Tomb Raider Thread

It runs on my GTX675m with ultimate settings minus tressFX at 50-60fps so it should run 60+ on a 7970 based setup.
Does this game have much freedom like the original?

Or is it like the Uncharted series where its a pretend freedom and its actually a very linear path with invisible walls and full of 'auto' moments like press space bar at the right time to jump rather than jumping whenever you like and potentially falling off cliffs etc

It's closest to Arkham Asylum. The world itself is huge and lots to explore but there's an on the rails main story to follow with lots of set pieces. There's a fair amount of puzzle gameplay embedded but not like the major tombs in the original series.

Is anyone running this on crossfire?

Ive got 2x 2gb 6950's, i5 2500k and 8gb ram, im kind of hoping to max it out, maybe not with the hair thing though!

It scales pretty well with crossfire. I have a 2x7770 setup that will run it at full whack, 60 fps no problem and it keeps both cards busy (720p). The hair stuff glitches on crossfire.

My other PC with a single 6950 plays it with most stuff turned up except hair at a decent framerate (50fps ish) @ 1920x1200.
kohlditz;2387943 It scales pretty well with crossfire. I have a 2x7770 setup that will run it at full whack said:
Sounds promising, i like to play at 1080 but would turn it down to 720 if needs be :) crysis 3 had me questioning my system is all lol
thoroughly enjoying this, miles better than i thought it'd be, and even though it borrows heavily from the Uncharted series, the combat mechanic is miles better here imo.
Anyone have any opinions on the difficulty of this? (assuming it has difficulty settings) I'm just waiting for it to finish DL'ing on steam and was wondered what to go for for my first play through...I like a challenge
Finally gave in and picked up a copy from Gamestop despite my mouse & keyboard fears. Great news is it controls pretty easy with them. There are surprisingly few keys to be mapped onto the kb so everything is within a pinkies reach :)

I tried hunting a few deer and bunny rabbits with a 360 pad on the other hand and was firing arrows off all over the place, so for the few on this thread who raised similar fears to myself go and get it

Oh yeah, all I'm seeing here are high end i7's and crossfire this and that, I'm running on an older machine. As my interest in games subsided so did my interest in upgrading. I'm running the game on high settings for everything @ 1920 x 1200 and am averaging 43.5fps. Min frame rate dropped to 28.0 whilst it maxed on 52.4 in the benchmark tool. Mt rig is an archaic Core 2 Duo E8500 (3.16ghz) 4gb ddr2 ram and a radeon 5850 1gb and so far everything is as smooth as Lara's bosom :rolleyes:

Have been very pleasantly surprised :)
thoroughly enjoying this, miles better than i thought it'd be, and even though it borrows heavily from the Uncharted series, the combat mechanic is miles better here imo.

I have never played Unchartered but are you sure they didn't borrow originaly from Tomb Raider as the franchise started in 96?
It reminds me of Farcry and Crysis because i have been playing those games lately, all the bow and arrow stuff from Crysis and theres a lot of similer things to Farcry, so i can see why some people might not be impressed if they have played them a lot.
All of you lads who have got 3D Vision, it's immense on this game, superb. One of the few games that actually benefits from it.

Leave the Tress hair off. It flops around way too much and doesn't add anything really.
I have never played Unchartered but are you sure they didn't borrow originaly from Tomb Raider as the franchise started in 96?.

Clearly Tomb Raider was released years before Uncharted, but this iteration of Tomb Raider has borrowed heavily on the advancements that Naughty dog made with UC. either way, great game
Finally gave in and picked up a copy from Gamestop despite my mouse & keyboard fears. Great news is it controls pretty easy with them. There are surprisingly few keys to be mapped onto the kb so everything is within a pinkies reach :)

Have to say I disagree - left<>right movement isn't strafing but turn to face then move which feels like your controlling a disabled character coming from pretty much any game that has half decent keyboard and mouse controls.

Roll/evade/sprint is poorly ported from the console implementation of the action and imprecise on PC also conflicts with crouch in MP as most people would want this on the same key.

Will have to play around with alt fire but from initial experience seems badly designed for keyboard and mouse use and suited to a setup with lots of buttons aka controller.

I won't even get started on the QTEs.
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