowards and surrender or suicide by cop.

So far seem to be suggestions of active evasion which tends to mean they don't want to die, or they'll off themselves when cornered.

EDIT: "Surveillance video shows suspected gunman shooting inside of Las Vegas luxury condo complex" - only in the US could he be back out from jail in only days...

Sums up many of the issues with the US though - he obviously has some mental health issues and in this country, even with more relaxed regulations, his chances of getting anywhere near a gun would be incredibly small in comparison.

Also amazing how rapidly he has a change of heart when bullets are going the other way...
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Why would he do that. The ****, make it private maybe to be used for investigation if necessary I don’t know, but deleting and scrubbing all information? Why.

It’s so stupid.

I'm surprised the US doesn't have a law making companies hold all information for a certain period of time like the UK, would have thought after 9/11 that would have been on the list of legislation.
When most of the American population have access to guns, it takes all 300 million to behave themselves all day, every day, to have no gun deaths. It only takes one to flip out for a few minutes, and you have a massacre.
There are literally millions of people in the world with potentially dangerous mental issues. The problem is that 99.99% are functional, apparently normal people, and you wouldn't know them from any other law-abiding citizen. They are held in place by social pressures and the law. But you would do well not to trust them with a military style weapon.
America has to face the face that saying these people are mentally ill is not a solution, rather it is an indicator of how impossible it is to stop these massacres without some form of gun control.
I'm surprised the US doesn't have a law making companies hold all information for a certain period of time like the UK, would have thought after 9/11 that would have been on the list of legislation.
Fort Meade will have it all anyway whether Musk wants them to or not, but it really ought to not be maliciously deleted to save face when the public have a right to access it.
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Fort Meade will have it all anyway whether Musk wants them to or not, but it really ought to not be maliciously deleted to save face when the public have a right to access it.
It's not the public wanting to see it that should if it was deleted by anyone other than the suspect be an issue, it's law enforcement who'll likely take a very dim view of anyone who has deleted what potentially could have included evidence to a major crime and thus deliberately hindering an investigation.

Now hopefully if it was anything done at Twitter's end it'll simply be that it's effectively been hidden from the public, but if it's actually been deleted by anyone at Twitter that could very easily be seen as destroying potentially important evidence.
Isnt the social media of any shooter scrubbed on request of law enforcement? I remember the tranny shooter had their sm deleted.
Isnt the social media of any shooter scrubbed on request of law enforcement? I remember the tranny shooter had their sm deleted.
It is obviously "deleted" in the sense that it is no longer accessible by the public, though it is not normally deleted or scrubbed in a permanent way as often the information is used as evidence in any subsequent trial.
Schizophrenia with access to guns what a lovely mix.

When will Americans come together for the greater good and give up there guns, if they dont make an effort now generations and familys to come will suffer its just endless cycle every year.

How has this guy not been caught still on the run.
In relevance to us:

When will the British come together for the greater good and give up there Knives, if they don't make an effort now generations and families to come will suffer its just endless cycle every year.
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