Tomb Raider 2: Rise of the Tomb Raider Announced

Don't understand all the hatred! You always need to own both consoles eventually anyway, when there's a PS4 exclusive worth buying I'll get one to go with my X1 (probably Uncharted 4).
Don't understand all the hatred! You always need to own both consoles eventually anyway, when there's a PS4 exclusive worth buying I'll get one to go with my X1 (probably Uncharted 4).

Nonsense. I owned a 360 for a long time and played 2 games on it. Crackdown and Fable 2. Then I never played it again. It's more about what interests and if nothing interests you on the XB1 or vice-versa then it would be daft to buy one.

Tomb Raider 2 certainly interests me but not the to tune of an XB1. It's too much for one game and I know I'll probably pick it up the controller only once a year thereafter.
So nobody cares about TR? LOL

Not exactly the next cod, fifa or gta is it? What was it 6 million sales over 5 different platforms? If SE were disappointed with those sales figures then they're going to have a bad time when they see how much it sells on xbone.

As I said, they should have paid for the next Mass Effect. Very few people will be buying a xbone for Tomb Raider.
The new TR was one of the games I was really looking forward to, the reboot was fantastic on PC.

Certainly won't be buying an XB1 just to play it though.
Don't understand all the hatred! You always need to own both consoles eventually anyway, when there's a PS4 exclusive worth buying I'll get one to go with my X1 (probably Uncharted 4).

If you are someone that wants to play all the big/popular games then yeah you will need the consoles to play them.

I think the majority don't have the free time and/or desire to play all the popular releases though, so they must prioritize where to invest their money and time.

On Topic: I enjoyed the first new TR, but I think the sequel will need to be more challenging to grab my interest. More puzzles and enemy types / AI please!
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Interestingly, I've just looked back at the E3 coverage of TR2 and it actually was announced at the Xbox conference and there wasn't any Sony coverage of it at all as far as I can tell. Also, the trailer doesn't specifiy platforms, it just says coming Holiday 2015. Maybe the gaming media at the time just assumed it would be multi-platform without actually confirming?

I still think it's a strange business move by Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix though. The first game was considered a sales disappointment to begin with, even though it sold 3.4 million units at launch, and it wasn't until the remastered edition that Square Enix were happy with the sales, at which point it had sold over 6 million copies. Only about 2 million of these sales were on MS platforms, so CD/SE are potentially losing out on over 2/3rds of possible sales.
Sorry if I'm being stupid but who or what is CBOAT??

Also, has Neogaf crashed? Doesn't seem to want to load at the moment.

Sorry was watching the Sony Gamescom stream. I'm an occasional lurker on NeoGaf rather than a regular or forum member. But as I understand it he's a forum poster (name is short for something else) who for a long-time was said to be an MS insider who has made some correct predictions about Xbox One and games announcements. Then apparently was outed as a moderator on the forum that works for Valve although that was debunked. So he might actually be a MS insider. A bit of an urban legend on that forum.

Anyone correct me if wrong.

Either way I find it an amusing place when announcements like this happen. A combination of over the top reactions and sometimes very humorous.
Interestingly, I've just looked back at the E3 coverage of TR2 and it actually was announced at the Xbox conference and there wasn't any Sony coverage of it at all as far as I can tell. Also, the trailer doesn't specifiy platforms, it just says coming Holiday 2015. Maybe the gaming media at the time just assumed it would be multi-platform without actually confirming?

I still think it's a strange business move by Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix though. The first game was considered a sales disappointment to begin with, even though it sold 3.4 million units at launch, and it wasn't until the remastered edition that Square Enix were happy with the sales, at which point it had sold over 6 million copies. Only about 2 million of these sales were on MS platforms, so CD/SE are potentially losing out on over 2/3rds of possible sales.

But they very likely received an extremely sizeable sum of money from MS for this exclusivity. Because we don't know the details it's difficult to really analyse whether this was a bad business move or not.

I personally think it's a very shrewd move from MS if this really is console exclusive for a reasonable duration of time.
But they very likely received an extremely sizeable sum of money from MS for this exclusivity. Because we don't know the details it's difficult to really analyse whether this was a bad business move or not.

I personally think it's a very shrewd move from MS if this really is console exclusive for a reasonable duration of time.

It appears to have generated quite a lot of hate of Microsoft again looking over the tinterwebbings. Great for people that have the X1 alreday but I don't think it's a system selling and they may have burned bridges with some people that normally go multi platform (like myself).

It's been one with after another with Microsoft the past 2 years. If I didn't need Windows for my PC gaming I would ditch them completely :p
But they very likely received an extremely sizeable sum of money from MS for this exclusivity.

Exactly. The xbox one version sold the least amount out of any platform iirc and with the ps4 outselling it by a rather large margin, MS must have payed a fortune.

Microsoft should be using the money to build up their first party studios rather than paying to keep third party games off the ps4. They are doing what they did with the 360 and it'll probably end the same as well - no third party games after the first couple years and a underwhelming first party.
It appears to have generated quite a lot of hate of Microsoft again looking over the tinterwebbings. Great for people that have the X1 alreday but I don't think it's a system selling and they may have burned bridges with some people that normally go multi platform (like myself).

It's been one with after another with Microsoft the past 2 years. If I didn't need Windows for my PC gaming I would ditch them completely :p

Wow people hating on MS, how unusual LOL.
MS can't change some of the things it's done this generation but it can certainly go after the games and bring exclusives to it's platform. And this is a popular, established game series amongst core gamers which might equate to selling more Xbox One's. They might have paid a comparatively modest amount of money for this exclusivity for all we know.
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