2.5 hours so far its Lara Croft & the omnipresent QTE events of lame approx 30% is watch lame ingame cutscenes. Whoever made this has been watching way too many poor american TV shows the storytelling is laughable & some of it is obviously stolen from Lost or ANother stranded on an island with fellow shipmates

Last week I saw gameplay videos on youtube which showed its possible to speedrun the SP in under 5 hours on a 360 without collecting the endless hidden items which add nothing to gameplay BTW.
The gameplay is just the std QTE event or limited interaction at least I only wasted £19.99 on this its already close to being dumped near the bottom of my pile of uncompleted games by removing the environmental puzzles of earlier TR games & replacing with lame combat they have removed what makes a TR game IMO this is like RE6 all over again massive hype but nothing to show for it.
If you have very low expectations it will be passable but no more & the gfx in places are pretty poor even on ultra the TressFX is a waste of time none of the other characters have any volume to their hair none could afford a trip to the TressFX saloon

but whatever I am done with this now anyway its obviously been created by commitee going from a cut n paste checklist as its a hodge podge of most multiplatform action adventures from the last 2-3 years but just a very average one with hype dialled up to maximum & the paid for reviewers happy to get the Square Enix cheque