Today's mass shooting in the US

Criminals will always have guns. That is the reality. So if we accept that reality then we have to come up with a solution. At the moment everyone is for banning things (that they don't use) and nobody tries to solve the problem. They just accept being victims.

They really won't. We don't live in the USA, and access to firearms is not easy- that also goes for crims.

I used to know a fair few dodgy characters and, of them, one had a shotty as he was a farming type. He wouldn't have lent his weapon to anyone, for fear of blowback. He was happy to live the life, and didn't need attention.

Most crims just want an easy life. They'll rob your garage if you're not home, but they don't want a fight with homeowner. It's just not worth it.

The sort of crims who have easy access to firearms are, frankly, not interested in civvies.

Edit: my experience is decades old, but stats show thjngs haven't changed much, outside well-known city crime hotspots
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The main reason we don't have guns is because the government would be answerable to the people.

They wouldn't be doing the stuff they do now, robbing us.

Are you on DMT right now? Have you seen how the US government treats its people despite a heavily armed population? US cops literally shoot people to death in the street and get away with it.

Our government is already answerable to the people. You don't need guns for that. It's the beauty of democracy.
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So any news released about the shooter?
Does it even matter?

Whether they're an Islamist (which to be honest I don't think I've heard much of for a while now), Anime-addicted white supremacist or Anime-addicted trans person with some serious anti-social problems I honestly don't think the motives really matter at this point because America has no interest in stopping it.
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Masses of training, requirement for safe storage and mandatory military service including said training.
And IIRC in Sweden whilst you are expected/required to have a gun, you have to account for every round, and they won't let you have one if there are signs you are mentally ill or a danger to others.

The US is about the only "western" country where you can get a gun with basically no one even checking that you can see past the end of the barrel when looking down it, let alone the idea that you should take a class and show you can actually understand how to use it.
so you're confirming your plan would be to just give everyone a gun?
I literally replied to your last post that I would keep the checks.

So everyone wouldn't get a gun.

I'm not advocating the same situation as the US. Because they don't do any checks.

For people questioning my opening post that the government put gun restrictions on to protect itself, look up the British history of gun laws. It is a fact, not an opinion.
I literally replied to your last post that I would keep the checks.

So everyone wouldn't get a gun.

I'm not advocating the same situation as the US. Because they don't do any checks.

For people questioning my opening post that the government put gun restrictions on to protect itself, look up the British history of gun laws. It is a fact, not an opinion.
Ok my bad. So every one who can pass the relevant checks should have a gun? That’s your plan?
Ok my bad. So every one who can pass the relevant checks should have a gun? That’s your plan?
Yes if they want one.

I think regular checks should be made, age restrictions, and calibre restrictions on handguns. Mandatory training and registration at a gun club.

A female friend in the US has a small handgun for safety. All women should have some type of weapon for defence in my opinion (either a gun or make sprays legal).

If a criminal pulls a weapon they should expect to be fired on.
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